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Sökning efter: Earl 8982 träffar

Titel Författare År Språk
3221 A declaration of the iust causes of his Majesties proceeding against those ministers, vvho are novv lying in prison, attainted of high treason. Set forth by his Maiesties counsell of his kingdome of Scotland Scotland 1606 Engelska
3222 Manchester al mondo - Contemplatio mortis, & immortalitatis Henry Montagu Manchester, Earl of 1636 Engelska
3223 The description of a maske: presented in the Banqueting roome at Whitehall, on Saint Stephens night last - at the mariage of the Right Honourable the Earle of Somerset: and the right noble the Lady Frances Howard. Written by Thomas Campion. Whereunto are annexed diuers choyse ayres composed for this maske that may be sung with a single voyce to the lute or base-viall Thomas Campion 1614 Engelska
3224 Lavves and orders of vvarre - established for the good conduct of the seruice in Ireland England and Wales 1599? Engelska
3225 An answere to certaine scandalous papers, scattered abroad vnder colour of a Catholicke admonition Robert Cecil Salisbury, Earl of 1606 Engelska
3226-3227 A true relation and iournall, of the manner of the arrivall, and magnificent entertainment, giuen to the high and mighty Prince Charles, Prince of Great Britaine, by the King of Spaine in his court at Madrid (flera utgåvor) M.DC.XXIII. 1623 Engelska
3228 A continuation of a former relation concerning the entertainment giuen to Prince His Highnesse by the King of Spaine in his court at Madrid 1623 Engelska
3229 An epistle or exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule, that is deuoutly affected towards him - VVherein, are contained certaine diuine inspirations, teachinng a man to know himself, & instructing him in the perfection of true piety. VVritten in latin by the deuout seruant of Christ, Ioannes Lanspergius a Charterhouse monke. And translated into English by the Lord Philip late Earle of Arundell Johannes Justus Lansperger 1610 Engelska
3230 The serpent of deuision - VVherein is conteined the true history of mappe of Romes ouerthrowe, gouerned by auarice, enuye, and pride, the decaye of empires be they neuer so sure. Whereunto is annexed the tragedye of Gorboduc, sometime king of this land, and of his two sonnes, Ferrex and Porrex. Set foorth as the same was shewed before the Queenes most excellent Maiesty, by the Gentlemen of the Inner Temple John Lydgate 1590 Engelska
3231 The copie of a letter to the Right Honourable the Earle of Leycester, Lieutenant generall of all her Maiesties forces in the vnited Prouinces of the lowe Countreys - written before, but deliuered at his returne from thence: vvith a report of certeine petitions and declarations made to the Queenes Maiestie at two seuerall times, from all the lordes and commons lately assembled in Parliament. And her Maiesties answeres thereunto by her selfe deliuered, though not expressed by the reporter with such grace and life, as the same were vttered by her Maiestie Robert Cecil Salisbury, Earl of 1586 Engelska
3232 His Maiesties gracious letter to the Earle of South-Hampton, treasurer, and to the Councell and Company of Virginia heere - commanding the present setting vp of silke works, and planting of vines in Virginia. And the letter of the treasurer, Councell, and Company, to the gouernour and Councell of State there, for the strict execution of his Maiesties royall commands herein. Also a treatise of the art of making silke ... Together with instructions how to plant and dresse vines, and to make wine, and how to dry raisins, figs, and other fruits ... Set foorth for the benefit of the two renowned and most hopefull sisters, Virginia, and the Summer-Ilands. By Iohn Bonoeil Frenchman, seruant in these imployments to his most excellent Maiesty of Great Brittaine, France, Ireland, Virginia, and the Summer-Ilands. Published by authority John. Bonoeil 1622 Engelska
3233 Profitable instructions - describing what speciall obseruations are to be taken by trauellers in all nations, states and countries; pleasant and profitable. By the three much admired, Robert, late Earle of Essex. Sir Philip Sidney. And, Secretary Davison Robert Devereux Essex, Earl of 1633 Engelska
3234 The copye of the submissyon of Oneyll - which he made to the Kynges Maiestie at Grenewych the. xxiiii. daye of September, in the. xxxiiii. yere of his Maiesties most noble raygne, and delyuered to his Hyghnes in wrytyng, subscrybed with his owne hande on this fascyon Con Bacagh O'Neill Tyrone, Earl of 1542 Engelska
3235 The second set of madrigals, and pastorals, of 3. 4. 5. and 6. parts - apt for violls and voyces: newly composed by Francis Pilkington, Batchelar of Musicke, and lutenist, and chaunter of the Cathedrall Church of Christ, and blessed Mary the Virgin, in Chester Francis Pilkington 1624 Engelska
3236 The tragedie of Gorboduc, whereof three actes were wrytten by Thomas Nortone, and the two laste by Thomas Sackuyle. Sett forthe as the same was shewed before the Quenes most excellent Maiestie, in her highnes court of Whitehall, the. xviij. day of Ianuary, anno Domini. 1561. By the Gentlemen of thynner Temple in London Thomas Norton 1565 Engelska
3237 Siarles arglwydd Howard, barwn o Effingham, ... Yn gymmaint a bod yr arwein wr Charles Howard Nottingham, Earl of 1591 Kymriska
3238 An excellent epitaffe of syr Thomas wyat - with two other compendious dytties, wherein are touchyd, and set furth the state of mannes lyfe 1545? Engelska
3239 Romulus and Tarquin. First written in Italian by the Marques Virgilio Malvezzi: and now taught English, by HCL Virgilio Malvezzi 1637 Engelska
3240 Romulus and Tarquin first written in Italian by the Marques Virgilio Malvezzi: and now taught English, by H: Ld. Cary of Lepington the second edition Virgilio Malvezzi 1638 Engelska

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