3061 |
A declaration of the treaty at Newport in the Isle of VVight, between the Kings most Excellent Majesty, and the commissioners, - declaring their unanimous and joyfull proceedings for peace, His Majesties signing the propositions, and knighting of Mr. Denzill Hollis, and Mr. Iohn Glyn, recorder of the City of London. With the Earl of Northumberlands declaration to the King, and His Majesties propositions in answer thereunto, and declaration concerning the Levellers of England
1648 |
Engelska |
3062 |
The Earle of VVarvvicks summons to the Kings fleet at Gowry, - and Prince Charles his answer. With His Lordships reply. And a declaration by the Hollanders, concerning the Prince and his Lordship. Also the taking of the Lord Jermin his ship, and another ship of the Irish rebels, by the Earle of Warwicke. And a great victory against the Scots
Robert Rich Warwick, Earl of
1648 |
Engelska |
3063 |
His Highnesse the Prince of VVales His answer to the Earle of Warwicks summons. - sent by Major Humphry Bosvvell, the 22. of September 1648. stilo novo: with the Earle of Warwicks desire to meet the Lord Willoughby. Another paper of the Earl of Warwicks, in answer to the Princes. A letter of Dorizlaus's intercepted, going to the Earle of Warwick, concerning the arresting of the Constant Warwick, and the captain, being prevented by the same letter. Also the Princes coming to his navy, with 10000.l. for the sea-men; and the Hollanders joyning with the Prince
Karl, II, kung av England
Printed in the yeere 1648 |
Engelska |
3064 |
A letter sent to the Earl of Warwick, from the captain, officers, and company of His Majesties ship called the Lyon, - declaring their resolution for the service of the Parliament, with the Earl of Warwicks answer thereunto. 7 Julii, 1648. Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliameut sic, that this letter from Sir George Ayscue, and the Lord Admirals answer to it, be forthwith printed. H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
1648 |
Engelska |
3065 |
A letter from the navy vvith the Earle of Warwick, Lord Admirall: from Hellevoyt Sluice, Novemb. 24. 1648. - Being a narrative of his proceedings, in reducing the revolted ships with the Prince: viz. The Constant Warwick, carrying 32 guns. The Love, 38 guns. The Hinde, 18 guns. The Satisfaction, 28 guns. A ship laden with sugars. A catch, and other small vessels. Also, the present condition of the Prince, Duke of Yorke, Prince Rupert, and the rest of the cavallerie in Holland, and from France
1648 |
Engelska |
3066 |
The remonstrance and declaration of His Excellencie Robert E. of VVarwick, Lord High Admirall of England; - concerning the King, Parliament, Army, and kingdome. And his protestation and resolution, to the citizens of London, and all other His Majesties liege people, touching his engagement, for religion, Parliament, and kingdome. Subscribed, Warwick. Also, a letter and declaration from the Navy, to the apprentices of the City of London, and the mariners and water-men upon the river of Thames; containing their full resolution touching the Army. With the desires and proposals of the citizens of London, to his Excellency the Lord Gen. Fairfax, touching the horse and foot who are quartered in the city, and the general answer thereunto
Robert Rich Warwick, Earl of
1648 |
Engelska |
3067 |
A declaration of His Excellency Robert E. of Warwick Lord High Admirall of England, - concerning the uniting of the two navies, and restoring of the Kings Majesty, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York and the rest of the royall issue to their just rights and privledges. And his resolution touching all those who endeavour to obstruct the treaty, and hinder the setling of truth, and happy peace, in this unsetled church and kindome. With His Majesties last and finall propositions to all loyall and reasonable subjects. Subscribed Charles R
Robert Rich Warwick, Earl of
1648 |
Engelska |
3068 |
The speech, of Phillip Herbert, late Earl of Pembroke. At his admittance (as a member) into the honorable House of Commons, in Parliament assembled. Aprill 16th. 1649. - After he had been duely elected a burgess for Berkshire instead of Sir Francis Pile, lately deceased
Philip Herbert Pembroke, Earl of
Printed in the year. 1649 |
Engelska |
3069 |
The Earle of Darby's speech on the scaffold, - immediately before his execution at Bolton in Lancashire, on Wednesday, October 15. 1651. Exactly taken in short-hand, as it was spoken; and now published for the satisfaction of those that desire to be truly informed
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1651 |
Engelska |
3070 |
The perfect tryall and confession of the Earl of Derby, - at a court-marshall holden at Chester the first day of October, in the year of our Lord God, 1651. By vertue of a commission from His Excellency the Lord General Cromwel. With his speech and plea in defence of his life, delivered at the barr; and his sentence to be beheaded in the market-place of Beulton in Lancashire on Wednesday next; his letter to his Lady concerning the same, and the government of the Island; as also capt. Youngs summons, and her resolute answer. Likewise, the tryal of Sir Timothy Fetherstonhaugh, and his sentence to be beheaded at Chester, and Captain Benbow to be shot at Shrewsbury. Together with the charge of high treason against coi. sic Vaughan, Lieu. Col. Jackson, C. Massey, Dr. Drake, M. Case, M. Jackson, and M Jenkins. With the Parliaments directions to the High-Court of Justice for their tryall this present Friday
Edward Stanley Derby, Earl of
1651 |
Engelska |
3071 |
The true speech delivered on the scaffold by Iames Earl of Derby, - in the market-place at Boulton in Lancashire, on vvednesday last, being the 15. of this instant October, 1651. With the manner of his deportment and carrage on the scaffold: his speech concerning the King of Scots. And his prayer immediately before his head was severed from his body. As also his declaration and desires to the people. Likewise, the manner how the King of Scots took shipping at Graves-end, on the fourth of this instant October, with Captain Hind, disguised in sea-mens apparel, and safely arrived at the Hague in Holland. Published by Authority
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1651 |
Engelska |
3072 |
The Lord Loudouns speech to the English commissioners at Edenburgh, - with the treaty between the Grand Committee of Scotland, and the commissioners from the Parliament of England. Severall papers delivered to the estates, and the answers returned back to the English commissioners. Also orders from the Kirk to all ministers in Edenburgh, and parts adjacent, and instructions for their humiliation. And the Scots commissioners papers concerning the King, the Parliament of England, and the army. March 1. 1647. Imprimatur Gil. Mabbot
William. Rosse
1648 |
Engelska |
3073 |
The speech of Phillip Herbert, late Earle of Pembrook and Montgomery, - in the House of Commons, upon passing an act for a day of thanks-giving, for Colonel Jone's victory over the Irish; as it was delivered word for word, and oath for oath
Philip Herbert Pembroke, Earl of
Printed in the yeer, 1649 |
Engelska |
3074 |
A declaration of the Right Honourable, James, Earle of Darby, Lord Stanly, Strange of Knocking, and of the Isle of Man. Concerning his resolution to keep the Isle of Man for His Majesties service, against all force whatsoever. - Together with His Lordships letter, in answer to Commissary Generall Ireton
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
Printed in the yeare, 1649 |
Engelska |
3075 |
A message sent from the Earl of Derby Governour of the Isle of Man, - to his dread soveraign, Charles the II, King of Scotland; and his Lordships declaration to his Majesty, concerning the Treaty, and Major Generall Ireton, with the discovery of a strange and dangerous design against the Parliament, the Lord Lieut. Cromwell, Major Gen. Ireton; and his resolution to sacrifice his life, rather then to sell his loyalty. Also, the proposals of the said Major Gen. Ireton, to the Earl of Derby, his Lordships answer thereunto, and a true account of the strange and incredible relation of his seizing upon his person, and sending him for a present to the Prince. Together with the last intelligence from Dublin
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1649 |
Engelska |
3076 |
The royall apologie: or, An ansvver to the declaration of the House of Commons, - the 11. of February, 1647. In which they expresse the reasons for their resolutions for making no more addresses, nor receiving any from His Majesty
Kenelm Digby, Sir
Imprinted in the Yeere, 1648 |
Engelska |
3077 |
The answer of the Parliament of England, to a paper, entituled, a declaration by the Kings Majesty, - to his subjects of the kingdoms of Scotland, England and Ireland. Printed at Edinburgh, 1650. Whereunto is annexed, copies of four letters to the King of Scotland, which were found in the Lord Loudouns cabinet. Die Veneris, 20 Septem. 1650. Ordered by the Parliament, that this answer and letters be forthwith printed and published. Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti
England and Wales
1650 |
Engelska |
3078-3079 |
Of the internal and eternal nature of man in Christ
(flera utgåvor)
William Herbert Pembroke, 3rd Earl of
1654 |
Engelska |
3080 |
A letter from a true and lawfull member of Parliament, and one faithfully engaged with it, from the beginning of the war to the end. - To one of the lords of his highness councell, upon occasion of the last declaration, shewing the reasons of their proceedings for securing the peace of the Commonwealth, published on the 31th of October 1655
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
Printed in the year 1656 |
Engelska |