321 |
His Maiesties gracious grant and privilege to William Braithwait, for the sole printing, and publishing musicke, his way. etc
Jakob, II, kung av England
1973 |
Engelska |
322 |
A true transcript and publication of His Maiesties letters pattent for an office to be erected, and called the Publicke register for generall comerce
Jakob, I, kung av England
1974 |
Engelska |
323 |
His Maesties proclamation in Scotland - With an explanation of the meaning of the oath and covenant
Jakob, II, kung av England
1974 |
Engelska |
324 |
Jakob, I, kung av England
1969 |
Engelska |
325 |
Le livre du roi - (The Kingis quair)
Jakob, I, kung av England
1967 |
Franska |
326 |
First charter of Virginia
Jakob, I, kung av England
199-? |
Engelska |
327 |
Apologia Roberti S. R. E. Cardinalis Bellarmini, pro responsione sva ad librvm Iacobi Magnae Britanniae regis, cvivs titvlvs est, Triplici nodo triplex cuneus, in qva apologia refellitvr Praefatio Monitoria Regis eiusdem. Accessit eadem ipsa responsio Jterum recusa, quae sub nomine Matthaei Torti anno superiore prodierat
Roberto Bellarmini
1610 |
Latin |
328 |
Zween schöne Tractat, davon der erste in sich begrifft die Oration, welche Iacobus König zu Gross Britannien etc. in der letzten Session dess Parlements... 1605. gehalten... in unser hochteutsch... transferirt durch Conradum Khunrath... Gedruckt zu Hamburg, durch Philip von Ohr... 1606
Jakob, I, kung av England
1606 |
Tyska |
329 |
Meditation de Iaqves VIe. dv nom, Roy d'Ecosse, - contenant vne exposition familiere des 7. 8. 9. 10. versets du 20. chap.de l'apocalypse de S.Iean
M. D. LXXXIX. 1589 |
Franska |
330 |
King Iames his iudgement of a king and of a tyrant. - Extracted out of his own speech at VVhite-hall, to the Lords and Commons in Parliament, 1609. With certaine notations anent the same. Also 28 questions, worthy due consideration and solution, in these dangerous times of England
England and Wales
1642 |
Engelska |
331 |
A puritane set forth in his lively colours: or, K. James his description of a puritan. - Whereunto is added, the round-heads character, with the character of an holy sister. All fitted for the times
Jakob, I, kung av England
1642 |
Engelska |
332 |
His Maiesties declaration in defence of the true Protestant religion. - as it was maintained by his royall father King James of blessed memorie. According to the true copie written with His Majesties owne hand, and by his speciall command appointed to be printed
Jakob, I, kung av England
1643 |
Engelska |
333 |
VVittie obseruations gathered from our late soveraign King James in his ordinarie discourse
Jakob, I, kung av England
1643 |
Engelska |
334 |
The dutie of a king in his royall office. - Shewing how it is to be used in the administration of iustice and politicke government in his kingdomes, likewise declaring, the true glory of kings. The difference between a king and a tyrant. The authoritie and true use of Parliaments. The diseases of the church, and the remedie. Generall advices in behalfe of the church. Paritie incompatible with a monarchie. Of the nobilitie and their formost. The laudable customes of England. Admonition for making warrs. The right extention of king craft, &c
Jakob, I, kung av England
1642 |
Engelska |
335 |
A gallant speech spoken by His Highnesse James Duke of Yorke to Englands renowned generall, His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, at the Kings Majesties royall conrt sic at Causam. - Together, with His Excellencies answer to the said speech, concerning the Kings Majesty, and his royall posterity. Also the chiefe heads of the armies new declaration concerning the King, Parliament, and kingdome. With a message from the generall to the citizens of London
William Sanders
Anno 1647 |
Engelska |
336 |
A declaration made by King James, in Scotland; concerning, church-government, and presbyters
Patrick Adamson
1646 |
Engelska |
337 |
Regales aphorismi - or a royal chain of golden sentences, divine, morall, and politicall, as at severall times, and on several occasions they were delivered by King James. Collected by certain reverend and honourable personages attending on his Majesty
Jakob, I, kung av England
1650 |
Engelska |
338 |
Witty apophthegms - delivered at severall times, and upon severall occasions, by King James, King Charls, the Marquess of Worcester, Francis Lord Bacon, and Sir Thomas Moore. Collected and revived
1658 |
Engelska |
339 |
By the King - a proclamation for the authorizing an vniformitie of the Booke of Common Prayer to bee vsed throughout the realme
England and Wales
1643 |
Engelska |
340 |
King James his divine prophecie, - of the vvarres and distractions of the present and future times, in relation to the two witnesses their coming downe from Heaven, fighting, and how slaine by Antichrist, and being again risen in imitation of Christ, and cloathed in sackcloth, they work miracles and wonders, such as we have seen some already
Jakob, I, kung av England
1645 |
Engelska |