361-362 |
Iames by the grace of God King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, defender of the faith &c. - to the blank in our countie of blank and to euery of them greeting
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
1619? |
Engelska |
363 |
Iames by the grace of God, of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland King, defender of the faith &c. - to the chiefe constables and bayliffe of the hundred or deuision of blank in our countie of blank and to euery of them greeting ... By vertue of a precept in His Maiesties name to me directed these are to charge and command you, that you warne two of the most sufficient men within your constablery or tything ... to appeare before the Clerke of the Market
England and Wales
1619? |
Engelska |
364 |
A copie of the principall parts of His Maiestie commissions for granting pardons to such as vse trades, whereto they haue not been apprentices, and for dispencing with them to continue the same for their liues, notwithstanding the statute of Quinto Elizabeth
England and Wales
1619 |
Engelska |
365 |
By the King, a proclamation against tenant-rights
England and Wales
M.DC.XX 1620 |
Engelska |
366 |
By the King, orders for thorow-posts, and curriers, riding in post in our affaires
England and Wales
1621 |
Engelska |
367 |
By the King, orders for the postes of our realmes - and for all men to obserue and obey in the speedie cariage of packets, directed for our affaires
England and Wales
M.DC.XXI 1621 |
Engelska |
368 |
The effect of certaine branches of the statute made in anno 33. Henrici VIIJ - touching the maintenance of artillery, and the punishment of such as vse vnlawfull games, very necessary to be put in execution
England and Wales
M. DC. XXV 1625 |
Engelska |
369 |
A declaration of His Maiesties royall pleasure - in what sort he thinketh fit to enlarge, or reserue himselfe in matter of bountie
England and Wales
M.DC.XIX 1619 |
Engelska |
370 |
Orders, thought meet by His Maiestie, and his Priuy Councell, to bee executed throughout the counties of this realm, in such townes, uillages, and other places, as are, or may bee heerafter, infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same - also, An aduice set downe by the best learned physicke within this realme, containing sundry good rules and easie medicines, without charge to the meaner sort of people, as well for the preseruation of his good subjects from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordering of them after they shall be infected
England and Wales
1625 |
Engelska |
371 |
By the King, a proclamation declaring His Maiesties pleasure concerning Sir VValter Ravvleigh, and those who aduentured vvith him
England and Wales
M.DC.XVIII. 1618 |
Engelska |
372 |
James, by the grace of God, king of England, Scotland, Frannce and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. ... - whereas wee are credibly giuen to understand as well by the humble supplication a petition of our poore distressed subiect Iohn Long of our borough of Lymmington
England and Wales
1619 |
Engelska |
373 |
By the King, orders decreed vpon for the furtherance of our seruice, asvvell in vvriting, as riding in poste - specially set downe, and commanded to be obserued, where our posts are established within our countie of Kent
England and Wales
1621 |
Engelska |
374 |
Orders thought meet by His Maiestie, and his Priuie Councell - to be executed throughout the counties of this realme, in such townes, villages, and other places, as are, or may be hereafter infected with the plague, for the stay of further increase of the same : also, an aduice set downe by the best learned in physicke within this realme, containing sundrie good rules and easie medicines, without charge to the meaner sort of people, as well for the preseruation of his good subiects from the plague before infection, as for the curing and ordering of them after they shall be infected
England and Wales
1625 |
Engelska |
375 |
Placcaet des coninex van Enghelandt, teghen een Antoni Coplei, nopende zyn verraderlick voornemen, aen de Konincklijcke Mayesteyt van Enghelandt - item breder schrijvens gesz wt Zeelandt, in dato den 26. Iulius van seeckere verraderie, aen den conincklicke majesteyt begaen
England and Wales
1603 |
Nederländska |
376 |
Brief for one-year collections to repair the church in Clare, Suffolk
England and Wales
1619 |
Engelska |
377 |
Serenissimi et potentissimi principis Iacobi, dei gratia, Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, et Hiberniæ regis, fidei defensoris, Opera
Jakob, I, kung av England
1620 |
Latin |
378 |
Declaration du serenissime roy Iaques I roy de la Grand' Bretaigne France et Irlande, defenseur de la foy - pour le droit des rois & independance de leurs couronnes, contre la harangue de l'illustrissime Cardinal du Perron prononcée en la chambre du tiers Estat le XV de Ianuier 1615
Jakob, I, kung av England
M.DC.XV 1615 |
Medelfranska (ca 1300-1600) |
379 |
His Maiesties Lepanto, or heroicall song - being part of his poeticall exercises at vacant houres
Jakob, I, kung av England
1603 |
Engelska |
380 |
Lettre dy sic roy d'Angleterre, a madame la princesse de Condé
Jakob, I, kung av England
M. DC. XVII 1617 |
Medelfranska (ca 1300-1600) |