2541 |
D. Caecilii Cypriani Episcopi Carthaginiensis De vnitate Ecclesiæ - libellus singularis, cum vet. mss. diligenter à Theologis Oxoniensibus collatus. Editus unà cum annotationibus Ieremiae Stephani SS. T. Baccal
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
M.DC.XXXII. 1632 |
Latin |
2542 |
De non temerandis ecclesijs - A tract of the rights and respect due vnto churches. Written to a gentleman, who hauing an appropriate parsonage, imploied the Church to prophane vses, and left the parishioners vncertainly prouided of diuine seruice, in a parish neere there adioyning. By Sr. Henry Spelman Knight
Henry Spelman, Sir
1613 |
Engelska |
2543 |
Precepts, or, Directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, through the whole course thereof: left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne, at his death, who was sometimes Lord Treasurer of this kingdome. Also some other precepts and advertisements added, which sometimes was the iewell and delight of the right Honourable Lord and father to his country Francis, Earl of Bedford, deceased. In two bookes
William Cecil, lord Burghley
1636 |
Engelska |
2544 |
Saint Austins, care for the dead, or his bouke intit'led De cura pro mortuis, translated for the vse of those who ether haue not his volumes, or haue not knowlige in the Latin tungue
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
M.DC.XXXVI 1636 |
Engelska |
2545 |
A looking glasse for England - VVherein those enormities and foule abuses may most euidentlie be seene, which are the destruction and ouerthrow of euery Christian common-wealth. Likewise, the onely meanes howe to preuent such daungers: by imitating the wholsome aduertisements contayned in thys booke. VVhich sometime was the iewell and delight of the right honourable Lorde and father to his countrey, Fraunces Earle of Bedforde, deceassed
Anno. Dom. 1590 |
Engelska |
2546 |
Godly meditations made in the forme of prayers by S. Augustine
ca. 1570? |
Engelska |
2547 |
S. Augustines manuell, - Conteining speciall and picked meditations, and godly paiers. Drawne out of the word of God and writings of the holie fathers, for the exercise of the soule
1604 |
Engelska |
2548 |
A right Christian treatise, entituled S. Augustines praiers: published in more ample sort than yet it hath bin in the English toung; purged from diuers superstitious points; and adorned with manifold places of the S. Scripture, by Thomas Rogers. Wherevnto is annexed Saint Augustines psalter: translated and quoted by the same T.R
1591 |
Engelska |
2549 |
The glasse of vaine-glorie: translated out of S. Augustine by W.P. Doctor of the lawes. With sundry Christian praiers added thereunto
1600 |
Engelska |
2550 |
A pretious booke of heauenlie meditations, called A priuate talke of the soule with God - which who so zealouslie wil vse and pervse, shall feele in his mind an vnspeakable sweetnes of the euerlasting happines; written (as some thinke) by that reuerend, and religious father S. Augustine; and not translated onlie, but purified also, and with most ample, and necessarie sentences of holie scripture adorned, by Thomas Rogers
1597 |
Engelska |
2551 |
The ecclesiasticall history of Theodoret Bishop of Cyrus - Deuided into fiue bookes. VVritten in Greeke aboue twelue hundred yeares agoe: and now translated into our English tongue, for the benefite of our nation
Theodoretos, biskop av Kyrrhos
anno M.DC.XII. 1612 |
Engelska |
2552 |
De non temerandis ecclesiis - A tracte of the rights and respect due vnto churches. Written to a gentleman, who hauing an appropriat parsonage, emploied the Church to prophane vses: and left the parishioners vncertainly prouided of diuine seruice, in a parish neere there adioyning. By Sr. Henry Spelman Knight
Henry Spelman, Sir
1613 |
Engelska |
2553 |
The rule of saynt Augustyne - bothe in Latyn and englysshe, with two exposicyons. And also ye same rule agayn onely in englysshe without latyn
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
M.CCCCC.xxvii. 1527 |
Engelska |
2554 |
A precious booke of heauenly meditations: called, A priuate talke of the soule with God. - Which, who so zealously will vse and peruse, shall feele in his mind an vnspeakable sweetnesse of the euerlasting happinesse
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1629 |
Engelska |
2555 |
Sancti Cæcilii Cypriani Opera
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
1682 |
Latin |
2556 |
S. Ignatii Martyris epistolae genuinae ex Bibliothecâ Florentinâ - adduntur S. Ignatii epistolae, quales vulgo circumferuntur : ad haec S. Barnabae epistola : accessit universis translatio vetus
Ignatios, helgon, biskop av Antiochia
1680 |
Latin |
2557 |
Ignatii, Polycarpi, et Barnabæ, epistolæ atq, martyria - quibus præfixa est de Polycarpi & Ignatii scriptis Jacobi Usserii archiepiscopi armachani dissertatio : quæ in hoc volumine continentur alia, operi præfixa synopsis indicabit
Ignatius av Loyola, helgon
M.DC. XLIII. 1643 |
Latin |
2558 |
S. Cæcilii Cypriani Opera
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
M.DCC. 1700 |
Latin |
2559 |
Digitus dei or God appearing in his wonderfull works - For the conuiction of nullifidians
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1676? |
Engelska |
2560 |
The meditations, soliloquia, and man-ual of the glorious doctor St. Augustine. Translated into English
1686 |
Engelska |