441 |
C. Crispi Sallustii De L. Sergii Catilinæ coniuratione, ac Bellum Iugurthino historio - Cum alijs quibusdam quæ sequens indicabit pagella
Anno. 1569 |
Latin |
442 |
Godly prayers - meete to be vsed in these later times: collected out of the workes of that godly and reuerende father, Doctor Philip Melancthon and others: Now newly translated into Englishe. Seene and allowed, according to the order appointed
Philipp Melanchthon
1579 |
Engelska |
443 |
Of two vvoonderful popish monsters - to wyt, of a popish asse which was found at Rome in the riuer of Tyber, and of a monkish calfe, calued at Friberge in Misne. Which are the very foreshewings and tokens of Gods wrath, against blinde, obstinate, and monstrous Papistes. Witnessed, and declared, the one by Philip Melancthon, the other by Martyn Luther. Translated out of French into English by Iohn Brooke of Assh, next Sandwich
Philipp Melanchthon
1579 |
Engelska |
444 |
A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete - sent vnto the Germanes at such a time as certain great princes went about to bryng alienes into Germany, and to restore the papacy; the kingdom of Antichrist. Etc Now translated into English for a like admonicion vnto all true Englyshe harts; wherby they may learn and know how to consider and receiue the procedinges of the English magistrates and bishops. With a preface of M. Philip Melancthon
Martin Luther
In the month of May. M.D.Liiii. With the most gracious licence and pruilege of god almightie, king of heauen and earth. 1554 |
Engelska |
445 |
The exposicion of Daniel the prophete gathered oute of Philip Melanchton, Iohan Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane and out of Iohan Draconite. et c. By George Ioye. A prophecye diligently to be noted of al emprowrs and kinges in these laste dayes
George Joye
1545. In Auguste |
Engelska |
446 |
The exposicion of Daniell the prophete, gathered out of Philip Melanchton, Ihon Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and oute of Ihon Draconite et c. By George Ioye. A prophecie diligentlye to bee noted of al emperoures and kinges, in these last daies
George Joye
The yere of our Lorde God M.D.L. 1550 the nynth daye of Apryll |
Engelska |
447 |
The exposycion of Daniel the prophete, gathered out of Philip Melancthon, Iohan Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and out of Iohan Draconite. et c. By George Ioye. A prophecye diligentely to be noted of al emperoures and kinges, in these laste dayes
George Joye
1550 |
Engelska |
448 |
Marci Tullii Ciceronis De oratore libri tres. Eiusdem de perfecto oratore ad M. Brutum liber. Cum absolutis. doctiss. viri Philippi Melancthonis castigationibus & scholijs
Marcus Tullius. Cicero
Anno. 1573 |
Latin |
449 |
The confessyon of the fayth of the Germaynes - exhibited to the moste victorious Emperour Charles the. v. in the Councell or assemble holden at Augusta the yere of our Lorde. 1530. To which is added the apologie of Melancthon who defendeth with reasons inuincible the aforesayde confesyon translated by Rycharde Tauerner at the commaundement of his master Thomas Cromwel chefe Secretarie to the kynges grace
1536 |
Engelska |
450 |
The arte or crafte of rhethoryke
Leonard Cox
ca. 1535? |
Engelska |
451 |
A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archbishop of Colone, and prince Electoure, and c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde. Of doctrine, administration of deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the whole cure of soules, and other ecclesiasticall ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntill the lord graunte a better to be appoynted, either by a free, and cChristian counsaile, generall, or national, or else by the states of the empire of the nation of Germany, gathered together in the holye Gost. Perused by the translator therof and amended in many places. 1548
Hermann von Wied
1548 |
Engelska |
452 |
A godlye treatyse of prayer, translated into Englishe, by Iohn Bradforde
Philipp Melanchthon
1553 |
Engelska |
453 |
A newe work concernyng both partes of the Sacrament to be receyued of the lay people - as wel vnder the kinde of wyne as vnder the kynd of breade, wtth sic certen other articles, concernyng the masse and the auctorite of bysshops, the chapters whereof are conteyned in the next leafe made by Philip Melanchton and newly translated out of Latyn
Philipp Melanchthon
1548? |
Engelska |
454 |
An introduction into the bookes of the prophets and apostles - Written by Peter Palladius, Doctor of Diuinity and Byshop of Rochil. Faithfully translated out of Latin into English. By Edw. Vaughan
Peder Palladius
1598 |
Engelska |
455 |
M. T. Ciceronis De oratore ad quintum fratrem. Libri tres
Marcus Tullius. Cicero
1589 |
Latin |
456-457 |
De officiis Marci Tullii Ciceronis libri tres - Item, De amicitia: De senectute: Paradoxa: & De somnio Scipionis. Cum D. Erasmi Roterodami, Philippi Melancthonis, ac Bartholomai Latomi annotationibus. Omnia, variis atque optimis quibusque collatis exemplaribus, diligentissimè castigata
(flera utgåvor)
Marcus Tullius. Cicero
M.D.LXXXVII 1587 |
Latin |
458 |
VVhether it be a mortall sinne to transgresse ciuil lawes - which be the commaundementes of ciuill magistrates. The iudgement of Philip Melancton in his epitome of morall philosophie. The resolution of D. Hen. Bullinger, and D. Rod. Gualter, of D. Martin Bucer, and D. Peter Martyr, concernyng thapparrel of ministers, and other indifferent thinges
1570? |
Engelska |
459 |
A faythful admonycion of a certen trewe pastor.
Martin Luther
in the month of May. 1554 |
Engelska |
460 |
A ciuile nosgay - wherin is contayned not onelye the offyce and dewty of all magestrates and iudges but also of of sic all subiectes with a preface concernynge the lyberty of iustice in this our tyme newly collected and gethered out of latyn and so translated in to the Inglyshe tonge by I.G
Philipp Melanchthon
1550? |
Engelska |