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Sökning efter: Earl of Howard. 121 träffar

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21 My the King. Letters patents, commanding that no greater or other customes, imposts, fees, entrie-siluer, or other dueties whatsoeuer, shalbe hereafter taken, extracted or receiued, by any officers or subiects of England and Ireland, from Scottish-men, or Scottish ships - or any goods or merchandizes imported or exported by them or their ships, then is vsually receiued from English and Irish men, English and Irish ships, or any goods imported or exported by them or their ships, to or from England and Ireland, in all respects: and that Scottish ships bee no more reputed or accompted strangers bottomes, but free bottomes, paying no more customes, impositions or other dueties for goods imported, or exported by them, then if they were imported or exported in English or Irish bottomes, to or from England or Ireland England and Wales Anno 1615 Engelska
22 A defense of the ecclesiasticall regiment in Englande - defaced by T. C. in his replie agaynst D. VVhitgifte. Seene and allowed according to the order appoynted in the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions Henry Howard Northampton, Earl of Anno. 1574 Engelska
23 Lawes and ordinances of vvarre, for the better government of His Maiesties Army Royall, in the present expedition for the northern parts, and safety of the kingdome - Under the conduct of his Excellence, the Right Honourable Thomas Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshall of England, &c. and Generall of His Majesties forces England and Wales 1639 Engelska
24 A defensatiue against the poyson of supposed prophesies - not hitherto confuted by the penne of any man, which being grounded, eyther vppon the warrant and authority of olde paynted bookes, expositions of dreames, oracles, reuelations, inuocations of damned spirites, iudicialles of astrologie, or any other kinde of pretended knowledge whatsoeuer, de futuris contingentibus: haue beene causes of great disorder in the common wealth, cheefly among the simple and vnlearned people: very needefull to be published at this time, considering the late offence which grew by most palpable and grosse errours in astrology Henry Howard Northampton, Earl of 1583 Engelska
25 Certain bokes of Virgiles Aeneis turned into English meter by the right honorable lorde, Henry Earle of Surrey Publius Vergilius Maro 1557 Engelska
26 A declaration of the causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a nauy to the seas, for the defence of her realmes against the King of Spaines forces - to bee published by the generals of the saide nauy, to the intent that it shall appeare to the world, that her maiestie armeth her nauy onely to defend her selfe, and to offend her enemies, and not to offend any other, that shall forbeare to strengthen her enemie, but to vse them with all lawfull fauours England and Wales Anno Dom. 1596 Engelska
27 Declaratio causarum serenissimam Maiestatem Reginæ Angliæ mouentium, ad instruendam atque emittendam classem ad regnorum suorum defensionem, contra vires Regis Hispaniæ - per dictæ classis generales euulganda: vt inde enotescat Maiestatem suam arma eo solùm animo sumere, vt se suaque tueatur: hostes verò lædat. Neque instituti sui esse, vt alij quiuis offendantur, qui á præsidijs hosti subministrandis abstinebunt: quin verò vt alij omnes, quos obuios fieri contigerit, iusto fauore amicè habeantur England and Wales Anno 1596 Latin
28 Declaration des causes, qui ont meu sa Serenissime Maiesté d'Angleterre d'equipper, & mettre vne armeé sur mer, pour la deffence de ses royaumes contre les forces du Roy d'Espagne - a publier par les lieutanans generaulx de la dicte armeé afin de faire entendre, a vn chascun, que sa Maiesté dresse ceste armeé naualle, seulement pour sa deffense, & pour courir sus a ses ennemis, & non pas pour endommager ceux qui ne voudront prendre le parti de ses ennemis, mais pour vser plustost de toute faueur & assistance en leur endroit England and Wales 1596 Franska
29 Dichiaratione delle cause che hanno indotta la Serenissima Maestá, della Reina d'Ingilterra, di preparare & mandare sopra il mare vna armata per la difesa de i suoi regni contra le forze d'el Re di Spagna - da esser publicata per i generali della detta armata, accioche sia conosciuto che sua Maestá, ha armato solamente per difenderse e offender li nemici, senza peró voler offender altri chi astenerannosi di adiuutari i suoi nemici, ma trattarli con tutte licite fauore amoreuolmente England and Wales Anno Domini 1596 Italienska
30 Declaracion de las causas que han mouido la Magestad de la Reyna d'Yngalaterra, a embiar vn'armada real, para defensa de sus reynos y señorios contra las fuerças del Rey d'Espana - lo qual se ha de publicar por los generales de ladicha armada, para que todo el mundo sepa, que su Magestad ha juntado est' armada solamente para se defender de sus enemigos y offenderlos, y no en daño de qualesquiera otros que no ayudaren a sus dichos enemigos, a los quales su intencion y voluntad es que se haga todo buen tratamiento England and Wales 1596 Spanska
31 An epistle in the person of Christ to the faithfull soule, written first by that learned Lanspergius, and after translated into English by one of no small fame, whose good example of sufferance & liuing, hath and wilbe a memoriall vnto his countrie and posteritie for euer Johannes Justus Lansperger 1595 Engelska
32 1565. Songes and sonettes written by the right honorable Lord Henry Hawarde late Earle of Surrey, and other 1565 Engelska
33 Songes and sonets written by the right honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and others 1574. Cum priuilegio Engelska
34 Songes and sonnets, written by the Right honourable Lord Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and others 1585 Engelska
35 Songes and sonettes, written by the right honorable Lorde Henry Haward late Earle of Surrey, and other 1557 Engelska
36 An epistle or exhortation of Iesus Christ to the soule, that is deuoutly affected towards him - VVherein, are contained certaine diuine inspirations, teachinng a man to know himself, & instructing him in the perfection of true piety. VVritten in latin by the deuout seruant of Christ, Ioannes Lanspergius a Charterhouse monke. And translated into English by the Lord Philip late Earle of Arundell Johannes Justus Lansperger 1610 Engelska
37 Siarles arglwydd Howard, barwn o Effingham, ... Yn gymmaint a bod yr arwein wr Charles Howard Nottingham, Earl of 1591 Kymriska
38 An excellent epitaffe of syr Thomas wyat - with two other compendious dytties, wherein are touchyd, and set furth the state of mannes lyfe 1545? Engelska
39 By the Lord Generall. Whereas it hath pleased the Queenes Maiestie for necessary defence of her Highnesse realme against forreine inuitation, to cause sundry troupes of horse and footemen to be leuied out of diuers adioyning counties, ..., We Charles Earle of Notingham, Baron Haward of Effingham, ... doe by this our proclamation straightly charge and commaund .. Charles Howard Nottingham, Earl of 1599 Engelska
40 Songes and sonnets, written by the Right honorable Lord Henrie Haward late Earle of Surrey, and others 1587 Engelska

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