3361 |
Democratic Experimentalism (Contemporary Pragmatism)
Brian E. Butler
2013 |
Okänt |
3362 |
Seed to Harvest - Wild seed Mind of my mind Clay's ark Patternmaster
Octavia E. (Octavia Estelle) Butler
2007 |
Engelska |
3363 |
Cathleen, Houlihans dotter
William Butler Yeats
1968 |
Svenska |
3364 |
A sermon preach'd before the Right Honourable Sir Robert Beachcroft, Kt. Lord-Mayor, the Aldermen, and citizens of London, at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, on Wednesday, January 16th. 1711/12. - Being the day appointed by Her Majesty for a publick fast. By William Butler, chaplain to his lordship
William Butler
1712 |
Engelska |
3365 |
A sermon preach'd before the Lord-mayor, aldermen, and citizens of London, at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul, on the fifth of November, 1710. By Lilly Butler, D.D. minister of St. Mary Aldermanbury
Lilly. Butler
1710 |
Engelska |
3366 |
A sermon preached before the House of Lords, at the Abby Church, Westminster, on Friday, February 27, 1778 - Being the day appointed by His Majesty's royal proclamation, to be observed as a day of solemn fasting and humiliation. By John, lord bishop of Oxford
John Butler
Engelska |
3367 |
Dissertatio medica inauguralis, de diarrhoea - Quam annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Præfecti: nec non amplissimi senatus academici consensu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicæ decreto, Pro Gradu Doctoratus, summisque in medicina honoribus et Privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Edmundus Butler, hibernus. Ad diem 18 Julii hora locoque solitis
Edmund Butler
M,DCC,LXIII. 1763 |
Latin |
3368 |
A sermon preached to the Societies for Reformation of Manners, at St. Mary-le-Bow, on Monday, January the Ist, MDCCXXI. - By william Butler, L.L.B. rector of St. Anu's within Aldersgate. Published at their request
William Butler
1722 |
Engelska |
3369 |
A discourse, addressed to the Loyal Pimlico volunteers, - Previous to receiving their colours from the hands of the Countess of Carlisle, in the Rotunda at Ranelagh House, May 20, 1799. By the Rev. Weeden Butler, chaplain to His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent; and morning preacher of Charlotte-Street Chapel, Pimlico. To which are prefixed, the ceremonial; the address of the Countess of Carlisle, on presenting the colours: and Major Rolleston's reply
Weeden Butler
1799 |
Engelska |
3370 |
Sermon preached in the Royal Hospital Chapel, - Before the Chelsea Armed Association, on receiving their colours from Miss North, daughter of the Lord Bishop of Winchester, May 31, 1799. By the Rev. Weeden Butler, chaplain to His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent. With a short account of the ceremony used upon the occasion
Weeden Butler
1799 |
Engelska |
3371 |
Zimad, the African. Translated by the Rev. Weeden Butler, M.A. of Sidney Sussex-College, Cambridge
Weeden Butler
1800 |
Engelska |
3372 |
International Law in Comparative Perspective
1980 |
Engelska |
3373 |
An American selection of lessons in reading and speaking. - Calculated to improve the minds and refine the taste of youth. And also to instruct them in the geography, history, and politics of the United States. To which are prefixed, rules in elocution, and directions for expressing the principal passions of the mind. Being the third part of A grammatical institute of the English language. To which is added, an appendix, containing several new dialogues. By Noah Webster, Jun. Esquire, author of "Dissertations on the English language," "Collection of essays and fugitive writings," &c
Noah Webster
--1797 |
Engelska |
3374 |
The administrations of providence full of goodness and mercy - A sermon, delivered at Hatfield, November 7th. A.D. 1793. Being the day of public thanksgiving. By Joseph Lyman, A.M. Pastor of the church in Hatfield. Two lines from Psalms
Joseph Lyman
M,DCC,XCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
3375 |
The New pleasing instructor: or, Young lady's guide to virtue and happiness. - Consisting of essays, relations, descriptions, epistles, dialogues, and poetry. Carefully extracted from the best modern authors. Designed principally for the use of female schools; but calculated for general instruction and amusement. By a lady
April, 1799 |
Engelska |
3376 |
A treatise on the theory and management of ulcers - with a dissertation on white swellings of the joints. To which is prefixed, an essay on the chirurgical treatment of inflammation and its consequences. By Benjamin Bell, member of the Royal College of Surgeons, one of th surgeons to the Royal Infirmary, and Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. One line in Latin from Tacitus
Benjamin Bell
June, 1797 |
Engelska |
3377 |
Fasciculus viventium. Or, All good wishes in one - A brief essay on, a soul bound up in the bundle of life; as the best thing, and, all the good, that can be wished for. Three lines of quotation in Latin
Cotton Mather
1726 |
Engelska |
3378 |
A grammar of the Greek language - originally composed for the College-School, at Gloucester: in which it has been the editor's design to reject what, in the most improved editions of Cambden i.e., Camden, is redundant: to supply what is deficient: to reduce to order wha is intricate and confused: and to consign to an appendix what is not requisite to be got by heart
William Camden
April, 1800 |
Engelska |
3379 |
An oration, delivered at Chesterfield, on the 4th of July, 1800, the anniversary of American independence - by Benjamin Parsons, attorney at law. Published at the request of the audience
Benjamin Parsons
MDCCC. 1800 |
Engelska |
3380 |
The American musical miscellany - a collection of the newest and most appoved sic songs, set to music. Eight lines of verse
1798 |
Engelska |