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Sökning efter: Knox
1514 träffar
Titel |
Författare |
År |
Språk |
501 |
An answer to a letter of a Iesuit named Tyrie, be Iohne Knox
John Knox
Anno. Do. 1572 |
Engelska |
502 |
The appellation of Iohn Knoxe - from the cruell and most iniust sentence pronounced against him by the false bishoppes and clergie of Scotland, with his supplication and exhortation to the nobilitie, estates, and communaltie of the same realme
John Knox
M. D. LVIII. 1558 |
Engelska |
503 |
The copie of an epistle sent - by Iohn Knox one of the ministers of the Englishe Church at Geneua vnto the inhabitants of Newcastle, & Barwike. In the end wherof is added a briefe exhortation to England for the spedie imbrasing of Christes gospel hertofore suppressed & banished
John Knox
M.D.LIX. 1559 |
Engelska |
504 |
The copie of a letter, sent to the ladye Mary dowagire, Regent of Scotland, by Iohn Knox in the yeare. 1556. Here is also a notable sermon, made by the sayde Iohn Knox, wherin is euydentlye proued that the masse is and alwayes hath ben abhominable before God and idolatrye
John Knox
1556 |
Engelska |
505 |
An answer to a great nomber of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternal predestination. And confuted by Iohn Knox, minister of Gods worde in Scotland. Wherein the author so discouereth the craft and falshode of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the trueth by the euident Worde of God
John Knox
M.D.LX. 1560 |
Engelska |
506 |
An ansvvere to a great number of blasphemous cauillations written by an Anabaptist, and aduersarie to Gods eternall predestination. And confuted by Iohn Knox, minister of Gods word in Scotland. Wherein the author so discouereth the craft and falshood of that sect, that the godly knowing that error, may be confirmed in the truth by the euident word of God
John Knox
1591 |
Engelska |
507 |
A faythfull admonition made by Iohn̄ Knox, vnto the professours of Gods truthe in England - whereby thou mayest learne howe God wyll haue his Churche exercised with troubles, and how he defendeth it in the same
John Knox
1554 |
Engelska |
508 |
The first blast of the trumpet against the monstruous regiment of women
John Knox
M.D.LVIII. 1558 |
Engelska |
509 |
A godly letter sent too the fayethfull in London, Newcastell, Barwyke, and to all other within the realme off Englande, that loue the comminge of oure Lorde Iesus by Ihon Knox
John Knox
In the moneth of Iuly, in the yeare of our Lord. 1554 |
Engelska |
510 |
A sermon preached by Iohn Knox minister of Christ Iesus in the publique audience of the Church of Edenbrough, within the realme of Scotland, vpon Sonday, the. 19. of August. 1565 - For the which the said Iohn Knoxe was inhibite preaching for a season. To this is adioyned an exhortation vnto all the faythfull within the sayde realme, for the reliefe of suche as faythfully trauayle in the preaching of Gods worde. Written by the same Iohn Knoxe, at the commaundement of the ministerie aforesayd
John Knox
anno. 1566 |
Engelska |
511 |
The history of the reformation of religion within the realm of Scotland
John Knox
1587 |
Engelska |
512 |
Here in this booke ye haue a godly epistle made by a faithful Christian - A comunication betwene Feckna and the Lady Iane Dudley. A letter that she wrote to her syster Lady Katherin. The ende of the Ladye Iane vpon the scaffolde. Ye shal haue also herein a godly prayer made by maister Iohn Knokes
Jane Grey, Lady
1554? |
Engelska |
513 |
The ordour and doctrine of the generall faste - appointed be the generall assemblie of the kirkes of Scotland, halden at Edinburgh the 25. day of December. 1565
Church of Scotland
Anno Domini 1566 |
Engelska |
514 |
Theses philosophicae - quas auspice propitio Deo, Præside Iac. Knoxio, propugnabant adolescentes Magisterij candidati è scholis Edinburgi philosophicis hoc anno 1605. emittendi. ...
James Knox
An. Dom. MDCV. 1605 |
Latin |
515 |
A fort for the afflicted - VVherin are ministred many notable & excellent remedies against the stormes of tribulation. Written chiefly for the comforte of Christes little flocke, which is the final number of the faithfull, by Iohn Knoxe
John Knox
1580 |
Engelska |
516 |
The copie of a lettre deliuered to the ladie Marie - regent of Scotland, from Iohn Knox minister of Goddes worde, in the yeare of our Lord 1556, and nowe augmented and explained by the author, in the yeare of our Lord 1558
John Knox
M.D.LVIII. 1558 |
Engelska |
517 |
A Percel of the. vi. Psalme expounded
John Knox
1554 |
Engelska |
518 |
The ordovre of excommvnicatiovn and of pvblict repentance - vsed in the Church of Scotland, and commanded to be prented by the generall Assemblie of the same, in the moneth of Iunij. 1569
John Knox
anno. 1569 |
Engelska |
519 |
A notable and comfortable exposition of M. Iohn Knoxes, vpon the fourth of Mathew, concerning the tentations of Christ. - first had in the publique church, and then afterwards written for the comfort of certaine priuate friends, but now published in print for the benefite of all that feare God
John Knox
1583 |
Engelska |
520 |
Heir followeth the coppie of the ressoning which was betuix the abbote of Crosraguell and John Knox, in Mayboill concern ing sic the masse, in the yeare of God, a thousand fiue hundreth thre scoir and two yeares
John Knox
1563 |
Engelska |
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