4661 |
Certaine sermons of Sainte Augustines
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1557 |
Engelska |
4662 |
Saint Ambrose his Christian offices - in 3. bookes : whereunto is added his conviction of Symmacus the Gentile : a worke tending to the advancement of vertue, and holinesse of life : also, shewing how much the moralitie of the gentiles is exceeded by the doctrine of Christianitie
Ambrosius, helgon, biskop av Milano
1637 |
Engelska |
4663 |
A Pretious booke of heauenlie meditations called, A priuate talke of the solue sic with God - which, who so zealouslie will vse and peruse, shall feele in his minde an vnspeakable sweetenes of the euerlasting happines
1600 |
Engelska |
4664 |
An amulet or preservative against sicknes and death - in two parts : the first containing spirituall direction for the sicke at all times needfull, but especially in the conflict of sicknes and agonie of death : the second, a method or order of comforting the sicke
Abraham. Man
1617 |
Engelska |
4665 |
A heavenly treasure of confortable meditations in three treatises of his meditations, soliloquies, and manuel
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1621 |
Engelska |
4666 |
A pretious booke of heavenlie meditations, called, A priuate talke of the soule with God - which who so zealouslie will vse and peruse, shall feele in his minde an vnspeakable sweetnes of the euerlasting happiness
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1604 |
Engelska |
4667 |
A pretious booke of heavenly meditations, called, A private talke of the soule with God - which, who so zealouslie will vse and peruse, shall feele in his minde an unspeakable sweetnesse of the everlasting happinesse
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1634 |
Engelska |
4668 |
Tvvoo bookes of Saint Ambrose Bysshoppe of Mylleyne, entytuled: Of the vocation and callying of all nations. Newly translated out of Latin into Englyshe, for the edifiying and comfort of the single mynded and godly vnlearned in Christes Church, against the late sprong secte of the Pelagians ... By Henry Becher minister in the Church of God ..
Anno Christi. 1561 |
Engelska |
4669 |
Christian offices crystall glasse - In three bookes. First written in Latine, by that famous and renowned Father, Saint Ambrose Bishop of Millane. Whereunto is added his conuiction of Symmachus the Gentile. A worke tending to the advancement of vertue, and of holinesse: and to shew how much the morality of the Gentiles, is exceeded by the doctrine of Christianity. Translated into English by Richard Humfrey
Ambrosius, helgon, biskop av Milano
1637 |
Engelska |
4670 |
Saint Augustines confessions translated: and with some marginall notes illustrated. Wherein, diuers antiquities are explayned; and the marginall notes of a former Popish translation, answered. By William Watts, rector of St. Albanes, Woodstreete
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1631 |
Engelska |
4671 |
The confessions of S. Augustine Bishope of Hippon and D. of the Church. Translated into English by S.T.M
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
M.DC.XXXVIII. 1638 |
Engelska |
4672 |
The confessions of the incomparable doctour S. Augustine, translated into English. Togeather with a large preface, which it will much import to be read ouer first; that so the book it selfe may both profit, and please, the reader, more
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
M.DC.XX. 1620 |
Engelska |
4673 |
Certein places gathered out of .S. Austens boke intituled de essentia diuinitatis - verye necessary to vnderstand certein darke places of the byble and especiallye the Prophetes gachered sic by Herman Bodius a faithfull preacher. and now lately turned into Inglysh
Anno .M.D.xLVIII. The .xiii. day of decembre 1548 |
Engelska |
4674 |
A pretious booke of heauenlie meditations, called a priuate talke of the soule with God - which who so zealouslie wil vse and pervse, shal feele in his mind an vnspeakable sweetenes of the euerlasting happines: written (as some thinke) by that reuerend, and religious Father S. Augustine; and not translated onlie, but purified also, and with most ample, and necessarie sentences of holie Scripture adorned, by Thomas Rogers
1581 |
Engelska |
4675 |
The kernell or extract of the historicall part, of S. Augustins Confessions - together with all the most affectuous passages thereof; taken out of that whole booke, & seuered from such parts, as are obscure
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
M.DC.XXXVIII. 1638 |
Engelska |
4676 |
Two bokes of the noble doctor and B. S. Augustine - thone entiteled of the predestiuacion sic of saintes, thother of perseueraunce vnto thende, whervnto are annexed the determinaciouns of two auncient generall councelles, confermyng the doctrine taught in these bokes by s. Aug. all faythfully translated out of Laten into Englyshe by Iohn Scory the late B. of Chichester, very necessary for al tymes
1556? |
Engelska |
4677 |
S. Augustines manuel - Conteining special, and piked meditations, and godlie praiers: drawne out of the Word of God, and writings of the holie Fathers, for the exercise of the soule. Corrected, translated, and adorned, by Thomas Rogers
1581 |
Engelska |
4678-4679 |
Certaine select prayers, gathered out of S. Augustines meditations - which he calleth his selfe talke with God
(flera utgåvor)
Anno. 1577 |
Engelska |
4680 |
A right Christian treatise, entituled S. Augustines praiers: published in more ample sort than yet it hath bin in the English tong; purged from diuers superstitious points; and adorned with manifold places of the S. Scripture, by Thomas Rogers. Wherevnto is annexed Saint Augustines psalter: translated and quoted by the same T.R
1581 |
Engelska |