3181 |
Iames by the grace of God king of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. .. - whereas Iohn Pinnell, Robert Trow, Robert Baxter, Edward Frier and 18 others ... makers of playing cards within our realme of England
England and Wales
1615 |
Engelska |
3182 |
Pacata Hibernia - Ireland appeased and reduced, or, An historie of the late warres of Ireland : especially within the province of Mounster, vnder the government of Sir George Carew ... wherein the siedge of Kinsale, the defeat of the Earle of Tyrone, and his armie, the expulsion and sending home of Don Juan de Aguila ... and many other remarkeable passages of that time are related illustrated with seventeene severall mappes, for the better understanding of the storie
Thomas Stafford, Sir
1634 |
Engelska |
3183 |
A true copie of His Maiesties license granted to Iames Maxwell, Esquire, for the buying and transporting of calue-skinnes
England and Wales
1622 |
Engelska |
3184 |
A declaration of the resolutions of His Majesties forces, published by the Marquisse of Clanrickard against the Parliament of England also a declaration signed by the officers in Vlster. And a copy of a letter from Collonell Jones to the Lord Inchequeen
Ulick de Burgh Clanricarde, Earl of
1648 |
Engelska |
3185 |
The third speech of the Lord George Digby, to the House of Commons - concerning bishops, and the citie petition, the 9th. of Febr: 1640
George Digby Bristol, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3186 |
The monarchicke tragedies By Sr W. Alexander Knight
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
1616 |
Engelska |
3187 |
The commentaries of Don Lewes de Auela, and Suníga, great master of Aranter - which treateth of the great vvars in Germany made by Charles the fifth Maximo Emperoure of Rome, King of Spain, against Iohn Frederike Duke of Saxon, and Philip the Lantgraue of Hesson with other gret princes and cities of the Lutherans, wherein you may see how god hath preserued this vvorthie and victorious emperor, in al his affayres against his enemyes Translated out of Spanish into English
Luis de Avila y Çuñiga
1555 |
Engelska |
3188 |
Eisodia musarum Edinensium in Caroli Regis, Musarum Tutani, ingressu in Scotiam
University of Edinburgh
1633 |
Latin |
3189 |
Charles, Earle of Nottingham, Barron Howard of Effingham, knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, Lord Liefetenant of his Maiesties counties of Sussex, and Surry ..
England and Wales
1613 |
Engelska |
3190 |
Doomes-Day, or, the great day of the Lords iudgement. By Sr. William Alexander Knight
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
Annodom sic 1614 |
Engelska |
3191 |
A paraenesis to the Prince by VVilliam Alexander of Menstrie
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
1604 |
Engelska |
3192 |
Aurora - Containing the first fancies of the authors youth, VVilliam Alexander of Menstrie
William Alexander Stirling, Earl of
1604 |
Engelska |
3193 |
A commission vvith instructions and directions, granted by his Maiestie to the Master and Counsaile of the Court of Wards and Liueries - for compounding for wards, ideots, and lunaticks, and giuen vnder his Highnesse great Seale of England the eleuenth day of December 1618
England and Wales
M.DC.XVIII. 1618 |
Engelska |
3194 |
My the King. Letters patents, commanding that no greater or other customes, imposts, fees, entrie-siluer, or other dueties whatsoeuer, shalbe hereafter taken, extracted or receiued, by any officers or subiects of England and Ireland, from Scottish-men, or Scottish ships - or any goods or merchandizes imported or exported by them or their ships, then is vsually receiued from English and Irish men, English and Irish ships, or any goods imported or exported by them or their ships, to or from England and Ireland, in all respects: and that Scottish ships bee no more reputed or accompted strangers bottomes, but free bottomes, paying no more customes, impositions or other dueties for goods imported, or exported by them, then if they were imported or exported in English or Irish bottomes, to or from England or Ireland
England and Wales
Anno 1615 |
Engelska |
3195 |
A defense of the ecclesiasticall regiment in Englande - defaced by T. C. in his replie agaynst D. VVhitgifte. Seene and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions
Henry Howard Northampton, Earl of
Anno. 1574 |
Engelska |
3196 |
Lawes and ordinances of vvarre, for the better government of His Maiesties Army Royall, in the present expedition for the northern parts, and safety of the kingdome - Under the conduct of his Excellence, the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshall of England, &c. and Generall of His Majesties forces
England and Wales
1639 |
Engelska |
3197 |
Itinerario di Marc Antonio Pigafetta gentil'huomo Vicentino. All illustrissimo signore Eduardo Seymer Conte d Hertford & c
Marco Antonio Pigafetta
1585 |
Italienska |
3198 |
Articles and ordinances of warre - for the present expedition of the armie of the kingdome of Scotland. By his Excellence, the Lord Generall of the armie
1640 |
Engelska |
3199-3200 |
The Psalmes of King David translated by King Iames Cum privilegio Regiæ Maiestatis
(flera utgåvor)
M.DC.XXXI. 1631 |
Engelska |