421 |
Corpus doctrinae christianæ das ist Ganze Summa der rechten waren christlichen Lehre des heyligen Evangelii, nach Innhalt göttlicher, prophetischen und apostolichen Schriften, inn etliche Bücher gantz richtig gottselig und christlich verfasset, durch den ehrwirdigen Herrn Philippum Melanthonem
Philipp Melanchthon
1570 |
Tyska |
422 |
P. Terentii comoediæ sex iam denvo scholiis illvstratæ, atq; cæteris multo castigatiores. Editæ stvdio & labore Philippi Melanthonis ac Erasmi Roterodami
1606? |
Latin |
423 |
Theognidis Megarensis sententiæ - cum versione Latina, ita ut verbum verbo conferri possit, addita earundem explicatione
1639 |
Latin |
424 |
A godly and learned assertion in defence of the true church of God, and of His Woorde
Philipp Melanchthon
1580 |
Engelska |
425 |
Margarita theologica continens praecipuos locos doctrinæ Christianæ per quæstiones breuiter & ordine explicatos - omnibus pastoribus, verbi præconibus, & ecclesiæ ministris necessaria
Johann Spangenberg
1570 |
Latin |
426 |
De officiis M. T. Ciceronis libri tres - item, De amicitia, De senectute, Paradoxa, & De somnio scipionis
Marcus Tullius. Cicero
M.D.LXXIIII. 1574 |
Latin |
427 |
De officiis Marci Tullii Ciceronis libri tres - item, De amicitia, De senectute, Paradoxa, & De somnio scipionis
Marcus Tullius. Cicero
1593 |
Latin |
428 |
The confessyon of the faythe of the Garmaynes - exhibited to the mooste victorious Emperour Charles the. v. in the Councell or assemble holden at Augusta the yere of our Lorde. 1530. To whiche is added the apologie of Melancthon who defendeth with reasons inuincible the aforesayde confesyon translated by Rycharde Tauerner at the commaundement of Lorde Thomas Cromwell
1539? |
Engelska |
429 |
A pistle to the Christen reader - The revelation of Antichrist. Antithesis, wherin are compared to geder Christes actes and oure holye father the Popes
John Frith
1529 |
Engelska |
430 |
The confessyon of fayth delyueryd to ye emperour Charles the v. by the lordes of Germany wryten in latyn by Phylyppe Melancthon, and translated into Englyshe by Robert Syngylton ..
ca. 1550 |
Engelska |
431 |
A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. et c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian counsayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the nation of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost
Hermann von Wied
in the yere of our Lorde. 1547. the. xxx. of October. Iohn Daye |
Engelska |
432 |
The actes of the disputacion in the cowncell of the Empyre holden at Regenspurg - that is to saye, all the artycles concernyng the Christen relygion both agreed and not agreed vpon: euen as they were propowned of the Emprour vnto the nobles of the Empyre, to be iudged, delybred and debated. Here thow hast also the sentence, cowncell and aduyse of the Emperor, of euery degre of the nobles of the Empyre and of the Legate of Rome concernyng these actys. And more ouer here be certen prefacys of Phylyp Melancton declaryng why certen popyssh artycles were reprouyd by the protestantys: and certen other thinges also a regestre whereof thou hast in the next syde of this leafe set forth by Martyne Bucere et Philyp Melancton translated owt of Latyne into Englissh. By Mylys Couerdale. M.D.xlij
1542 |
Engelska |
433 |
The epistle of the famous and great clerke Philip Melancton made vnto oure late Souereygne Lorde Kynge Henry the eight, for the reuoking and abolishing of the six articles set forth and enacted by the craftie meanes and procurement of certeyne of our prelates of the clergie, newly translated out of laten into Englishe by I.C
Philipp Melanchthon
1547 |
Engelska |
434 |
The iustification of man by faith only: made and vvritten by Phylyp Melanchton. and translated out of the Latyn in to this oure mother tonge by Nicholas Lesse of London An apologie or defence of the worde of God, declaringe what a necessary thynge it is, to be in all mennes handes, the want wher of is the only cause of al vngodlienes committed thorowe the whole earth, made by the sayde Nicholas Lesse
Philipp Melanchthon
in the yere of oure Lorde God .M.CCCCC.XLVIII. the .XI. daye of October 1548 |
Engelska |
435 |
A newe work concerning both partes of the sacrament to be receyued of the lay peple - as well vnder the kind off wine as vnder the kind of bread, with certen other articles concerning the masse and the auctoritie of bisshops the chapters whereof are conteined in the next leafe made by Philip Melancthon and newly translated out of latyn
Philipp Melanchthon
M.D.XLIII 1543 |
Engelska |
436 |
A waying and considering of the Interim by the honourworthy and highly learned Phillip Melancthon. Translated into Englyshe by Iohn Rogers
Philipp Melanchthon
the vi. daie of Auguste, the yere of our lorde. M.D.XLVIII. 1548 |
Engelska |
437 |
A newe worck concernyng both partes of the sacrament to be receyued of the lay people - as well vnder the kynd of wyne as vnder the kynd of breade, with certen other articles, concernyng the masse and the auctoritie of bysshops the chapters whereof are conteyned in the next leafe made by Philip Melancthon and newly translated out of latyn
Philipp Melanchthon
1548? |
Engelska |
438 |
The art or crafte of rhetoryke
Leonard Cox
The yere of our lorde god a thousande, fyue hundred and two and thyrty 1532 |
Engelska |
439 |
A very godly defense, full of lerning, defending the mariage of preistes, gathered by Philip Melanchton, and sent vnto the Kyng of Englond, Henry the aight, translated out of latyne into englisshe, by lewes beuchame: the yere of the Lorde .M.CCCCC.XLI. in Auguste
Philipp Melanchthon
1541 |
Engelska |
440 |
P. Mosellani Tabulæ de schematibus et tropis in rhetorica - Item in Erasmi Roterodami libellum de duplici copia
Peter Schade
Anno 1573 |
Latin |