25561 |
The last and true speech confession and dying words of Alexander Mac-Daniell, and Philip A-Thoush (alias Malone,) who is to be executed near St Stephen's-Green, this present Saturday being the 24th day of January, 1728-9. ..
Alexander Mac-Daniell
1729 |
Engelska |
25562 |
An essay on man. - By Alexander Pope, Esq; enlarged and improved by the author. With notes, critical and explanatory
Alexander Pope
M,DCC,LXXVI. 1776 |
Engelska |
25563 |
Essai sur l'homme, poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues, Savoir; Anglois, Latin, Italien, François & Allemand
Alexander Pope
Flerspråkigt verk |
25564 |
Charter of the lands of Cocklarachie, - One fourth as well as three fourths by George Marquis of Huntly, with consent of his curators, to John Gordon of Cocklarachie. Dated 17th January 1668
James Gordon, of Cocklarachy
1761? |
Latin |
25565 |
Soteriology as Motivation in the Apocalypse of John
Alexander Stewart
uuuu-uuuu |
Okänt |
25566 |
The works of Alexander Pope, Esq; vol II. part II. - Containing all such pieces of this author as were written since the former volumes, and never before publish'd in Octavo
Alexander Pope
Engelska |
25567 |
Einführung in die Differential- und in die Differenzengleichungen Alexander Lewintan, Peter Lewintan
Alexander author. Lewintan
uuuu-uuuu |
Okänt |
25568 |
The claim of Alexander and Archibald Frasers for the estate of Lovat
Alexander Fraser
1749 |
Engelska |
25569 |
Information for Alexander Miln Corporal, Roderick Mackay, William Ferguson, Nicol Hook, John Thomson, John Brown, Alexander Robertson, Alexander Paton, and James Irvine, centinels, belonging to the city-guard of Edinburgh, pannels; against John Wightman of Maulslie, Esq.; with concourse of His Majesty's advocate, for His Majesty's interest, prosecutor
Alexander Miln, corporal
1758 |
Engelska |
25570 |
James Don, Esq; appellant. Sir Alexander Don of Newton, baronet, respondt. The respondent's case
Alexander Don, Sir
1713 |
Engelska |
25571 |
Hugh Wallace of Ingliston, Esq; appel' Sir Alex. Hope of Kerse, bart. respon' the respondent's case
Alexander Hope, Sir
1714 |
Engelska |
25572 |
A dissertation on quick-lime - Pointing out its origin, properties, use, and application in agriculture. By James Alexander, surgeon. So...d phys. Edin. Sod
James Alexander
Engelska |
25573 |
An essay on man. In four epistles to Henry St John, Lord Bolingbroke
Alexander Pope
M.DCC.LXXVI. 1776 |
Engelska |
25574 |
Athenian wiggery, No. 119, Bishopsgate-Street within, three doors from the London Tavern, and at No. 29, High-Street, Margate. Ross, by great labour and at vast expence, has exerted all the genius and abilities of the first artists in Europe to complete his exhibition of ornamental hair, ..
Alexander Ross, perfumer
1799? |
Engelska |
25575 |
A catalogue of that valuable collection of high finished pictures from London, which are now on sale and exhibition, No 28. west side of the South Bridge, immediately above Mess. Gibson and Co. shop. - Which will be sold by private contract, under the direction of Mr Smith. In this beautiful collection, amongst others of the old mastees, is a capital landscape of salvator rosa, also, a precious small cabinet picture of teniers. Of the modern masters, two by Hogarth, Morland, Ibbitson, Anderson, Frcebaira, Rathbone, the good samaritan by that scarce master John Runciman, with some fancy subjects after nature by rising. A cabinet picture by Loutherberg, truly capital. The whole will be offered to the inspection of the candid. Public, and humbly submitted to their librality and protection. Attendance from ten in the morning till seven at night. Catalogues and admission one shilling allowed to purchasers
(Alexander) Smith, Mr
1785? |
Engelska |
25576 |
An essay on man, being the first book of ethic epistles. To Henry St. John, L. Bolingbroke
Alexander Pope
Engelska |
25577 |
State of the interests and order of ranking of the creditors of the governor and company of undertakers for raising the Thames water in York-buildings
Alexander Mackenzie
Engelska |
25578 |
Saggio sopra l'uomo di Alessandro Pope tradotto dall' originale Inglese in prosa Italiana
Alexander Pope
1783 |
Italienska |
25579 |
The first satire of the second book of Horace, - Imitated in a dialogue between Alexander Pope, of Twickenham in Com Midd. Esq; on the one part, and his learned council on the other
Alexander Pope
1733 |
Engelska |
25580 |
Sermons on various subjects and occasions. - By Alexander Grant, D.D. Minister of the English Episcopal Chapel at Dundee. In two Volumes
Alexander Grant, D.D
1800 |
Engelska |