3341 |
A letter sent from the Earle of Strafford to his lady in Ireland a little before his death, May 11, 1641
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3342 |
The conclvsion of the Earle of Straffords defence the twelfth of Aprill, 1641
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3343 |
A Protestation against a foolish, ridiculous and scandalous speech pretended to be spoken by Thomas Wentworth, late Earle of Strafford, to certaine lords before his comming out of the tower - as also against the simple and absurd letter to his lady in Ireland, together with the onely true copy of his speech, and the charge delivered to his son
1641 |
Engelska |
3344 |
The Lord Andevers two speeches - the one concerning the pacification the 6th of March, the other the Starre-Chamber
Charles Howard Berkshire, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3345 |
To the honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament assembled, the humble petition of George Carew, Esquire, administrator of the goods and chattles of Sr. Paul Pyndar, Knight, deceased (with his will annexed), unadministred by William Toomes
George Carew Totnes, Earl of
1675 |
Engelska |
3346 |
The Earl of Castlemain's manifesto
Roger Palmer Castlemaine, Earl of
1681 |
Engelska |
3347 |
The holy history
Nicolas Talon
1653 |
Engelska |
3348 |
Two letters from Sir Charles Coote, Lord President of the Province of Connaght in Ireland to the Honourable VVilliam Lenthall, speaker of the Parliament - relating the rendition of the towne and castle of Carickfergus, to Sir Charles Coote, together with the totall defeate of the Scottish and Irish forces in the north of Ireland, under the command of the Lord Ards, Lord Claneboys and Monro
Charles Coote Mountrath, Earl of
1650 |
Engelska |
3349 |
A judicious speech made by the Right Honourable the Lord Kimbolton, in Parliament, Ianuary 3, 1641 - concerning the articles of high treason exhibited against his Lordship, Sir Arthur Haslerig, M. Pym, M. Stroud, M. Hollis, and M. Hampden, by His Majesty
Edward Montagu Manchester, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |
3350 |
Tvvo speeches spoken by the Earle of Manchester, and Iohn Pym, Esq. - as a reply to His Majesties answer to the citie of Londons petition, sent from His Maiestie by Captaine Hearne, and read at a Common-Hall, on Friday the 13 of Ianuarie 1642 : also, a true narration of the passages of that day
Edward Montagu Manchester, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |
3351 |
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's speech, with the Lord Chancellours, to both Houses of Parliament in Dublin, at the prorogation on Thursday the third of November, 1692 to Thursday the sixth of April, 1693
Henry Sidney Romney, Earl of
1693 |
Engelska |
3352 |
Excellent contemplations, divine and moral
Arthur Capel Capel of Hadham, Baron
1683 |
Engelska |
3353 |
The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith - holden at Edinburgh the twenty third day of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ..., His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament, by vertue of a commission under His Majesties great seal of this kingdom : with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament
1685 |
Engelska |
3354 |
Dr. Bentley's Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris, and the fables of Æsop, examin'd
Charles Boyle Orrery, Earl of
1698 |
Engelska |
3355 |
The Lord Inchiquins queries to the Protestant clergy of the province of Munster, with theyr answer to the said queeres - as also Sir Richard Blagues speech, chaireman to the Assembly of the Confederate Catholicks at Killkenny, made to His Excellence the Lord Marquis of Ormond upon signing of the articles of peace : and His Exellencies answer to Sr. Richard Blagues speech
Murrough O'Brien Inchiquin, Earl of
1649 |
Engelska |
3356 |
The compendium, or, A short view of the late tryals in relation to the present plot against His Majesty and government - with the speeches of those that have been executed : as also an humble address, at the close, to all the worthy patriots of this once flourishing and happy kingdom
Roger Palmer Castlemaine, Earl of
1679 |
Engelska |
3357 |
A further account of the victory obtained by the English and Dutch fleet over the French
Edward Russell Orford, Earl of
1692 |
Engelska |
3358 |
Bathoniensium et Aquisgranensium thermarum comparatio - variis adjunctis illustrata
Robert Pugh
1676 |
Latin |
3359 |
The orphan, or, The unhappy-marriage - a tragedy, as it is acted at His Royal Highness the Duke's Theatre
Thomas Otway
1696 |
Engelska |
3360 |
An essay on translated verse
Wentworth Dillon Roscommon, Earl of
1684 |
Engelska |