3661 |
The Earle of Strafford, - his speech in the Tower to the Lords, before hee went to execution. May the 12. day. 1641
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
Printed 1641 |
Engelska |
3662 |
Unto his Grace, his Majesties High Commissioner, and the right honourable the Estates of Parliament, - the petition of George Earl of Southerland
George Gordon Sutherland, Earl of
1695 |
Engelska |
3663 |
Unto his Grace his Majesties High Commissioner, and the honourable Estates of Parliament, - the petition of the Earl of Southerland
George Gordon Sutherland, Earl of
1695 |
Engelska |
3664 |
Unto the right honourable, the Lords of his Majesty's Privy Council. - The petition of the Earl of Seafort
Kenneth Mackenzie Seaforth, Earl of
1697 |
Engelska |
3665 |
Edinburgh, at the Parliament-House, - February 13. 1661
Archibald Campbell Argyll, Earl of
1661 |
Engelska |
3666 |
Right honourable, the Lord hath this day, here at Philiphauch ... appeared gloriously for his people
Archibald Campbell Argyll, Earl of
1645 |
Engelska |
3667 |
His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, - to the two Houses of Parliament, at their prorogation, on Monday the nineteenth day of May, 1662
England and Wales
1662 |
Engelska |
3668 |
An ordinance made the eighteenth day of July ... 1666
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1666 |
Engelska |
3669 |
The hvmble petition of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, unto his Majesty (with the reasons moving them, to advise his Majesty) to decline his intended journey into Ireland. - sent to Yorke by the Earle of Stamford, Sir John Culpepper Knight, Chancellour of the Exchequer, and Anthony Hungerford Esquire. VVho presented the same to his Majesty at Yorke ... 18. day of April, 1642. Whereunto is added his Majesties answer
England and Wales
1642 |
Engelska |
3670 |
The night-bell-man of Pickadilly to the Princess of Denmark. - Welcome great princess to this lovely place
1693 |
Engelska |
3671 |
A copy of Admiral Russel's letter to the Earl of Nottingham
Edward Russell Orford, Earl of
1692 |
Engelska |
3672 |
Devout entertainments of a Christian soule
Jean-Hugues Quarré
Anno Domini MDC XLVII. 1648 |
Engelska |
3673 |
The King's letter to the Earl of Feversham upon his leaving Whitehall, - together with the Earl of Fevershams letter to his Highness the Prince of Orange after the Kings departure
Jakob, II, kung av England
Printed in the year 1688 |
Engelska |
3674 |
The Earl of Manchesters speech to his Majesty in the name of the peers, at his arrival at White-Hall, the 29th of May, 1660. - With his Majesties gracious answer thereunto
Edward Montagu Manchester, Earl of
1660 |
Engelska |
3675 |
The speech of Patrick Earl of Marchmont, &c., Lord High Chancellor to the Parliament of Scotland - on Tuesday 29 October 1700
Patrick Hume Marchmont, Earl of
1700 |
Engelska |
3676 |
Laws and acts past in the third session of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second, - by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly and Bambreith
Anno Dom. 1674 |
Engelska |
3677 |
Answers for the Earl of Lauderdale, - to a printed paper, (entituled, The case of John Swinton, in relation to his fathers forefaulture) and to the pretended reasons of reduction of the said forfaulture, alledged to be now depending before the Parliament
1690 |
Engelska |
3678 |
Laws and ordinances of war - established for the good of his Majesties army in Ireland
England and Wales
1672 |
Engelska |
3679 |
Tvvo letters - the one to his Excellency the Lord Fairfax, the other to Lieutenant General Cromwell, from the Commissioners of the kingdom of Scotland now residing at London
1649 |
Engelska |
3680 |
Bibliotheca illustris, sive, Catalogus variorum librorum in quâvis linguâ & facultate insignium ornatissimæ bibliothecæ viri cujusdam prænobilis ac honoratissimi olim defuncti - libris rarissimis tam typis excusis quàm manuscriptis refertissimæ : quorum auctio habebitur Londini, ad insigne Ursi in vico dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prope templum D. Pauli, Novemb. 21, 1687
1687? |
Latin |