4141 |
Transactions of the 4th International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, San Francisco, California, USA, 15-19 August 1977 Vol. K(a), Seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant systems
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1977) San Francisco :
1977 |
Engelska |
4142 |
Transactions of the 4th International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, San Francisco, California, USA, 15-19 August 1977 Vol. K(b), Seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant systems
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1977) San Francisco :
1977 |
Engelska |
4143 |
Transactions of the 4th International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, San Francisco, California, USA, 15-19 August 1977 Vol. L, Inelastic analysis of metal structures
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1977) San Francisco :
1977 |
Engelska |
4144 |
Landslide recognition - identification, movement and courses
c1996 |
Engelska |
4145 |
Naloxone, flumazenil and dantrolene as antidotes
1993 |
Engelska |
4146 |
Antidotes for poisoning by paracetamol
1995 |
Engelska |
4147 |
Veterinärwissenschaft - mehrsprachiger Thesaurus = Veterinary multilingual thesaurus = Thesaurus multilingue vétérinaire = Thesaurus multilingue di veterinaria
1979 |
Flerspråkigt verk |
4148 |
Veterinärwissenschaft 2 : English edition - mehrsprachiger Thesaurus
1979 |
Engelska |
4149 |
Library policy for preservation and conservation in the European community
Alexander Wilson
1988 |
Engelska |
4150 |
The European challenge, 1992 - the benefits of a single market
Paolo Cecchini
cop. 1988 |
Engelska |
4151 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
cop. 1975 |
Engelska |
4152 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 1 P. C, Reactor core, Structural analysis of reactor fuel elements. P. D. Strucral analysis of reactor fuel elements
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4153 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 2 P. E, Reactor core and coolant circuit, Fast reactor accident analysis
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4154 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 2 P. F, Reactor core and coolant circuit, Structural analysis of reactor core and coolant circuit structures
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4155 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 3 P. G, Reactor vessels, Structural analysis of steel reactor pressure vessels. P.H. Structural analysis of prestressed concrete reactor pressure vessels
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4156 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 4 P. J, Reactor plant structures and containment, Loading conditions and structural analysis of reactor containment
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4157 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 4 P. K, Reactor plant structures and containment, Seismic response analysis of nuclear power plant systems
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4158 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 5 P. L, Methods for structural analysis, Heat conduction and thermal stress analysis; inelastic analysis of metal structures
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4159 |
3rd International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology, London, United Kingdom, 1-5 September 1975 Vol. 5 P. M, Methods for structural analysis, Methods for structural analysis
International conference on structural mechanics in reactor technology 1975) London :
1975 |
Engelska |
4160 |
Lead exposure and child development - an international assessment
cop. 1989 |
Engelska |