25721-25722 |
A description of Saint Kilda - Giving an account of its situation, extent, soil, product, bays, rocks, adjacent islands, ancient laws and government, religion, customs, and late reformation, by the Rev. Mr. Alexander Buchan late minister there
(flera utgåvor)
Alexander Buchan
Printed in the year, M,DCC,LXXIII. 1773 |
Engelska |
25723 |
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de hydrope. - Quam, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Praefecti; nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicæ decreto; Pro Gradu Doctoratus, summisque in medicina Honoribus ac Privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Alexander Scott, Hibernus. Ad diem 12. Septembris, hora locoque solitis
Alexander Scott
Latin |
25724 |
The structure and physiology of fishes explained, and compared with those of man and other animals. - Illustrated with figures. By Alexander Monro, M.D. fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, and of the Royal Society, and professor of physic, and anatomy, and surgery, in the University of Edinburgh
Alexander Monro
M,DCC,LXXXV 1785 |
Engelska |
25725 |
Case of Alexander Dalrymple, Esq
Alexander Dalrymple
1784 |
Engelska |
25726 |
Geographical essays - In which the food of plants is particularly considered, several new composts recommended, and other important articles of husbandry explained, upon the principles of vegetation
A. (Alexander) Hunter
1773 |
Engelska |
25727 |
Georgical essays - In which the food of plants is particularly considered, several new composts recommended, and other important articles of husbandry explained, upon the principles of vegetation
A. (Alexander) Hunter
1770 |
Engelska |
25728 |
The adventures of Alexander the corrector. The third part. - Giving an account of his wonderful escape from an academy at Bethnal-Green by cutting with a knife the bedstead to which he was chained: and of the dissolution of the pretended Court of the Blind-Bench in the Poultry, and their designs against the corrector. And an account of his application at St. James's palace for the honour of knight-hood, and his conduct at Guildhall as a candidate for one of the representatives in Parliament of this great metropolis. With an account of his law-adventures while he acted the part of a counsellor in the King's-Bench in Westminster-hall. To which is added a history of his love-adventures, with his letters and a declaration of war sent to the amiable Mrs. Whitaker, a lady of a shining character and of great revenues. Interspersed with various religious reflexions, shewing the necessity of appointing a corrector of the people, or of taking some effectual measures for a speedy and thorow reformation
Alexander Cruden
MDCCLV. 1755 |
Engelska |
25729 |
To the worthy liverymen of the city of London. An appendix to the second part of Alexander the corrector's adventures. ..
Alexander Cruden
1754 |
Engelska |
25730 |
An inquiry into the original and consequences of the public debt. By a person of distinction
Alexander Montgomerie Eglinton, Earl of
M.DCC.LIV. 1754 |
Engelska |
25731 |
Collection of plans of ports in the East-Indies. - Published at the charge of the East-India Company in 1779 and 1780, By Dalrymple
Alexander Dalrymple
1787 |
Engelska |
25732 |
Considerations on M. Buache's memoir concerning New-Britain and the North Coast of New-Guinea, by Dalrymple
Alexander Dalrymple
1790 |
Engelska |
25733 |
Appendix to Capt. Ritchie's survey of the Bay of Bengal - Containing Capt. Hayter's instructions for the West Cost of AVA with notes by Capt. Walter Alves. Capt. Alves Journal in the Snow Victoria 1755. Pilot Alexander Wood's letter concerning his draught of the coast of Arackan, &c. Mr. Barth. Plaisted's instructions for the coast of Chittagong. Capt. Ritchie's instructions for the river of Chittagong. Published from MSS. By Dalaymple
1785 |
Engelska |
25734 |
Memorial for Alexander Earl of Galloway, James Fea of Clestren, James Traill younger of Hobister, John Traill of Westness, William Balfour of Trenabie, Archibald Stewart of Burgh, Thomas Traill of Westove, John Traill of Elsness, Thomas Mackenzie of ground-water, David covingtree of Newark, Jerom Denison of Noltland, Thomas Traill of Tirlett, Thomas Loutit of Tenston, Patrick Fea of Airy, Patrick fea of Kirbuster, Mr. Thomas rendal of Breck, Robert Scola of odness, and the Reverend Mr. Robert Scola of Hunten, minister of the gospel at Stronsa, all udalmen, and proprietors of lands and heritages in the Islands of Orkney, pursuers; against James Earl of Morton, defender. ..
Alexander Stewart Galloway, Earl of
1759 |
Engelska |
25735 |
Answers for James Earl of Morton, to the petition of Alexander Earl of Galloway, and sixteen other persons, proprietors in Orkney
James Douglas Morton, Earl of
1759 |
Engelska |
25736 |
The Scots inquisition, - Containing a brief description of the persecution of the presbyterians in Scotland, acted by the instigation of the antichristian prelates and curates, and executed by the scots persecuters, under the govrnment of King Charles II. and the Duke of York. By the Reverend and Learned Mr. Alexander Shiels. To which are added two letters, the first containing an account of the tyrannical and arbitrary government of King Charles II. and the Duke of York. The second, upon the nature of true loyalty, and to whom the same is due, all published by authority in the London-Journal and Edinburgh evening-courant. Also some remarks on a paper published in the caledonian-mercury, October 30th, and November 1. 1745. Casting several malicious and groundless aspersions upon the sufferers
Alexander Shields
1745 |
Engelska |
25737 |
The River Tay. A fragment
Alexander. Glas
1790 |
Engelska |
25738 |
Case of the late election for the boroughs of Anstruther Easter, Anstruther Wester, Kilrenny, Craill, and Pittenweem
Robert Alexander
1766 |
Engelska |
25739 |
Account of a hail storm, which fell on part of the towns of Lebanon, Bozrah and Franklin, on the 15th of July, 1799 - perhaps never equalled by any other ever known, not even in Egypt. By Sherman Dewey. (Copy right secured.)
Sherman Dewey
1799 |
Engelska |
25740 |
The gentlemen's and ladies' diary - or, An almanack, for the year of the Creation, according to sacred writ, 5759. And of the Christian era, 1797. ... Fitted to the latitude and longitude of the town of Boston, in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but will also serve any of the adjoining states, without any sensible variation. By Asa Houghton. Nine lines of verse
Asa Houghton
1796 |
Engelska |