481 |
Whereas in expectation of conformity to the laws of the land, concerning uniformity of common-prayer and service in the church and the administration of the sacraments ..
1662 |
Engelska |
482 |
Advice to the painter's adviser
1670 |
Engelska |
483 |
Controversial discourses relating to the church - being an answer to Dr. Sherlock's Discourse concerning the nature, unitie, and communion of the Catholick Chvrch
B. D.
M. DC. XCVII 1697 |
Engelska |
484 |
Herod the Great - a tragedy
Roger Boyle Orrery, Earl of
1694 |
Engelska |
485 |
Upon the stately structure of Bow-Church and steeple, burnt, an. 1666, rebuilt, 1679, or, A second poem upon nothing
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1679? |
Engelska |
486 |
Poems on several occasions
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1680? |
Engelska |
487 |
A pastoral dialogue between Alexis and Strephon
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1682 |
Engelska |
488 |
A very heroical epistle from my Lord All-pride to Dol-common. - The argument. Dol-common being forsaken by my Lord All-pride, and having written him a most lamentable letter, his Lordship sends her the following answer
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
Printed in the year, 1679 |
Engelska |
489 |
State-poems; continued from the time of O. Cromwel, to this present year 1697. Written by the greatest wits of the age, viz. The Lord Rochester, the Lord D-t, the Lord V-n, the hon. Mr. M-ue, Sir F. S-d, Mr. Milton, Mr. Prior, Mr. Stepney, Mr. Ayloffe, &c. With several poems in praise of Oliver Cromwel, in Latin and English, by D. South, D. Locke, Sir W. G-n, D. Crew, Mr. Busby, &c. Also some miscellany poems by the same, never before printed
Printed in the year MDCXCVII. 1697 |
Engelska |
490 |
Familiar letters: vol. I. Written by the right honourable John, late Earl of Rochester, to the Honble Henry Savile, Esq; and other letters, by persons of honour and quality. With letters written by the most ingenious Mr. Thomas Otway, and Mrs. K. Phillips. Publish'd from their original copies. With modern letters, by Tho. Cheek, Esq; Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Brown
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1699 |
Engelska |
491 |
Familiar letters: vol. I. - Written by the Right Honourable, John, late Earl of Rochester, to the honourable Henry Savile, esq; and other letters by persons of honour and quality. With letters written by the most ingenious Mr. Tho. Otway, and Mrs. K. Philips. Publish'd from their original copies. With modern letters by Tho. Cheek, Esq; Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Brown
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1697 |
Engelska |
492 |
Familiar letters - vol. I. Written by the right honourable, John, late- Earl of Rochester, to the honourable Henry Savile, Esq; and other letters by persons of honour and quality. With letters written by the most ingenious Mr. Tho. Otway, and Mrs. K. Philips. Publish'd from their original copies. With modern letters by Tho. Cheek, esq; Mr. Dennis, and Mr. Brown
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1697 |
Engelska |
493 |
An answer to a scandalous letter lately printed and subscribed by Peter Welsh, procurator for the Sec. and Reg. popish priests of Ireland - Intituled, A letter desiring a just and merciful regard of the Roman Catholicks of Ireland, given about the end of Octob. 1660. to the then Marquess, now Duke of Ormond, and the second time Lord Lieutenant of that Kingdom. By the right honourable the Earl of Orrery, one of the Lords Justices of the kingdom of Ireland, and L. President of the province of Munster, &c. Being a full discovery of the treachery of the Irish rebels since the beginning of the rebellion there, necessary to be considered by all adventureres and other persons estated in that kingdom
Roger Boyle Orrery, Earl of
1662 |
Engelska |
494-495 |
Parthenissa - a romance
(flera utgåvor)
Roger Boyle Orrery, Earl of
Printed in the yeare 1651 |
Engelska |
496 |
Melpomene: or, The muses delight - Being new poems and songs. Written by several of the great wits of our present age, as I.D. T.F. S.W. T.S. C.O. I.B. &c. Collected together, and now printed
1678 |
Engelska |
497 |
Familiar letters. Vol. II - Containing thirty six letters
1699 |
Engelska |
498 |
Familiar letters Vol. I
1699 |
Engelska |
499 |
Poems on several occasions by the Right Honourable, the E. of R---
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1680 |
Engelska |
500 |
A satyr against marriage - directed to that inconsiderable animal called husband
John Wilmot Rochester, Earl of
1680 |
Engelska |