21 |
To the honourable the knights, citizens, and burgesses in this present Parliament assembled - The humble petition of Clement VValker, and William Prynne, Esquires
Clement Walker
1644 |
Engelska |
22 |
The mysterie of the tvvo iunto's, Presbyterian and Independent. Or, The serpent in the bosome, vnfolded
Clement Walker
Printed in the yeare, 1647 |
Engelska |
23 |
Colonell Fiennes his reply to a pamphlet entitvled, An answer to Colonell Nathaniel Fiennes relation concerning his surrender of the city and castle of Bristol by Clem. Walker - which said answer is here reprinted verbatim. Ordered to be printed
Nathaniel Fiennes
1643 |
Engelska |
24 |
Articles of impeachment and accusation, exhibited in Parliament, against Colonell Nathaniel Fiennes, - touching his dishonorable surrender of the city and castle of Bristoll; by Clement Walker and William Prynne, Esquires. Together with a letter from Mr. Prynne to Colonell Fiennes
Clement Walker
Printed in the Yeer, 1643 |
Engelska |
25 |
The mysterie of the two ivnto's, Presbyterian and independent, or, The serpent in the bosome unfolded
Clement Walker
1647 |
Engelska |
26 |
Historia independentiæ - in qua describitur ortus, incrementum & fraudes potentissimæ & inquietissimæ factionis quæ Regem obtruncavit, regnum pene evertit, & nunc intolerabilem in omnes regnicolas exercet tyrannidem : D. Ambrosius, nec nobis ignominiosum est pati quod passus est Christus, nec vobis gloriosum ist facere quod fecit Iudas
Clement Walker
cIc Icc xlviii 1648 |
Latin |
27-31 |
Anarchia Anglicana: or, the history of independency. The second part - being a continuation of relations and observations historical and politique upon this present Parliament begun Anno 16, Caroli Primi
(flera utgåvor)
Clement Walker
Printed in the yeare, M. DC. XL. IX. 1649 |
Engelska |
32-33 |
The high court of justice, or, Cromwels new slaughter-house in England - With the authority that constituted, and ordained it. Arraigned, convicted, and condemned, for usurpation, treason, tyranny, theft and murther. Being the third part of the History of independency, written by the same authour
(flera utgåvor)
Clement Walker
Printed anno Domini 1660. In the second year of the states liberty, and the peoples slavery |
Engelska |
34 |
The high court of justice. Or Cromwells new slaughter-house in England - With the authoritie that constituted and ordained it, arraigned, convicted, and condemned; for usurpation, treason, tyrannie, theft, and murder. Being the III. part of the Historie of independencie: written by the same author
Clement Walker
Printed anno Dom. 1651 |
Engelska |
35 |
The mysterie of the tvvo junto's, Presbyterian and Independent. Or, The serpent in the bosome unfolded, newly re-printed, with large additions
Clement Walker
Printed in the yeare, 1647 |
Engelska |
36 |
The compleat History of independencie - Upon the Parliament begun 1640. By Clem. Walker, Esq; Continued till this present year 1660. which fourth part was never before published
Clement Walker
1661 |
Engelska |
37-38 |
The history of independency - with the rise, growth, and practices of that powerfull and restlesse faction
(flera utgåvor)
Clement Walker
Printed in the yeare, 1648 |
Engelska |
39 |
The history of independency - the fourth and last part : continued from the death of His late Majesty, King Charls the First of happy memory, till the deaths of the chief of that juncto
T. M., Esquire, lover of his king and country
1660 |
Engelska |
40 |
Relations and observations, historicall and politick, upon the Parliament, begun anno Dom. 1640 - Divided into II. bookes: 1. The mystery of the two junto's, Presbyterian and Independent. 2. The history of independency, &c. Together with an appendix, touching the proceedings of the Independent faction in Scotland
Clement Walker
Printed in the yeare, 1648 |
Engelska |