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Sökning efter: William Baron 430 träffar

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21 The lamentacion of a synner, made by the moste vertuous Lady quene Caterine, bewailyng the ignoraunce of her blind life: set foorth & put in print at the instant desire of the right gracious lady Caterine duchesse of Suffolke, and the ernest request of the right honourable Lord William Parre, Marquesse of Northampton Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England the .xxviii. day of Marche the yere of our lorde. M.D.XLVIII. 1548 Engelska
22 A declaration of the fauourable dealing of her Maiesties commissioners appointed for the examination of certain traitours - and of tortures vniustly reported to be done vpon them for matters of religion. 1583 Thomas Norton 1583 Engelska
23 Iustitia Britannica - Per quam liquet perspicue aliquot in eo regno perditos ciues, seditionis & armorum ciuilium authores, regníque hostium propugnatores acerrimos, vt communi Ecclesiæ reique publicæ paci, cautius prospiceretur, morte mulcatatos esse: propter religionem vero, aut cæremonias Romanas, neminem in capitis discrimen vocatum: licet ab aduersarijs secus multò, & admodum malitiosè publicetur. Perscriptum primo in nostrate lingua, deinde versum in Latinam William Cecil, lord Burghley anno M.D.LXXXIIII. 1584 Anno regni Reginæ Elizabethæ XXVI. Mense Martio Latin
24-25 Precepts, or, directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, through the whole course thereof: left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne, at his death, who was sometimes Lord Treasurer of this kingdome. Also some other precepts and advertisements added, which sometimes was the iewell and delight of the right Honourable Lord and father to his country Francis, Earl of Bedford, deceased. In two bookes (flera utgåvor) William Cecil, lord Burghley 1637 Engelska
26-27 The copie of a letter sent out of England to Don Bernardin Mendoza ambassadour in France for the King of Spaine - declaring the state of England, contrary to the opinion of Don Bernardin, and of all his partizans Spaniardes and others. This letter, although it was sent to Don Bernardin Mendoza, yet, by good hap, the copies therof aswell in English as in French, were found in the chamber of one Richard Leigh a seminarie priest, who was lately executed for high treason committed in the time that the Spanish Armada was on the seas. Whereunto are adioyned certaine late aduertisements, concerning the losses and distresses happened to the Spanish nauie, aswell in fight with the English nauie in the narrow seas of England, as aIso sic by tempests, and contrarie winds, vpon the west, and north coasts of Ireland, in their returne from the northerne isles beyond Scotland (flera utgåvor) William Cecil, lord Burghley 1588 Engelska
28 The lamentacion of a synner, made by ye most vertuous Ladie, Quene Caterin, bewayling the ignoraunce of her blind life: set furth and put in print at the instaunt desire of the righte gracious ladie Caterin duchesse of Suffolke, and the earnest requeste of the right honourable Lord, William Parre, Marquesse of North Hampton Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England the. v. day of Nouember, in the yere of our Lord. 1547 Engelska
29 D' executie van iustitie - tot onderhoudinge vande publicke en christelicke vrede in Engelandt ghedaen, teghen seker oproermakers ... Ouergheset vuyt het Enghelsche William Cecil, lord Burghley 1584 Nederländska
30 Atto della Giustitia d'Inghilterra, effeguito, per la coseruatione della commune e christiana pace - contra alcuni feminatori di discordie, e seguaci de ribelli, e denemici del reame, e non per niuna perfecutione ... Traslatato d'inglese in vulgare ... Il 25.d Maggio 1584. e 26.del felicissimo regno d'Eliza ... tta, per gratia at Dio William Cecil, lord Burghley 1584 Italienska
31 Discours veritable de diverses conspirations nagueres descouuertes contre la propre vie de la tresexcellente Majesté de la Royne - par assassinemens autant barbares, comme sa conseruation a esté miraculeuse de la main du Tout-puissant, opposée aux desseings pernicieux de ses Anglois rebelles, & aux violences de ses trespuissants ennemis estrangers William Cecil, lord Burghley 1595 Franska
32 Certaine preceptes - or directions, for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life: as also œconomicall discipline for the gouernment of his house: with a platforme to a good foundation thereof, in the aduised choise of a wife: left by a father to his sonne at his death, who was sometimes of eminent note and place in this kingdome. And published from a more perfect copie, than ordinarily those pocket manuscripts goe unwarranted by William Cecil, lord Burghley 1618 Engelska
33 A declaration of an order for the making of certaine small cases for ballaunces and waightes to weigh all maner of golde coynes currant with the realme .. England and Wales 1588 Engelska
34 Certaine precepts - or directions, for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life: as also œconomicall discipline for the gouernment of his house: with a platforme to a good foundation thereof, in the aduised choise of a wife: left by a father to his son at his death, who was sometimes of eminent note and place in this kingdome. And published from a more perfect copy, then ordinary those pocket manuscripts goe warranted by. With some other precepts and sentences of the same nature added: taken from a person of like place, and qualitie William Cecil, lord Burghley 1617 Engelska
35 L' execution de iustice faicte en Angleterre - pour maintenir la paix publique & chrestienne, contre les autheurs de sedition, adherens aux tristres & ennemis du royaume: sans aucune persecution contre eux esmeuë, pour matiere de religion, commeil a esté faucement aduancé & publie,́ par les fauteurs & nourriciers de leurs traisons. Descrite premierement en Anglois, puis traduite en langue Franc̜oise, en faueur de autres nations & personnes, qui ont l'vsage d'icelle William Cecil, lord Burghley 1584 Franska
36 Ordinances made by Sir William Cecill - Knight of the Order of the Garter, Baron of Burghley, for the order and gouernement of xiij. poore men, whereof one to be the warden of the hospitall at Stanford Baron in the countie of Northampton, to remaine in a chest in a chamber in the sayd hospitall, locked vp in a chest with two seuerall locks, the keyes whereof to be in the custodie of the Vicar of S. Martins and the bailiffe of the manour. xx. Augusti Anno xxxix. Elizabethae Reginæ, & anno domini 1597 William Cecil, lord Burghley 1597 Engelska
37-38 Salutem in Christo (flera utgåvor) R. G. 1571 Engelska
39 The lamentation of a sinner, made by the most vertuous Lady Queen Katherin, bewailing the ignorance of her blinde life, set foorth and put in print at the instaunt desire of the right gratious Lady Katherin Duches of Suffolke, and the ernest request of the right honorable Lord William Parr., Marquesse of Northhampton Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England 1563 Engelska
40 The copie of a letter written by one in London to his frend concernyng the credit of the late published detection of the doynges of the Ladie Marie of Scotland 1572 Engelska

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