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Sökning efter: Earl 8982 träffar

Titel Författare År Språk
3261-3262 An elegie on the death of Prince Henrie. By Sr William Alexander of Menstrie, gentleman of his Priuie Chamber (flera utgåvor) William Alexander Stirling, Earl of 1613 Engelska
3263 La copie d'une lettre inscrite à monseigneur le comte de Lecestre Robert Cecil Salisbury, Earl of 1587 Franska
3264 The spared houres of a souldier in his travels. Or The true marrowe of the French tongue, where in is truely treated (by ordre) the nine parts of speech - Together, with two rare, and excellent bookes of dialogues ... Added yet an excellent worke, very profitable for all the ages of man, called The springwell of honour and vertue ... With many other godly songs, sonets, theames, letters missiues, and sentences proverbiales ... By Iohn VVodroephe. Gent. = Les heures de relasche d'un soldat, voyageant. Ou La vraie moëlle de la langue françoise, en laquelle est naïfuement traité (par ordre) des neuf parties d'icelle. Ensemble, deux excellens, & rares livres de dialogues ... Iouxte encore vne excellente oeuvre, fort profitable pour tous les aages de l'homme, appellée la Fontaine de vertu, & d'honneur ... Auecques beaucoup d'autres chansons pieuses, sonets, themes, lettres, missiues, & sentences proverbiales John. Wodroephe Ano. 1623 Engelska
3265 The marrow of the French tongue - Containing 1. Rules for the true pronunciation of euery letter as it is written or spoken. 2. An exact grammar, containing the nine parts of speech of the French tongue. 3. Dialogues in French and English, fitted to all kind of discourse for courtiers, citizens, or countrymen, in their affaires at home, or trauelling abroad. With variety of other helpes to the learner, as phrases, letters missiue, sentences, prouerbs, theames, &c. in both languages. So exactly collected and compiled by the great paines and industry of M. Iohn Wodroephe, that the meanest capacity either French or Englishman, that can but reade, may in a short time by his owne industry without the helpe of any teacher attaine to the perfection of both languages. Ce livre est aussi utile pour le François d'apprendre l'anglois, que pour l'Anglois d'apprendre le françois John. Wodroephe 1625 Engelska
3266 Songes and sonnets, written by the Right honorable Lord Henrie Haward late Earle of Surrey, and others 1587 Engelska
3267 A defensatiue against the poyson of supposed prophecies - Not hitherto confuted by the pen of any man, which being grounded, either vpon the warrant and authority of old painted bookes, expositions of dreames, oracles, reuelations, inuocations of damned spirits, iudicials of astrologie, or any other kinde of pretended knowledge whatsoeuer, de futuris contingentibus; haue beene causes of great disorder in the common-wealth, especially among the simple and vnlearned people. Very needfull to be published, considering the great offence, which grew by most palpable and grosse errors in astrologie. Written by Henry Howard, late Earle of Northampton, Lord Priuy Seale, &c. Now newly reuised, and diuided into diuers seuerall heads and chapters Henry Howard Northampton, Earl of 1620 Engelska
3268 Certayne chapters of the prouerbes of Salomon drawen into metre by Thomas sterneholde, late grome of the kynges Magesties robes John Hall 1550 Engelska
3269 A note of the shippping, men, and prouisions, sent and prouided for Virginia, by the right honorable, the Earle of Southampton, and the Company, this yeare, 1620 Virginia Company of London 1621 Engelska
3270 Responsio ad libellum quendam famosum, Catholicæ admonitionis prætextu in vulgus sparsum Robert Cecil Salisbury, Earl of Anno 1606 Latin
3271 Grampius gratulatius to his high and mightie monarch, King Charles. By William Douglas William Douglas Morton, Earl of 1633 Engelska
3272 The forme of the abstinance, grantit be my Lord Regentis Grace, and lordis subscrinand with him, to the lordis within the castell and toun of Edinburgh, and thair adherentis Scotland 1572 Skotska
3273 In camera Scaccarij. Maij 1608. Directions for commissioners - with the steward of each mannour, aswell for admitting of tenants to copy hold estates, as for assessing of fines of the same. Resolued on by the right Honourable Robert Earle of Salisbury L. high Treasourer of England, Sir Iulius Cæsar Knight, Chancellour and vnder-Treasourer of his Maiesties Exchequer at West-minster, Sir Laurence Tanfield Knight, L. Chiefe Baron, and the rest of the barons there England and Wales 1608 Engelska
3274 A foure-fould meditation, of the foure last things - viz. 1. of the houre of death. 2. Day of iudgement. 3. Paines of hell. 4. Ioyes of heauen. Shewing the estate of the elect and reprobate. Composed in a diuine poeme by R:S. the author of S. Peters complaint Philip Howard Arundel, Earl of, Saint 1606 Engelska
3275 The tragidie of Ferrex and Porrex - set forth without any addition or alteration but altogether as the same was shewed on stage before the Queenes Maiestie, about nine yeares past, vz. the xviij. day of Ianuarie. 1561. by the gentlemen of the Inner Temple. Seene and allowed. etc Thomas Norton 1560 Engelska
3276 Songes and sonettes written by the right honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other 1559 Engelska
3277 The tragedie of Darius. By VVilliam Alexander of Menstrie William Alexander Stirling, Earl of 1604 Engelska
3278 An apologie of the Earle of Essex - against those which iealously, and maliciously, tax him to be the hinderer of the peace and quiet of his country. Penned by himselfe in anno 1598 Robert Devereux Essex, Earl of 1603 Engelska
3279 Callophisus, being brought by the greatest perfection in an other to the smallest liberty in himselfe, hauing the foundation of his choice so firme as it cannot decaye, and finding the place of his imprisonment so stronge as he cannot escape: wilbe at the tilts ende vpon the two and twentie day of Ianuarie next ensewing, at one of the clocke in the afternoone, there to defend and mainetayne against all men whosoever, for sixe courses a peece, the whole sixe, or any of the sixe articles which follow .. Philip Howard Arundel, Earl of, Saint 1581 Engelska
3280 The Psalmes of King David: translated by King Iames 1636 Engelska

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