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Sökning efter: Martin Bucer 101 träffar

Titel Författare År Språk
41 Martini Buceri opera omnia Ser. 1, Bd 8, Deutsche Schriften. Abendmahlsschriften 1529-1541 Martin Bucer cop. 2004 Tyska
42 Martini Buceri opera omnia Ser. 1, Bd 11. 3, Deutsche Schriften. Schriften zur Kölner Reformation Martin Bucer 2006 Tyska
43 Martini Buceri opera omnia Series 3 Bd 6, Briefwechsel = Correspondance. (Mai - Oktober 1531) Martin Bucer 2006 Flerspråkigt verk
44 Novissima confessio Martini Bvceri, de coena Domini, excerpta de ipsivs enarrationibvs in sacra qvatvor evangelia, editis Ienevae anno Domini 1553. Hvic praemissa est formvla concordiæ ... Ex his cognoscet lector ueram & genuinam sententiam uerborum Christi: Hoc est corpus meum, hic est sanguis meus Martin Bucer 1562 Latin
45 Martini Buceri opera omnia Ser. 1, Bd 9. 2, Deutsche Schriften. Religionsgespräche (1541-1542) Martin Bucer 2007 Tyska
46 Wie leicht vnnd füglich christliche Vergleichung der Religion, vnd des gantzen Kirchendiensts Reformation, bey vnsz Teutschen zu finden, und in das Werck zu bringen. Wellche die fürnemistenn Hindernüssen dises Wercks vnnd wie die christlich hinzulegen ... Durch Martinum Bucerum. Anno M. D. XLV Martin Bucer 1545 Tyska
47 Ein christliche Erinnerung, an die Keis. und Kön. Maiestaten, sampt Churfürsten, Fürsten vnd Stende des H. Reichs teütscher Nation, jetzund zu Wurms versamlet: Das jnen gepüre vnnd eigentlich zustande, auch zum höhisten von nöten seye, Handlung, umb Vergleichung vnd Besserung der Kirchen in Teutschen landen, furderlich vnd mit Ernst furzunemmen. Vnd wie man solliche Vergleichung ... ins Werck bringen möge ... Durch Martinum Bucerum. 1545 Martin Bucer 1545 Tyska
48 Ein christlich ongefährlich Bedencken, wie ein leidlicher Anefang christlicher Vergleichung in der Religion zu machen sein möchte. Zu Leypsig anno M. D. XXXIX. zusammengetragen, dabey Georg Vicel auch gewesen, vnd in alles bewilliget hat Martin Bucer 1545 Tyska
49 Martini Buceri opera omnia Ser. 1, Bd 12, Deutsche Schriften, Schriften zu Kirchengütern und zum Basler Universitätsstreit (1538-1545) Martin Bucer cop. 2007 Tyska
50 The Ivdgement of Martin Bucer, concerning divorce. - Written to Edward the sixt, in his second book of the Kingdom of Christ, and now Englisht. Wherein a late book restoring the doctrine and discipline of divorce, is heer confirm'd and justify'd by the authoritie of Martin Bucer to the Parlament of England. Published by authoritie Martin Bucer 1644 Engelska
51 A treatise declaring and showing that images are not to be suffered in churches Martin Bucer 1535 Engelska
52 Certein places gathered out of .S. Austens boke intituled de essentia diuinitatis - verye necessary to vnderstand certein darke places of the byble and especiallye the Prophetes gachered sic by Herman Bodius a faithfull preacher. and now lately turned into Inglysh Anno .M.D.xLVIII. The .xiii. day of decembre 1548 Engelska
53 A briefe examination for the tyme, of a certaine declaration, lately put in print in the name and defence of certaine ministers in London, refusyng to weare the apparell prescribed by the lawes and orders of the realme - In the ende is reported, the iudgement of two notable learned fathers, M. doctour Bucer, and M. doctour Martir ... translated out of the originals, written by theyr owne handes, purposely debatyng this controuersie 1566 Engelska
54 A treatise declaryng and shewig dyuers causes taken out of the holy scriptures of the sentences of holy faders - and of the decrees of deuout emperours, that pyctures and other ymages which were wont to be worshypped, ar in no wise to be suffred in the temples or churches of Christen men. By the whiche treatise the reder that is indifferent, shall se and perceyue, how good and godly a dede it was of the senatoures of Argentine, that of late daies they caused all the ymages with their auters to be cleane taken out of their churches. The authours of this litle treatise ar the open preachers of Argtenyne Martin Bucer 1535? Engelska
55 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archebishop of Colone, and prince Electour. et c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde, of doctrine, administration of the deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the hole cure of soules, and other ecclesiastical ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntil the Lorde graunt a better to be appoynted either by a free, and Christian counsayle, general, or national, or elles by the states of the empire of the nation of Germanie, gathered together in the holye Gost Hermann von Wied in the yere of our Lorde. 1547. the. xxx. of October. Iohn Daye Engelska
56 The actes of the disputacion in the cowncell of the Empyre holden at Regenspurg - that is to saye, all the artycles concernyng the Christen relygion both agreed and not agreed vpon: euen as they were propowned of the Emprour vnto the nobles of the Empyre, to be iudged, delybred and debated. Here thow hast also the sentence, cowncell and aduyse of the Emperor, of euery degre of the nobles of the Empyre and of the Legate of Rome concernyng these actys. And more ouer here be certen prefacys of Phylyp Melancton declaryng why certen popyssh artycles were reprouyd by the protestantys: and certen other thinges also a regestre whereof thou hast in the next syde of this leafe set forth by Martyne Bucere et Philyp Melancton translated owt of Latyne into Englissh. By Mylys Couerdale. M.D.xlij 1542 Engelska
57 The gratulation of the mooste famous clerke M. Martin Bucer - a man of no lesse learninge and lyterature, then godlye studie and example of lyuing, vnto the churche of Englande for the restitucion of Christes religion. And hys answere vnto the two raylinge epistles of Steuen, Bisshoppe of Winchester, concerninge the vnmaried state of preestes and cloysterars, wherein is euidently declared, that it is against the lawes of God, and of his churche to require of all suche as be and must be admitted to preesthood, to refrain from holye matrimonie. Translated out of Latin in to Englishe Martin Bucer 1549 Engelska
58 A simple, and religious consultation of vs Herman by the grace of God Archbishop of Colone, and prince Electoure, and c. by what meanes a Christian reformation, and founded in Gods worde. Of doctrine, administration of deuine sacramentes, of ceremonies, and the whole cure of soules, and other ecclesiasticall ministeries may be begon among men committed to our pastorall charge, vntill the lord graunte a better to be appoynted, either by a free, and cChristian counsaile, generall, or national, or else by the states of the empire of the nation of Germany, gathered together in the holye Gost. Perused by the translator therof and amended in many places. 1548 Hermann von Wied 1548 Engelska
59 The mynd and exposition of that excellente learned man Martyn Bucer, vppon these wordes of S. Mathew: Woo be to the wordle sic bycause of offences. Math. xviij. Faythfully translated in to Englishe, by a faythfull brother, with certayne obiections and answeres to the same Martin Bucer 1566 Engelska
60 A treatise, how by the Worde of God, Christian mens almose ought to be distributed Martin Bucer 1557? Engelska

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