3561 |
A second speech made by the Lord Lowden in the Parliament of Scotland the 24 of Septemb. 1641 - being in answer to some objections made against the honourable designe of the Parliament
John Campbell Loudoun, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3562 |
A letter of remarks upon Jovian
Arthur Annesley Anglesey, Earl of
1683 |
Engelska |
3563 |
The case of Francis Earl of Carlingford - humbly offered to the honourable the House of Commons
Francis Taaffe Carlingford, Earl of
1697 |
Engelska |
3564 |
The history of the wars of Italy - From the year MDCXIII. to MDCXLIV. In XVIII books. Written originally in Italian, by Pietro Giovanni Capriata, Dr at Law. And rendred in English by Henry Earl of Monmouth
Pier Giovanni. Capriata
MDCLXIII. 1663 |
Engelska |
3565 |
The truest relation of the Earle of Straffords speech on the scaffold on Tower-hill, before he was beheaded, May 12. 1641. Together with his deportment before and at the end of his execution
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
Printed in the yeare, 1641 |
Engelska |
3566 |
A speech made by the Right Honourable the Earl of Arran, to the Scots nobility and gentry - met together at the council chamber in White-hall, on the eight of January 1689, about an address to His Highness the Prince of Orange, to take upon him the government of the kingdom of Scotland
James Douglas Hamilton, Duke of
Printed in the year 1689 |
Engelska |
3567 |
The Earl of Maclesfeld's case
Charles Gerard Macclesfield, Earl of
1698? |
Engelska |
3568 |
The two last speeches of Thomas Wentworth, late Earle of Strafford, and deputy of Ireland - The one in the Tower, the other on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, May the 12th 1641
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3569 |
The coppy of a letter sent from the Earle of Traquere in Ireland the third of October 1641 - To old Father Philips, heere in England, and now prisoner in the Tower. VVhich letter was intercepted, at a certaine time by Sir Robert Richardson, kept private but now disclosed. Vpon which old Father Philips was committed to the Tower. With a true relation how the number of rebels dayly increase in the woods at Ireland
John Stewart Traquair, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3570 |
The speech of John Earl of Tullibardine - His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the eight sic of September, 1696
John Murray Atholl, Duke of
1696 |
Engelska |
3571 |
Englands confusion. or A true and impartial relation of the late traverses of state in England - with the counsels leading thereunto. Together with a description of the present power ruling there by the name of a Parliament, under the mask of the good old cause. Written by one of the few English men that are left in England
Arthur Annesley Anglesey, Earl of
printed in the year of our Lord, 1659 |
Engelska |
3572 |
Fundamentals of music - rudiments, musicianship, and composition
Earl Henry
2008 |
Engelska |
3573 |
A declaration of His Excellency the Earle of Leven - concerning the rising of the Scotish army from the seige of the city of Hereford. Published by authority
Alexander Leslie Leven, Earl of
1645 |
Engelska |
3574 |
The Declaration and apology of the Protestant people - that is, of the noblemen, barrons, gentlemen, burgesses, and commons of all sorts, now in armes within the kingdom of Scotland
Archibald Campbell Argyll, Earl of
1685 |
Engelska |
3575 |
Articles of peace & commerce between the most serene and mighty prince Charles II. by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. and the most illustrious lords, the Bashaw, Dey, Aga, and governours of the famous city and kingdom of Algiers in Barbary - Concluded by Arthur Herbert, Esquire, Admiral of His Majesties fleet in the Mediterranean Seas: on the tenth day of April, Old Stile, 1682. Published by His Majesties command
England and Wales
re-printed, Anno Dom. MDC.LXXXII. 1682 |
Engelska |
3576 |
The Earle of Hollands letter, to the honourable Lords of the Parliament: touching the disbanding of the souldiers. Written from Yorke the thirteenth of August. 1641
Henry Rich Holland, Earl of
Printed Anno Dom. 1641 |
Engelska |
3577 |
The discourse of Robert Earl of Lothian, Justice-General, his Majestie's commissioner to the general-assembly, after the reading the King's letter. Upon the 16th day of January, 1692
Robert Kerr Lothian, Earl of
anno dom. 1692 |
Engelska |
3578 |
A copy of Admiral Russel's letter to the Earl of Nottingham - Published by authority
Edward Russell Orford, Earl of
1692 |
Engelska |
3579 |
A true copy of a second letter, sent from the Lord of Inchiquine to the honorable Collonell Michaell Iones - commander in chiefe of the Parliaments forces in Leinster, and governor of the citty of Dublin, vvith Colonell Iones his answer, to the Lord of Inchiquines saied letter
Murrough O'Brien Inchiquin, Earl of
1649 |
Engelska |
3580 |
A speech made in the House of Peeres. By the Right Honourable the Earle of Monmouth, on Thursday the thirteenth of Ianuary 1641 - Upon the occasion of the present destractions, and of his Majesties removall from White-hall. VVith the humble petition of the inhabitants of the county of Buckingham, in the behalfe of Mr. Hampden, knight for the said county, and of the rest of the said members of Parliament, accused by his Majestie of treason. With his Majesties gratious answer thereunto. As also the humble petition of divers of the knights, gentlemen, clergy and and sic other inhabitants of the county of Sommerset. With the last true newes from Ireland
Henry Carey Monmouth, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |