21 |
Anni, regum, Edwardi Quinti, Richardi Tertii, Henrici Septimi, et Henrici Octaui - omnes, qui antea impressi fuerunt, iam recens post priores editiones emendati & repurgati, numeris interlinearibus, notatis tum in margine, tum in capite, priorum editionum folijs, respondentibus, quorum principijs signa ista ** in textu præponuntur. Accessit nunc primum, annualium Regis Henrici Octaui, in honorandi illius iudicis Domini Roberti Brooki Equitis, epitomes titulis digestorum, in margine annotatio
1597 |
Latin |
22 |
Ascuns nouel cases de les ans & temps le Roy H.8. Edw.6. & la Roygne Mary. Escrie ex la graund abridgement compose per Sir Robert Brooke chiualer &c. la disperse en les titles: mes icy collect sub ans
Robert Brooke, Sir
1604 |
Latin |
23-24 |
A discovrse opening the natvre of that episcopacie which is exercised in England - wherein with all humility, are represented some considerations tending to the much desired peace, and long expected reformation, of this our mother church
(flera utgåvor)
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1642 |
Engelska |
25 |
Les Reports del cases en ley - que furent argues en le temps de tres haut & puissant princes les roys Henry le IV. & Henry le V
Engelska |
26 |
Le Livre des assises et pleas del' corone - moves & dependants devant les justices sibien en lour circuits come aylours, en temps du roy Edward le Tiers : avec une table des principal's matter's des pleas del' corone
Medelfranska (ca 1300-1600) |
27 |
Some new cases of the years and time of King Hen. 8. Edw. 6. and Qu: Mary; written out of the great abridgement, - composed by Sir Robert Brook, Knight, &c. There dispersed in the titles, but here collected under years. And now translated into English by John March of Grays-Inn, Barrister. All which said cases are hy sicthe translator methodised, and reduced alphabetically under their proper heads and titles. With an exact table of the principall matter contained therein
Robert Brooke, Sir
1651 |
Engelska |
28 |
Les reports des cases contenus in les ans vingt premier, & apres en temps du Roy Henry le VI. Communement appelles, The second part of Henry the Sixth, novelment reviews & corriges in divers lieux. Avec une table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycel'. Auxi vous aves in cest' impression les cases icy referres aux abridgments de Brook & Fitzherbert
MDCLXXIX. 1679 |
Romanskt språk |
29 |
Tvvo speeches made in the House of Peeres, on Munday the 19th. of December, for, and against accomodation. The one by the Earl of Pembroke, the other by the Lord Brooke. The latter printed by the desire of the House of Commons
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
Printed in the yeare M.CD.XLII. sic i.e. 1643 |
Engelska |
30 |
Three speeches spoken in Guild-Hall - concerning His Majesties refusall of a treaty of peace, and what is to be done thereupon. Two of them spoken by the Lord Brook, and one by Sir Henry Vane, on Tuesday the 8. of Novemb. 1642. Also, votes of the Houses of Parliament, made on Munday the 7. of Novemb, and read in Guild-hall on Tuesday the 8. of Novemb. 1642. With an order from both Houses of Parliament, for every souldier to repaire to his colours, and there the foot-souldiers to receive halfe a crowne, and the horse-souldiers five shillings a piece extradordinary. H. Elsynge Cler. Parliament. D. Com
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1642 |
Engelska |
31 |
A discourse opening the nature of that episcopacy which is exercised in England. Wherein are represented some considerations tending to the much desired peace, and long expected reformation of this our mother church
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
printed in the year 1661 |
Engelska |
32 |
Les reports del cases en ley - que furent argues à quadragesimo ad quinquagesimum annum de tres haut & puissant Prince Roy Edward le Tierce
Fornfranska (ca 842-1300) |
33 |
The reading of that famous lawyer, Sr. Robert Brook, Kt. upon the statute of limitations, 32.H.8. Cap. 2
Robert Brooke, Sir
1647 |
Engelska |
34 |
The nature of truth, its union and unity with the soule - which is one in its essence, faculties, acts, one with truth
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1641 |
Engelska |
35 |
The reading of M. Robert Brook ... upon the stat. of Magna Charta, chap. 16
Robert Brooke, Sir
1641 |
Engelska |
36 |
The Certificate of the deputy lieutenants for county of Warwick - of their endeavours in execution of the militia, with the cheerfulnesse and obedience of the trained bands, and number of voluntiers : together with the petition of the deputy lieutenants, captains, officers, and souldiers of the trained bands, and voluntiers of the said county to the Right Honorable Robert Lord Brook, Lord Lieutenant of the said county, to present their thankfulnesse for providing the ordinance of the militia for the safety of this kingdom : with the Lords answer thereunto
1642 |
Engelska |
37 |
Catalogus librorum ex bibliotheca nobilis cujusdam Angli i.e. Baron Brooke qui ante paucos annos in humanis esse desiit - accesserunt libri eximii theologi D. Gabrielis Sangar, adjectis theologi alterius magni, dum vixt, nominis libris selectioribus : quorum omnium auctio habebitur Londini 2 ̊die Decembris proxime sequenti 1678
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1678 |
Engelska |
38 |
Three speeches spoken in Gvild-Hall - concerning His Majesties refusall of a treaty of peace and what is to be done thereupon
Robert Greville Brooke, Baron
1642 |
Engelska |
39 |
Sources and spread of innovation in small e-commerce companies
Robert Brooke Mellor
2005 |
Engelska |
40 |
Writing suburban citizenship : place-conscious education and the conundrum of suburbia
Robert Brooke
2015 |
Okänt |