241 |
Information for James Earl of Moray, Lieutenant General James St. Clair of St. Clair Esq; the Honourable James Wemyss of Wemyss Esq; being a quorum of the committee of the Justices of Peace, and freeholders of the county of Fife, for themselves, and in name and behalf of the other Justices of peace, and freeholders of said county; David Gilchrist and David Sibbald burgesses of, and wine merchants in the town of Kinghorn, Alexander Bruce, John Moyes, Walter Demperstoun, Robert Lindsay, John Lawson, David Thomson, David and John Currers, Peter Hands, Richard Cowie, and Peter Lindsay, all burgesses of, chaise and horse hirers in said burgh, pursuers; against the magistrates and town council of said burgh, defenders
James Stuart Moray, Earl of
1761 |
Engelska |
242 |
The works of George Berkeley, D.D., bishop of Cloyne
George Berkeley
1897-98 |
Engelska |
243 |
Memorial for the magistrates and town-council of the Borough of Kinghorn, for themselves, and in behalf of the said community, defenders; against James Earl of Moray, Lieutenant-General James St Clair, and James Wemyss of Wemyss, Esq; justices of peace of the county of Fife, and Alexander Bruce vintner, and ten other persons, inhabitants of the said Borough, pursuers
Kinghorn (Scotland)
1762 |
Engelska |
244 |
Information for James Earl of Moray, Lieutenant General James St. Clair of St. Clair, Esq; the Honourable James Wemyss of Wemyss, Esq; being a quorum of the committee of the Justices of Peace, and freeholders of the county of Fife, for themselves, and in name and behalf of th other Justices of Peace, and freeholders of said county; David Gilchrist and David Sibbald burgesses of, and wine merchants in the town of Kinghorn, Alexander Bruce, John Moyes, Walter Demperstoun, Robert Lindsay, John Lawson, David Thomson, David and John Currers, Peter Hund, Richard Cowie, and Peter Lindsay, all burgesses of, chaise and horse hirers in said burgh, pursuers; against the magistrates and town council of said burgh, defenders
James Stuart Moray, Earl of
1762 |
Engelska |
245 |
Condescendence for James Earl of Moray, for instructing his possession of the Stewartry of Monteith
James Stuart Moray, Earl of
1748 |
Engelska |
246-247 |
Thoughts on finance, suggested by the measures of the present session. By the Earl of Lauderdale
(flera utgåvor)
James Maitland Lauderdale, Earl of
Engelska |
248 |
A sermon preached before the Incorporated Society for the Propogation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts - At their anniversary meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary-le-Bow, on Friday February 15, 1788. By the Honourable and Right Reverend James lord bishop of Lichfield and Coventry
James Cornwallis Cornwallis, Earl
Engelska |
249 |
The substance of a speech made in the House of Peers on Friday, May 13, 1796, - By the Earl of Lauderdale, on the subject of the national finances
James Maitland Lauderdale, Earl of
MDCCXCVI. 1796 |
Engelska |
250 |
Alexander Duke of Gordon, - - - appellant. James Earl Fife, and Archibald Duff of Skelmuir, Esquire, - - - - respondents. The respondents case
James Duff Fife, Earl of
1774 |
Engelska |
251 |
Condescendence for James Earl of Lauderdale, of the titles upon which he claims the two heritable jurisdictions of the bailiery of Lauderdale and regality of Thirlestaine
James Maitland Lauderdale, Earl of
1748 |
Engelska |
252 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the claim of James Earl of Findlater and Seafield, Lord of the regality of Ogilvie, and heritable justiciar within the bound of the said regality, and constable of the Burgh of Cullen, and heritable Bailie of the lands and Barony of Strathilay, part of the regality of the Abbay of Kinloss, made and entered pursuant to an act of the twentieth year of His Present Majesty, intitled, An act for taking away and abolishing the heritable jurisdictions in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for making satisfaction to the proprietors thereof, &c. ..
James Ogilvy Findlater, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
253 |
A proposal for liquidating 66,666,666 2/3 of the 3 per cents, by converting the land tax into a permanent annuity - With cursory observations. Humbly submitted to both Houses of Parliament
James Ogilvie, Earl of Seafield
1797 |
Engelska |
254 |
Objections or defences for His Majesty's advocate in behalf of the Crown, to the claim of James Earl of Lauderdale
1748 |
Engelska |
255 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of James Earl of Lauderdale, ..
James Maitland Lauderdale, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
256 |
Condescendence for James Earl of Findlater and Seafield, for instructing his possession and exercise of the jurisdiction of the constabulary of Cullen
James Ogilvy Findlater, Earl of
1748 |
Engelska |
257 |
Memorial for James Earl of Morton
James Douglas Morton, Earl of
1748 |
Engelska |
258 |
The reasons why I James Earl of Derwentwater thought I might have given scandal to the good people of England, by pleading guilty at my tryal ..
James Radclyffe Derwentwater, Earl of
1716 |
Engelska |
259 |
Defences or objections against the claims of James Earl of Moray
James Stuart Moray, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
260 |
Defences or objections for His Majesty's advocate in behalf of the Crown, against the claim enter'd by the Earl of Morton
James Douglas Morton, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |