4001 |
A new complete system of weights and measures, deduced from an unerring universal unit; with considerable improvements on the scale beam. - The whole embellished with a plate of the instruments which produce the unit; and a set of correct tables, adapted to every brach of commerce. By Cuthbert Clarke, lecturer on experimental philosophy
Cuthbert Clarke
1789 |
Engelska |
4002 |
Tentamen medicum, inaugurale, de putredine in typho coercenda. - Quod, annuente summo numine, ex auctoritate Reverendi admodum Viri, D. Gulielmi Robertson, S.S.T.P. Academiæ Edinburgenæ Præfecti; nec non amplissimi senatus academici consesu, et nobilissimae facultatis medicæ decreto, Pro Gradu Doctoratus, summisque in medicina Honoribus et privilegiis rite et legitime consequendis; eruditorum examini subjicit Josephus Clarke, hibernus, Ad diem 12. Septembris, hora locoque solitis
Joseph Clarke
M,DCC,LXXIX. 1779 |
Latin |
4003 |
An essay upon the education of youth in grammar-schools. - In which the vulgar method of teaching is examined, and a new one proposed, for the more easy and speedy training up of youth to the knowledge of the learned languages; together with history, chronology, geography, &c. By John Clarke, master of the Publick Grammar-School in Hull
John Clarke
1720 |
Engelska |
4004 |
Real scriptural predestination, asserted and defended against the false account of it, by the Rev. Mr. Madan, - in his Scriptural comment on the thirty nine articles. ... By a friend to the petitioning clergy
Richard Clarke
1772 |
Engelska |
4005 |
An essay on the epidemic disease of lying-in women, of the years 1787 and 1788, by John Clarke, licentiate in midwifery, of the Royal College of Physicians, and teacher of midwifery, in London
John Clarke
Engelska |
4006 |
Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta; or, A select century of Cordery's Colloquies - with an English translation as literal as possible, design'd for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, master of the publick grammar school in Hull, and author of the Introduction to the making of Latin
Mathurin Cordier
1724 |
Engelska |
4007 |
Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta: or, A select century of the colloquies of Corderius. - With an English translation, as literal as possible. Designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, late master of the publick grammar school in Hull
Mathurin Cordier
Engelska |
4008 |
The adventures of Telemachus son of Ulysses - from the French of Fenelon by the celebrated Jno. Hawkesworth L.L.D. Corrected & revised by G. Gregory. D.D. With a life of the author and a complete index historical and geographical. Embellished with engravings. In two volumes
François de Salignac de La Mothe- Fénelon
1797 |
Engelska |
4009 |
The Young gentleman and lady's monitor, - and English teacher's assistant; being a collection of select pieces from our best modern writers: calculated to eradicate vulgar prejudices and rusticity of manners; improve the understanding; rectify the will; purify the passions direct the minds of youth to the pursuit of proper objects; and to facilitate their reading, writing, and speaking the English language, with elegance and propriety. Particularly adapted for the use of our eminent schools ... By J. Hamilton Moore, author of the Practical navigator, and Seaman's ne daily assistant
M,DCC,XCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
4010 |
Observations on the late and present conduct of the French, - with regard to their encroachments upon the British colonies in North America. Together with remarks on the importance of these colonies to Great-Britain. To which is added, wrote by another hand; Observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c
William Clarke
1755 |
Engelska |
4011 |
The secrets of Masonry illustrated and explained - in a discourse, preached at South-Kingstown, before the Grand Lodge of the State of Rhode-Island; convened for the installation of Washington-Lodge, September 3d, A.L. 5799. By Abraham Lynsen Clarke, A.M. Rector of St. John's Church, Providence
Abraham Lynsen Clarke
1799 |
Engelska |
4012 |
The History of France, from the earliest times, till the death of Louis Sixteenth. - From the French of Velly, Villaret, Garnier, Mezeray, Daniel, and other eminent historians; with notes, critical and explanatory; by John Gifford, Esq. And continued from the above period, until the conclusion of the present war, by a citizen of the United States
1796-1798 |
Engelska |
4013 |
An introduction to the making of Latin. - Comprising, after an easy, compendious method, the substance of the Latin syntax, with proper English examples, most of them translations from the classick authors, in one column, and the Latin words in another. To which is subjoined, in the same method, a succinct account of the affairs of ancient Greece and Rome, intended at once to bring boys acquainted with history, and the idiom of the Latin tongue. With rules for the gender of nouns. By John Clarke, late master of the publick grammar school in Hull
John Clarke
Engelska |
4014 |
Hoch-deutsches reformirtes A B C und Namen-Büchlein, - für Kinder welche anfangen zu lernen
1795 |
Tyska |
4015 |
Domestic medicine: or, A treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases by regimen and simple medicines. - With an appendix, containing a dispensatory for the use of private practitioners. By William Buchan, M.D. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
William Buchan
1795 |
Engelska |
4016 |
Miscellaneous observations relating to education - More especially as it respects the conduct of the mind. By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. One line in Latin from Horace
Joseph Priestley
1796 |
Engelska |
4017 |
P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon libri X. Or, Ten select books of Ovid's Metamorphoses - with an English translation, compiled from the two former translations, by Davidson and Clarke; a prosody table and references, (after the manner of Mr. Stirling) pointing out, at one view, the scanning of each verse; and Davidson's English notes
M.DCC.XC. 1790 |
Engelska |
4018 |
Corderii Colloquiorum centuria selecta; or, A select century of Corderius's colloquies. - with an English translation as literal as possible, designed for the use of beginners in the Latin tongue. By John Clarke, master of the public grammar school in Hull, and author of the Introduction to the making of Latin
Mathurin Cordier
Printed in the year MDCCLXX. 1770 |
Engelska |
4019 |
A new and complete system of universal geography - describing Asia, Africa, Europe and America; with their subdivisions of republics, states, empires, and kingdoms: the extent, boundaries, and remarkable appearances of each country; cities, towns, and curiosities of natur and art, also giving a general account of the fossil and vegetable productions of the earth. The history of man, in all climates, regions, and conditions; customs, manners, laws, governments, and religions: the state of arts, sciences, commerce, manufactures, and knowledge. Sketches of the ancient and modern history of each nation and people, to the present time. To which is added, a view of astromony, as connected with geography; of the planetary system to which the earth belongs: and of the universe in general. With a copious index annexed to each volume. Being a large and comprehensive abridgement of Universal geography. By John Payne. With additions, corrections and improvements from the latest and best authors. By James Hardie, A.M. author of The principles of Latin grammar, The American remembrancer, and universal tablet of memory &c. In four volumes
John Payne
1798-1800 |
Engelska |
4020 |
The dramatic works of Baron Kotzebue - Translated from the German, by Charles Smith
August von Kotzebue
1800 |
Engelska |