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Sökning efter: Jean. Calvin 478 träffar

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301 Le catechisme de Geneue - c'est à dire le formulaire d'instruire les enfans en la Chrestienté fait en maniere de dialogue, ou le ministre interrogue, & l'enfant respond. Par M. Iean Caluin Jean Calvin 1552 Franska
302 Institutionis Christianæ religionis a Ioanne Caluino conscriptæ, epitome. In qua aduersariorum obiectionibus breues ac solidæ responsiones annotantur. Per Guilielmum Launeum in ecclesia Gallicana ministrum Jean Calvin 1583 Latin
303 An abridgement of the Institution of Christian religion, written by M. Iohn Caluin. Wherein briefe and sound answers to the obiections of the aduersaries are set downe: by William Lawne minister of the word of God. Faithfully translated out of Latine into English by Christopher Fetherstone minister of the word of God Jean Calvin 1587 Engelska
304 The lectures or daily sermons, of that reuerend diuine, D. Iohn Caluine, pastor of the Church of God in Geneua, vpon the prophet Ionas, by N.B. student in Diuinitie. Whereunto is annexed an excellent exposition of the two last epistles of S. Iohn, done in Latin by that worthy doctor, August. Marlorate, and englished by the same N.B Jean Calvin 1578 Engelska
305 The forme of prayers and ministration of the sacraments, &c. vsed in the Englishe Congregation at Geneua - and approued, by the famous and godly learned man, Iohn Caluyn Switzerland) English Church (Geneva M.D.LVI. 1556 Engelska
306 Geneua. The forme of common praiers vsed in the churches of Geneua - the mynystracion of the sacramentes, of baptisme and the Lordes supper: the vysitacion of the sycke: and the Cathechisme of Geneua: made by master Iohn Caluyne. In the ende are certaine other godly prayers priuately to be vsed: translated out of frenche into Englyshe. By William Huycke. Certayne graces be added in the ende, to the prayse of God, to be sayde before or after meales Eglise de Genève the. vii. day of Iune. 1550 Engelska
307 Catechismus ecclesiæ Geneuensis, hoc est, formula erudiendi pueros in doctrina Christi Jean Calvin M. D. LXII. 1562 Latin
308 The catechisme, or maner to teache children the Christian religion. Made by the excellent doctor and pastor in Christes churche Ihon Caluin. wherein the minister demaundeth the question, and the childe maketh aunswere Jean Calvin 1582 Engelska
309 Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the.X.Commandementes of the Lawe, geuen of God by Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue. Gathered word for word, presently at his sermons, when he preached on Deuteronomie, without adding vnto, or diminishing from them any thing afterward. Translated out of Frenche into English, by I.H Jean Calvin 1579 Engelska
310 Two godly and learned sermons, made by that famous and woorthy instrument in Gods church, M. Iohn Caluin. Which sermons were long since translated out of Latine into English, by M. Robert Horne late Byshop of Winchester, at what time he suffered exile from his country, for the testimony of a good conscience, as his apology in the beginning of the booke will witnes. And because these sermons haue long lyen hidden in silence, and many godly and religious persons, haue beene very desirous of them: at theyr earnest request they are nowe published by A.M Jean Calvin 1584 Engelska
311 Two epystles - one of Henry Bullynger, wyth the consent of all the learned men of the Churche of Tygury: an other of Iohan Caluyne, chefe preecher of the church of Geneue: whether it be laufull for a chrysten man to communicate or be partaker of the masse of the papysts, without offending God and hys neyghbour or not Heinrich Bullinger Anno 1548 Engelska
312 An epistle both of Godly consolacion and also of aduertisemente - written by Iohn Caluine the pastour and preacher of Geneua, to the righte noble prince Edwarde Duke of Somerset, before the time or knowledge had of his trouble, but delyuered to the sayde Duke, in the time of hys trouble, and so translated out of frenshe by the same Duke hymselfe, in the tyme of his impriesonmente Jean Calvin the .v. day of Aprill, 1550 Engelska
313 A faythful and moost Godlye treatyse concernynge the most sacret sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of oure sauioure Christe, compiled by Iohn Caluyne, a man of no lesse lernyng and literature, then Godlye studye, and example of liuyng. And translated into Latyne by Latius a man of lyke excellencie. Aand nowe laste of all translated into Englyshe by a faythfull brother, no less desirous to profyt the weake brothers then to exercise the talent of the Lorde to this honoure and glorye. In declaration whereof, he hath set before this litle booke an Epistle to the reader much more effectuous then in the fyrst edicion. Wherunto the order that the Churche and congregation of Christ in Denmarke doth vse at the receiuinge of Baptisme, the supper of the Lorde, and wedlocke: is added. Myles Couerdale Jean Calvin 1548? Engelska
314 Of the life or conuersation of a Christen man, a right godly treatise, wyrtten sic in the latin tonge, by maister Iohn Caluyne, a man of ryghte excellente learnynge and of no lesse godly conuersation. Translated into English by Thomas Broke Esquier Paymaister of Douer. Anno M. D. XLix. The first day of Ianuary Jean Calvin 1549 Engelska
315 A short instruction for to arme all good Christian people agaynst the pestiferous errours of the common secte of Anabaptistes. Compiled by mayster Iohn Caluine Jean Calvin 1549 Engelska
316 A commentarie vpon S. Paules epistles to the Corinthians. Written by M. Iohn Caluin: and translated out of Latine into Englishe by Thomas Timme minister Jean Calvin 1577 Engelska
317 The forme of prayers and ministration of the Sacramentes, &c. vsed in the Englishe congregation at Geneua - and approued, by the famous and godly learned man. M. Iohn Caluin Switzerland) English Church (Geneva 1561 Engelska
318 Tvvo Godly and notable sermons preached by the excellent and famous clarke, master Iohn Caluyne, in the yere. 1555 - The one concernynge pacience in aduersitie: The other touchyng the most comfortable assurance of oure saluation in Chryste. Iesu. Translated out of Frenche into Englyshe Jean Calvin 1560? Engelska
319 Sermon of Maister Iohn Caluin, on the historie of Melchisedech - Wherein is also handled, Abrahams courage in rescuing his nephew Lot: and his Godliness in paying tithes to Melchisedech. Also, Abrahams faith, in belieuing God: comprehending foure sermons. And, Abrahams obedience, in offering his sonne Isaack; in three sermons. Translated out of French, by Thomas Stocker, Gent Jean Calvin 1592 Engelska
320 Sermons of Iohn Caluin, vpon the songe that Ezechias made after he had bene sicke - and afflicted by the hand of God, conteyned in the 38. chapiter of Esay. Translated out of Frenche into Englishe. 1560 Jean Calvin 1560 Engelska

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