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Sökning efter: Jean. Calvin 478 träffar

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281 Thirteene sermons of Maister Iohn Caluine, entreating of the free election of God in Iacob, and of reprobation in Esau - A treatise wherin euery Christian may see the excellent benefites of God towardes his children, and his maruelous iudgements towards the reprobate, firste published in the French toung, & now translated into English, by Iohn Fielde, for the comfort of all Christians Jean Calvin 1579 Engelska
282 Foure sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin - entreating of matters very profitable for our time, as may bee seene by the preface: with a briefe exposition of the LXXXVII. Psalme. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by Iohn Fielde Jean Calvin 1579 Engelska
283 Two and twentie sermons of Maister Iohn Caluin - In which sermons is most religiously handled, the hundredth and nineteenth Psalme of Dauid, by eight verses aparte according to the Hebrewe alphabet. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe by T.S Jean Calvin 1580 Engelska
284 Tvvo and tvventie lectures vpon the fiue first chapters of Ieremiah - With prayers annexed, at the end of euery lecture: by Master Iohn Caluin. Which being faithfully collected form him as hee vttered them in Latine, in the schooles of Geneua, were afterwards translated into French: and now newly turned out of French, into English, with a table at the end, containing the summe and scope of euery lecture Jean Calvin 1620 Engelska
285 VVhether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession thereof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serue - Also what hurt commeth by them that hath receiued the Gospell, to be present at Masse vnto the simple and vnleatned sic John Hooper Anno. M.D.Liii. 1553 the .iii. of October Engelska
286 A commentarie of Iohn Caluine, vpon the first booke of Moses called Genesis: translated out of Latine into English, by Thomas Tymme, minister Jean Calvin Anno. 1578 Engelska
287 A commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the booke of Iosue - finished a little before his death: translated out of Latine into Englishe by W.F. Wherevnto is added a table of the principall matters Jean Calvin 1578 Engelska
288 Commentaries of the diuine Iohn Caluine, vpon the prophet Daniell, translated into Englishe, especially for the vse of the family of the ryght honorable Earle of Huntingdon, to set forth as in a glasse, how one may profitably read the Scriptures, by consideryng the text, meditatyng the sense therof, and by prayer Jean Calvin 1570. Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis Engelska
289 The commentaries of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the Actes of the Apostles, faithfully translated out of Latine into English for the great profite of our countrie-men, by Christopher Fetherstone student in diuinitie Jean Calvin 1585 Engelska
290 A commentarie of M. Iohn Caluine vppon the Epistle to the Philippians - wherein is set out the necessitie and profite of affliction vnto the faithfull, the benefite of God his word, the fruits, of vnitie and humilitie, free iustification by faith in Iesus Christ without our owne merites, the assurance, ioy, and contented mindes of the godlie, and their perseueraunce in godlinesse vnto the end. With many other comfortable and profitable pointes of religion. Translated out of Latine by W.B Jean Calvin Anno. 1584 Engelska
291 A commentarie on the vvhole Epistle to the Hebrevves. By M. Iohn Caluin. Translated out of French Jean Calvin 1605 Engelska
292 An admonicion against astrology iudiciall and other curiosities, that raigne novv in the vvorld: written in the french tonge by Ihon Caluine and translated into English, by G.G Jean Calvin 1561 Engelska
293 Breuis et dilucida de sacramentis ecclesiæ Christi tractatio - in qua & sons ipse, & ratio, totius sacramentatiæ nostri temporis controuersiæ paucis exponitur: naturáque ac uis sacramentorum compendio & perspicuè explicatur, per Ioannem à Lasco, baronem Poloniæ, superintendentem ecclesiæ peregrinorum Londini Jan Łaski An. 1552 Latin
294 A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete - sent vnto the Germanes at such a time as certain great princes went about to bryng alienes into Germany, and to restore the papacy; the kingdom of Antichrist. Etc Now translated into English for a like admonicion vnto all true Englyshe harts; wherby they may learn and know how to consider and receiue the procedinges of the English magistrates and bishops. With a preface of M. Philip Melancthon Martin Luther In the month of May. M.D.Liiii. With the most gracious licence and pruilege of god almightie, king of heauen and earth. 1554 Engelska
295 Catechismus Ecclesiae Geneuensis. Hoc est. Formula erudiendi pueros in doctrina Christi Jean Calvin 1590 Latin
296 The catechisme or manner to teache children the Christian religion - wherin the minister demandeth the question, and the childe maketh answere. Made by the excellent doctor and pastor in Christes churche, Iohn Caluin Jean Calvin M. D. LVI. 1556 Engelska
297 The psalmes of Dauid in meeter, with the prose - Whereunto is added prayers commonly vsed in the Kirke, and private houses: with a perpetuall kalendar, and all the changes of the moone that shall happen for the space of xix. yeeres to come. Duelie calculated to the meridian of Edinburgh Church of Scotland 1611 Engelska
298 The forme of prayers and administration of the Sacramentes, vsed in the Eng. Church at Geneua, approued & receiued by the Churche of Scotland - Wherevnto besides that which was in the former bookes, are also added sundrie other prayers Church of Scotland 1584 Engelska
299 The CL Psalmes of Dauid in English metre - With the forme of prayers, and ministration of the sacraments &c. vsed in the churche of Scotland Church of Scotland 1575 Engelska
300 Sermons of M. Iohn Caluin, vpon the x. Commandementes of the Lawe, giuen of God by Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue. Gathered worde for worde, presently at his sermons, when hee preached on Deuteronomie, without adding vnto, or diminishing from them any thing afterward. Translated out of French into English, by I.H Jean Calvin 1581 Engelska

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