3501 |
The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith - holden at Edinburgh the 23. of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ... His Majesties high commissioner for holding this parliament, by vertue of a commission uder His Majesties great seal of this kingdom, with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament
Anno Dom. 1685 |
Engelska |
3502 |
A letter from the Earl of Warwick - relating the taking of all the forts, and 16 pieces of ordnance from the malignant Cornishmen that had before besieged the city of Exeter : together with an apologie made by an English officer of qualitie for leaving the Irish wars : declaring the designe at this time now on foot to reconcile the English and Irish together, and by their joynt power having expelled the Scotch and Irish Protestants, to bring their popish forces against the Parliament
Robert Rich Warwick, Earl of
1643 |
Engelska |
3503-3505 |
The Lord Digbies speech in the House of Commons To the Bill of Attainder, of the Earle of Strafford, the 21 of April, 1641
(flera utgåvor)
George Digby Bristol, Earl of
Printed in the yeare, 1641 |
Engelska |
3506-3507 |
The two last speeches of Thomas Wentworth, late earle of Strafford, and deputy of Ireland - the one in the Tower, the other of the scaffold on Tower-hill, May the 12th. 1641
(flera utgåvor)
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3508 |
The conclusion of the Earle of Straffords defence the twelfth of Aprill, 1641
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
Printed in the yeare 1641 |
Engelska |
3509-3510 |
Some papers given in by the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland to the honourable Houses of the Parliament of England. - In answer to their votes of the 24. of September, 1646. Concerning the disposing of His Majesties person
(flera utgåvor)
1646 |
Engelska |
3511 |
The ultimum vale, or, Last farewell of Thomas Earle of Strafford
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
printed, 1641 |
Engelska |
3512 |
The Lord Cravens case briefly stated out of the report - with observations, upon the several parts of the same
1654 |
Engelska |
3513 |
The tryall and plea of James Earle of Derby, prisoner of war, before a court martiall at Chester, Octob. 1. 1651 - The articles were severall particulars of treason, by his invading England, raising forces, &c. The answer is a confession of the fact. The plea is a plea of quarter, which he conceives to be a good bar to a tryall for life, by court martiall or councell of war, though not against a meer civill judicature. His plea was over-ruled by the court upon this account, that the court martiall was directed by Parliament. So that the court proceeded to sentence, only gave him a fortnights time from the first of October. From this sentence he appealeth to his Excellency the Lord Generall
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
printed in the yeare, 1651 |
Engelska |
3514 |
The tryal of Thomas Earl of Strafford, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon an impeachment of high treason by the Commons assembled in Parliament - in the name of themselves, and of all the Commons of England, begun in Westminster-Hall the 22 of March 1640: and continued before judgment was given until the 10th of May 1641. Shewing the form of parliamentary proceedings in an impeachment of treason. To which is added, a short account of some other matters of fact transacted in both houses of Parliament, precedent, concomitant and subsequent to the tryal: with some special arguments in law relating to a bill of attainder. Faithfully collected, and impartially published, without observation or reflection, by John Rushworth of Lincolnes-Inn, Esq
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
1700 |
Engelska |
3515 |
Articles and ordinances of vvarre. - for the present expedition of the Army of the kingdome of Scotland. By the Committee of Estates, and his Excellence, the Lord Generall of the Army
1643 |
Engelska |
3516 |
An essay on poetry; written by the Marquis of Normanby, and the same render'd into Latin by another hand. With several other poems, viz. An epistle to the Lord Chamberlain, on His Majesty's victory in Ireland; by the honourable Mr. Montague. An epistle to the honourable Mr. Montague, on His Majesty's voyage to Holland; by Mr. Stepny. An epistle to Monsieur Boileau; by Mr. Arwaker. A poem on the promotion of several eminent persons in church and state; by Mr. Tate. To which are added the following poems, never before in print, viz. An ode in memory of the late Queen; by a person of quality. A poem on the late horrid conspiracy; by Mr. Stepny
John Sheffield Buckingham, Duke of
MDCXCVII. 1697 |
Engelska |
3517 |
The humble address of the corporation of Trinity-House
England) Trinity House (London
1681 |
Engelska |
3518 |
Reasons for the inditement of the D. of York, presented to the grand jury of Middlesex, Saturday, June 26. 80. By the persons hereunder named
Theophilus Hastings Huntingdon, Earl of
1680 |
Engelska |
3519 |
The Earl of Pembroke's speech in the House of Peers; - when the seven lords were accused of high-treason. Copia vera. Mich. Oldsworth
printed in the year, 1647 |
Engelska |
3520 |
Sir George Sondes his plaine narrative to the vvorld, of all passages upon the death of his tvvo sonnes
George Sondes Feversham, Earl of
printed in the yeare, 1655 |
Engelska |