3461 |
Noctiluca aeria, sive, Nova quædam phænomena in substantiæ factitæ sive artificialis, sponte lucidæ, productione, observata - unà cum adnexo ejusdem substantiæ processa : amico cuidam, cure agenti, epistolicè communicata
Robert Boyle
1682 |
Latin |
3462 |
The third letter from W.J. to the Reverend Doctor Wallis, professor of geometry in Oxford - upon the subject of two former letters to him, concerning the Sacred Trinity
W. J.
Engelska |
3463-3464 |
Hymen's præludia, or, Love's master-piece - being that so much admired romance entitled Cleopatra : in twelve parts
(flera utgåvor)
Gautier de Coste de La Calprenède
1687 |
Engelska |
3465 |
Otto Tachenius his Hippocrates chymicus, which discovers the ancient foundations of the late viperine salt - and his clavis thereunto
Otto Tachenius
1677 |
Engelska |
3466 |
Officium clerici pacis - a book of indictments, informations, double bracket appeals, & inquisitions : also, the manner of holding the sessions of peace, with divers other matters relating thereunto, and necessary to be known by justices of the peace
J. W.
1675 |
Latin |
3467 |
The life and death of the eminently learned, pious, and painful minister of the gospel, Dr. Samuel Winter, sometime provest of Trinity Colledge near Dublin in Ireland - together with some rare examples of Gods gracious answers to his prayers, upon several occasions
J. W.
1671 |
Engelska |
3468 |
An essay on hypocrasie and Pharisaism. - As it was set forth in a Sermon
Curate of Souls.
1683 |
Engelska |
3469 |
A letter from a citizen of London to his friend in the country
J. W.
1692? |
Engelska |
3470 |
My vvife
1660 |
Engelska |
3471 |
A choice manuall, or, Rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery: collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the virtues of Gascon pouder, and lapis contra yarvam, by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite waies of preserving, conserving, candying &c
Elizabeth Grey Kent, Countess of
1663 |
Engelska |
3472 |
A choice manual, or, Rare and select secrets in physick and chyrurgery: collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the vertue of Gascon powder, and lapis contra yarvam by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite waies of preserving, conserving, candying &c
Elizabeth Grey Kent, Countess of
1683 |
Engelska |
3473 |
A friendly letter to the flying clergy - wherein is humbly requested and modestly challenged the cause of their flight. By J. W. priest
J. W.
printed in the year 1665 |
Engelska |
3474 |
A collection of seven and fifty approved receipts good against the plague - Taken out of the five books of that renowned Dr. Don Alexes secrets, for the benefit of the poorer sort of people of these nations. By W. J. gent
W. J.
1665 |
Engelska |
3475 |
A choice manual, or Rare secrets in physick and chirurgery: collected, & practised by the Right Honourable the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the vertue of Gascon powder, and lapis contra yarvam by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite ways of preserving, conserving, candying &c
Elizabeth Grey Kent, Countess of
1687 |
Engelska |
3476 |
A choice manuall, or, Rare secrets in physick and chyrurgery: collected, and practised by the Right Honourable, the Countesse of Kent, late deceased. Whereto are added several experiments of the virtues of Gascon pouder, and lapis contra yarvam, by a professor of physick. As also most exquisite wayes of preserving, conserving, candying &c
Elizabeth Grey Kent, Countess of
1664 |
Engelska |
3477 |
Otto Tachenius his Hippocrates chymicus discovering the ancient foundation of the late viperine salt - with his Clavis thereunto annexed translated by J.W
Otto Tachenius
1690 |
Engelska |
3478 |
Hebrew or, An appeal to the scriptures - In a summary collection of scriptures, produced, and placed, in answer to twenty one questions, relating to this following enquiry. Viz. Whether the seventh, of last day of the week, in the weekly revolutions, and returns of it, formerly was, now is, and till heaven, and earth pass away, will be, the divine will, and pleasure of Jehovah Elohim, to be observed, and celebrated, as a weekly sabbath-day, according to the prescription of infinite wisdom; by vertue of his holy command, as the duty of all mankind, to their real and true benefit, and advantage, if observed, and to their deplorable misery if neglected. By J.W
J. W.
printed in the year 1676 |
Engelska |
3479 |
A progression in arithmetical progression - to the speedy suming up of any totals of roots, squares, or cubes as effectually as now is used only in numbers, with various uses thereof. With some things very remarkable in that mystical number, 666. Also affording ease in the extracting of cubick roots; and the framing of cubes to imperfect roots. By J.W. of Brandon in Com'Warwick, gent
J. W.
1680 |
Engelska |
3480 |
Youths safety: or, Advice to the younger sort, of either sex - More valuable than gold. Laying open the wicked practices of the town-shifts, sharpers, sharks, beau's, sweeteners, rakes, intreaging town-jilts, to cheat, ruin and disgrace gentlemen, shop-keepers, apprentices, gentlewomen, servant-maids, &c. Serious reflections and good counsel, how they may know them, and avoid their snares. With their knavish-practices in gaming, and other matters worthy of note. By observation whereof, persons of either sex, may raise their fortunes. By J.W
J. W.
1698 |
Engelska |