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Sökning efter: Thomas Newton 114 träffar

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41 An herbal for the Bible - Containing a plaine and familiar exposition of such similitudes, parables, and metaphors, both in the olde Testament and the newe, as are borrowed and taken from herbs, plants, trees, fruits and simples, by obseruation of their vertues, qualities, natures, properties, operations, and effects: and by the holie prophets, sacred writers, Christ himselfe, and his blessed Apostles vsually alledged, and into their heauenly oracles, for the better beautifieng and plainer opening of the same, profitably inserted. Drawen into English by Thomas Newton Levinus Lemnius 1587 Engelska
42-43 The touchstone of complexions - Generallye appliable, expedient and profitable for all such, as be desirous and carefull of theyr bodyly health. Contayning most easy rules & ready tokens, whereby euery one may perfectly try, and throughly knowe, aswell the exacte state, habite, disposition, and constitution, of his body outwardly: as also the inclinations, affections, motions, and desires of his mynde invvardly. Fyrst wrytten in Latine, by Leuine Lemnie, and now Englished by Thomas Newton (flera utgåvor) Levinus Lemnius Anno 1581. Cum priuilegio Engelska
44 A commentarie or exposition vppon the twoo Epistles generall of Sainct Peter, and that of Sainct Jude. First faithfullie gathered out of the lectures and preachinges of that worthie instrumente in Goddes Churche, Doctour Martine Luther. And now out of Latine, for the singuler benefite and comfort of the godlie, familiarlie translated into Englishe by Thomas Newton Martin Luther 1581 Engelska
45 A notable historie of the Saracens - Briefly and faithfully descrybing the originall beginning, continuaunce and successe aswell of the Saracens, as also of Turkes, Souldans, Mamalukes, Assassines, Tartarians and Sophians. With a discourse of their affaires and actes from the byrthe of Mahomet their first péeuish prophet and founder for 700 yéeres space. VVhereunto is annexed a compendious chronycle of all their yeerely exploytes, from the sayde Mahomets time tyll this present yeere of grace. 1575. Drawn out of Augustine Curio and sundry other good authours by Thomas Newton Caelius Augustinus Curio 1575 Engelska
46 A funerall sermon, both godlye, learned and comfortable, preached at S. Maries in Cambridge, Anno 1551. at the buriall of the reuerend doctor, and faithfull pastor of the Churche of Christe, Martin Bucer. By Matthew Parker Doctor in Diuinitie, and since, Archbishoppe of Canterburye Matthew Parker 1587 Engelska
47 Atropoïon Delion, or, The death of Delia - with the teares of her funerall. A poeticall excusiue discourse of our late Eliza. T.N. G Thomas Newton, gent 1603 Engelska
48 The olde mans dietarie - A worke no lesse learned then necessary for the preseruation of olde persons in perfect health and soundnesse. Englished out of Latine, and now first published by Thomas Newton Thomas Newton 1586 Engelska
49 The booke of Marcus Tullius Cicero entituled Paradoxa Stoicorum - Contayninge a precise discourse of diuers poinctes and conclusions of vertue and phylosophie according the traditions and opinions of those philosophers, whiche were called Stoikes. Wherunto is also annexed a philosophicall treatyse of the same authoure called Scipio hys dreame. Anno. 1569 Marcus Tullius. Cicero 1569 Engelska
50-51 Vocabula Magistri Stanbrigii - ab infinitis quibus anteà scatebant mendis repurgata, obseruata interim (quo àd eius fieri potuit) carminis ratione, & meliusculè etiam correcta, studio et industria Thomae Nevvtoni Cestresbyrij (flera utgåvor) John Stanbridge 1615 Latin
52 Stanbrigii Embryon relimatum, seu Vocabularium metricum - olim à Iohanne Stanbrigio digestum, dein â Thoma Newtono aliquantulum repurgatum, nunc verò locupletatum, defæcatum, legitimo nec non rotundo plerumque, carmine exultans, & in maiorum pueritiæ balbutientis vsum vndiquaque, accommodatum, extremâ operâ industriâ Ioh: Brinslæi John Stanbridge An. Dom. 1624 Latin
53 Seneca his tenne tragedies, translated into Englysh Lucius Annaeus Seneca 1581 Latin
54 Ioannis Brunsuerdi, Maclesfeldensis gymnasiarchæ progymnasmata quædam poetica - Sparsim collecta & in lucem edita, studio & industria Thomæ Newtoni Cestreshyrij John Brownswerd 1589 Latin
55 Ioannis Brunsuerdi, Maclefeldensis gymnasiarchæ progymnasmata quædam poetica - Sparsim collecta & in lucem edita, studio & industria Thomæ Newtoni Cestreshyrij John Brownswerd 1590 Latin
56 A pleasaunt dialogue, concerning phisicke and phisitions Pedro Mexia 1580 Engelska
57 An epitaphe vpon the worthy and honorable lady, the Lady Knowles Thomas Newton 1569 Engelska
58 The worthye booke of old age othervvyse entituled the elder Cato - contayning a learned defence and praise of age, and aged men: writen in latine by that father of eloquence Marcus Tullius Cicero, and now englished. VVherunto is annexed a recitall of diuerse men that liued long. With a declaracion of sundrye soortes of yeares, and the diuersitie betwene the yeres in the old time, and our yeares nowe adayes. Anno. 1569 Marcus Tullius. Cicero 1569 Latin
59 True and Christian friendshippe - With all the braunches, members, parts, and circumstances thereof, Godly and learnedly described. Written first in Latine by that excellent and learned man, Lambertus Danæus, and now turned into English. Together also with a right excellent inuectiue of the same author, against the wicked exercise of diceplay, and other prophane gaming Lambert Daneau 1586 Engelska
60 The works - of the Right Reverend Thomas Newton, ... With some account of his life, and anecdotes of several of his friends, written by himself. In three volumes Thomas Newton 1782 Engelska

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