3781 |
The arraignment, tryal and condemnation of Robert Earl of Essex and Henry Earl of Southampton, - at Westminster the 19th of February, 1600 and in the 43 year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth for rebelliously conspiring and endeavouring the subversion of the government, by confederacy with Tyr-Owen, that popish traytor and his complices ... were the 5th of March ... arraigned, condemned, and executed
Robert Devereux Essex, Earl of
1679 |
Engelska |
3782 |
Ravillac redivivus - being a narrative of the late tryal of Mr. James Mitchell, a conventicle-preacher, who was executed the 18th of January, 1677, for an attempt which he made on the sacred person of the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews : to which is annexed an account of the tryal of that most wicked Pharisee Major Thomas Weir, who was executed for adultery, incest and bestiality : in which are many observable passages, especially relating to the Church and State of Scotland
James Mitchel
1682 |
Engelska |
3783 |
Historicall relations of the United Provinces & of Flanders
Guido Bentivoglio, kardinal
1652 |
Engelska |
3784 |
Tyrconnel's letter to the French King from Ireland
Richard Talbot Tyrconnel, Earl of
1690 |
Engelska |
3785 |
Tyrconnel's speech to his Privy Council - made upon the (expected) landing of the late King James in Ireland : with remarks upon it
Richard Talbot Tyrconnel, Earl of
1680 |
Engelska |
3786 |
The history of France
Galeazzo Gualdo Priorato
1676 |
Engelska |
3787 |
Phalaridis agrigentinorum tyranni espistolæ - ex mss recensuit, versione, annotationibus, & vita insuper authoris donavit Car. Boyle ex æde christi
1695 |
Grekiska, klassisk (-1453) |
3788 |
An exact and most impartial accompt of the indictment, arraignment, trial, and judgment (according to law) of twenty nine regicides, the murtherers of His Late Sacred Majesty of most glorious memory - begun at Hicks-Hall on Tuesday, the 9th of October, 1660, and continued (at the Sessions-House in the Old-Bayley) until Friday, the nineteenth of the same moneth : together with a summary of the dark and horrid decrees of the caballists, preperatory to that hellish fact exposed to view for the reader's satisfaction, and information of posterity
Heneage Finch Nottingham, Earl of
1679 |
Engelska |
3789 |
The Earle of Straffords letter to his lady - sent by a trvsty messenger, with his prayer on the scaffold at Tower Hill, 12. of May 1641
Thomas Wentworth Strafford, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
3790 |
Marmora Oxoniensia ex Arundellianis, Seldenianis, aliisque conflata
Humphrey Prideaux
Latin |
3791 |
The answer of the Emperour of Germany to the letter sent from the King of Scots by the Lord Wilmot for supply of men and monies against England - with the resolution of the Christian princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, lords, noblemen and agents at the great meeting at Regensburgh, and the King of Denmark's proceedings in reference thereunto : also the putting forth of the Dutch fleet to sea, the advance and motion of the English, and 35 sayl brought into Yarmouth, Alesborough, and Harwich : likewise, the great and terrible earth-quake in Natolia, the casting up of great mountains, the covering and over-whelming of towns, and the burying of ten thousand men, women, and children in heaps of earth
Ferdinand, III, Holy Roman Emperor
1653 |
Engelska |
3792 |
King Charls his tryal at the high court of justice sitting in Westminster Hall, begun on Saturday, Jan. 20, ended Jan. 27, 1648 - also His Majesties speech on the scaffold immediately before his execution on Tuesday, Ian. 30 : together with the several speeches of Duke Hamilton, the Earl of Holland, and the Lord Capel, immediately before their execution on Friday, March 9, 1649
Karl, I, kung av England
1650 |
Engelska |
3793 |
Admiral Russel's letter to the Earl of Nottingham - containing an exact and particular relation of the late happy victory and success against the French fleet
Edward Russell Orford, Earl of
1692 |
Engelska |
3794 |
His Majesties gracious message to both Houses of Parliament sent from Nottingham, August 25 - with the answer of the Lords and Commons to the said message : and His Majesties reply to the same, Spt. 2 : together with the answer and humble petition of both houses to His Majesties last message : and also His Majesties in reply to the said answer, Sept. 11, 1642
England and Wales
1642 |
Engelska |
3795 |
Murder will out, or, The King's letter justifying the Marquess of Antrim - and declaring that what he did in the Irish rebellion was by direction from his royal father and mother, and for the service of the crown
1698 |
Engelska |
3796 |
The English globe - being a stabil and immobil one, performing what the ordinary globes do, and much more
Roger Palmer Castlemaine, Earl of
1679 |
Engelska |
3797 |
The Right Honorable the Lord Kimbolton his speech in Parliament on Tuesday the third of January 1641 - concerning the articles of high treason exhibited against his Lordship, Sir Arthur Haslerigg, Master Pym, Master Hampden, Master Hollis, and Master Strowd, by His Majestie
Edward Montagu Manchester, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |
3798 |
An account of the present war between the Venetians & Turk - with the state of Candie (in a letter to the king, from Venice)
Roger Palmer Castlemaine, Earl of
1666 |
Engelska |
3799 |
The works of the Right Honourable Henry, late L. Delamer and Earl of Warrington - containing His Lordships advice to his children, several speeches in Parliament, &c. : with many other occasional discourses on the affairs of the two last reigns
Henry Booth Warrington, Earl of
1694 |
Engelska |
3800 |
Two letters, the one being sent to the Lord Bishop of Peterborough, the other sent from the Bishop of Bangor to the Ministers of his diocesse - wherein is discovered the readines of the ill-affected clergy toward the furnishing of His Majesty with moneys for the mayntaining of warre against his Parliament
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |