21 |
His Majesties most gracious speech, - together with the Lord Chancellors, to the two Houses of Parliament; on Thursday the 13 of September, 1660. Die Jovis, 13. Septemb. 1660. Printed and published at the desire of both Houses of Parliament, and with His Majesties allowance. John Brown cleric. Parliamentorum
England and Wales
1660 |
Engelska |
22 |
His Majestie's gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellor's, to both Houses of Parliament; - on Saturday the 29th day of December, 1660. Being the day of their dissolution. As also, that of the speaker of the Honorable House of Commons, at the same time
England and Wales
1661 |
Engelska |
23 |
Mr: Hides argument before the Lords in the Vpper House of Parliament. Aprill 1641
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
Printed in the yeare, 1641 |
Engelska |
24 |
Mr. Hides argvment before the Lords in the Vpper Hovse of Parliament, April 1641
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
25 |
Two letters written by the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, late Lord High Chancellour of England - one to His Royal Highness the Duke of York, the other to the Dutchess, occasioned by her embracing the Roman Catholick religion
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1680? |
Engelska |
26 |
A brief view and survey of the dangerous and pernicious errors to church and state in Mr. Hobbes's book entitled Leviathan
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1676 |
Engelska |
27 |
The proceedings in the House of Commons, touching the impeachment of Edward, late Earl of Clarendon, Lord High-Chancellour of England, Anno 1667 - with the many debates and speeches in the House, the impeachment exhibited against him, his petition in answer thereto : as also the several weighty arguments concerning the nature of treason, bribery, &c. by Serj. Maynard, Sir Ed. S., Sir T.L., Mr. Vaughan, Sir Rob. Howard, Mr. Hambden sic, and other members of that Parliament : together with the articles of high-treason exhibited against the said Earl, by the Earl of Bristol in the House of Lords on the 10th of July, 1663 : with the opinion of all the learned judges therein
England and Wales
1700 |
Engelska |
28 |
His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament - together with the Lord Chancellor's, delivered in Christ Church Hall in Oxford, the 10th of October, 1665
Karl, II, kung av England
1665 |
Engelska |
29 |
Second thoughts, or, The case of a limited toleration, stated according to the present exigence of affairs in church and state
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1660? |
Engelska |
30 |
His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellors, to the two Houses of Parliament at their prorogation, on Monday the nineteenth of May, 1662
Karl, II, kung av England
1662 |
Engelska |
31 |
A letter sent from beyond the seas to one of the chief ministers of the non-conforming party - by way of reply to many particulars which he sent to the author in a letter of news
George Hickes
1674 |
Engelska |
32 |
Mr. Edvvard Hydes speech at a conference betweene both Houses on Tewsday the 6th of July 1641 - at the transmission of the severall impeachments against the Lord Chiefe Barron Damport, Mr. Barron Trevor, and Mr. Barron Weston
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
33 |
To the Right Honourable, the Lords spiritual and temporal, in Parliament assembled, the hvmble petition and address of Edward, Earl of Clarendon
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1667? |
Engelska |
34 |
Plenum responsum ad famosum et proditorium libellum - inscriptum, (Declaratio Communium Angliæ congregatorum in Parlamento, explicans rationes, propter quas nuper statuerint non ampliùs agere cum Rege) ... : ex Anglico in Latinum fideliter translatum
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
1648 |
Latin |
35-37 |
A collection of such of the orders heretofore used in Chancery - with such alterations and additions thereunto as the right honorable Edward, Earl of Clarendon, Lord Chancellor of England, by and with the advice and assistance of the honorable Sir Harbottle Grimston, Baronet, Master of the Rolls, have thought fit at present to ordain and publish for reforming of several abuses in the said court, preventing the multiplicity of suits, motions, and unnecessary charge to the suiters and for their more expeditious and certain course for relief
(flera utgåvor)
England and Wales
1676 |
Engelska |
38 |
Tvvo speeches made in the House of Peeres, on Munday the 19th. of December, for, and against accomodation. The one by the Earl of Pembroke, the other by the Lord Brooke. The latter printed by the desire of the House of Commons
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
Printed in the yeare M.CD.XLII. sic i.e. 1643 |
Engelska |
39 |
His Majesties gracious speech to both Houses of Parliament - together with the L. Chancellor's in Christ-Church-Hall in Oxford, on Tuesday, Octob. 10. 1665
England and Wales
1665 |
Engelska |
40 |
His Majesties most gracious speech, together with the Lord Chancellours, to the tvvo Houses of Parliament, on Thursday the 13. of September, 1660 - Die Jovis, 13. Septemb. 1660. Printed and published at the desire of both Houses of Parliament, and with His Majesties allowance. John Brown cleric. Parliamentorum
England and Wales
1660 |
Engelska |