4681 |
Certaine select prayers, gathered out of S. Augustines meditations, which he calleth his priuate talke with God. Also his manuel, or booke of contemplation of Christ
1586 |
Engelska |
4682 |
A heavenly treasure of confortable meditations and prayers written by S. Augustin, Bishop of Hyppon in three seuerall treatises of his meditations, soliloquies, and manual. Faithfully translated into English by the R. F. Antony Batt monke, of the holy order of S Bennet of the Congregation of England
anno 1624 |
Engelska |
4683 |
S. Augustines manuel - Conteining special, and piked meditations, and godlie praiers: drawne out of the word of God, and writings of the holie Fathers, for the exercise of the soule. Corrected, translated, and adorned, by Thomas Rogers
1591 |
Engelska |
4684 |
A monomachie of motiues in the mind of man: or a battell betweene vertues and vices of contrarie qualitie - Wherein the imperfections and weaknesses of nature appeare so naked, that anie reasonable soule may soone see by what spirit he is lead: herevnto also, besides sundrie deuout praiers necessarilie interlaced, diuers golden sentences of S. Barnard are annexed: and also a briefe conclusion of his vpon this theame, that victorie is obtained by resisting temptation. Newlie englished by Abraham Fleming
Ambrosius Autpertus
1582 Cum priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis |
Engelska |
4685 |
The glasse of vaine-glorie: faithfully translated (out of S. Augustine his booke, intituled, Speculum peccatoris) into English, by W.P. Doctor of the Lawes
1585 |
Engelska |
4686 |
A delicate diet, for daintiemouthde droonkardes - Wherein the fowle abuse of common carowsing, and quaffing with hartie draughtes, is honestlie admonished. By George Gascoyne Esquier
George Gascoigne
1576 |
Engelska |
4687 |
St. Augustine, Of the citie of God - vvith the learned comments of Io. Lod. Viues. Englished by I.H
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1610 |
Engelska |
4688 |
Saint Augustine, Of the citie of God - with the learned comments of Io. Lodouicus Viues. Englished first by I.H. And now in this second edition compared with the Latine originall, and in very many places corrected and amended
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
1620 |
Engelska |
4689 |
A faithful admonition of a certeyne true pastor and prophete - sent vnto the Germanes at such a time as certain great princes went about to bryng alienes into Germany, and to restore the papacy; the kingdom of Antichrist. Etc Now translated into English for a like admonicion vnto all true Englyshe harts; wherby they may learn and know how to consider and receiue the procedinges of the English magistrates and bishops. With a preface of M. Philip Melancthon
Martin Luther
In the month of May. M.D.Liiii. With the most gracious licence and pruilege of god almightie, king of heauen and earth. 1554 |
Engelska |
4690 |
Precepts, or, directions for the well ordering and carriage of a mans life, through the whole course thereof: left by William, Lord Burghly, to his sonne, at his death, who was sometimes Lord Treasurer of this kingdome. Also some other precepts and advertisements added, which sometimes was the iewell and delight of the right Honourable Lord and father to his country Francis, Earl of Bedford, deceased. In two bookes
William Cecil, lord Burghley
1637 |
Engelska |
4691 |
Certaine select prayers, gathered out of S. Augustines meditations - which he calleth his priuate talke with God. Also his manuell, or booke of the contemplation of Christ
1585 |
Engelska |
4692 |
A worke of the predestination of saints wrytten by the famous doctor S. Augustine byshop of Carthage, and translated out of Latin into Englysshe, by Nycolas Lesse, Londoner. Item, another worke of the sayde Augustyne, entytuled, Of the vertue of perseueraunce to thend, translated by the sayd. N.L
1550 |
Engelska |
4693 |
A svvete and deuoute sermon of holy saynt Ciprian of mortalitie of man. The rules of a christian lyfe made by Picus erle of Mirandula, bothe translated into englyshe by syr Thomas Elyot knyghte
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
1534 |
Engelska |
4694 |
The twelfe steppes of abuses writen by the famus doctor S. Augustine translated out of laten by Nicolas Lesse
the yere of our Lorde God M.D.L. the fourth daye of Maye 1550 |
Engelska |
4695 |
A sermon of S. Cyprian made on the Lordes prayer - that is to wytte, the Paternoster
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
An. M.D.XXXIX. 1539 |
Engelska |
4696 |
A svvete and devoute sermon of holy saynct Ciprian of mortalitie of man. The rules of a christian lyfe made by Picus erle of Mirandula, bothe translated into englyshe by syr Thomas Elyot knyght
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
Anno verbiincarnati. M. D. XXXIX. 1539 |
Engelska |
4697 |
The rule of saynt Augustyne, bothe in latyn and englysshe, with two exposicyons. And also the same rule agayn onely in englysshe without latyn or exposicyon - The translatour doth aduyse and counseyll all the disciples of this rule to bere alway one of these bokes upon them syth they ben so portatyue, and may be had for so small a pryce
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
The yere of our lorde god.M.CCCCC.xxv. the xxviij. daye of Nouember 1525 |
Engelska |
4698 |
C ertein workes of blessed Cipriane the martyr, translated out of laten by J. Scory
Cyprianus, helgon, biskop av Kartago
1556 |
Engelska |
4699 |
A deuout prayer of s. Ambrose, very expedient for all suche as prepare them selues to saye masse, or receaue ye blessed sacrament of the very body and bloud of Christ. Englished by Thomas Paynell.
Ambrosius, helgon, biskop av Milano
1555 |
Engelska |
4700 |
A woorke of the holy bishop S. Augustine concernyng adulterous mariages written by him to Pollentius, diuided into two bookes, very necessary to be knowen of all men and women
Aurelius Augustinus, helgon
Anno. 1550 |
Engelska |