6241 |
Analyzing classical form - an approach for the classroom
William Earl Caplin
2013 |
Engelska |
6242 |
Ideologies of language
2013 |
Engelska |
6243 |
Chelation phenomena
New York Academy of Sciences
1960 |
Engelska |
6244 |
Life insurance accounts
Earl Charles Wightman
1935 |
Engelska |
6245 |
Observations on the commerce of the American States with Europe and the West Indies - Including the several articles of import and export; and on the tendency of a bill now depending in Parliament
John Holroyd Sheffield, Earl of
Engelska |
6246 |
The life of Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford. - Containing, I. An account of the Chancellor's life from his birth to the restoration in 1660. II. A continuation of the same; and of his history of the Grand Rebellion, from the restoration to his banishment in 1667. Written by Himself. Printed from his original manuscripts, given to the University of Oxford by the heirs of the late Earl of Clarendon
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
MDCCIIC. i.e. 1798 |
Engelska |
6247 |
The polite philosopher: or, An essay on that art which makes a man happy in himself, and agreeable to others
James Forrester
M.DCC.LXXX. 1780 |
Engelska |
6248 |
Thoughts on the letter of Edmund Burke, Esq; to the sheriffs of Bristol, on the affairs of America. By the Earl of Abingdon
Willoughby Bertie Abingdon, Earl of
1777 |
Engelska |
6249-6250 |
An introduction to the law relative to trials at Nisi Prius. - The fourth edition, corrected. By Francis Buller, Esq. of the Middle Temple
(flera utgåvor)
Francis Buller, Sir
Engelska |
6251 |
Hasty productions. M,DCC,LXXX
George Walpole Orford, Earl of
Printed in the year 1781 |
Engelska |
6252 |
Letters, by the Earl of Dundonald, on making bread from potatoes, to the inhabitants of Great Britain - And particularly to the inhabitants of Ireland, who have been the first to cultivate and bring into general use, the invaluable plant or root, called the potatoe
Archibald Cochrane Dundonald, Earl of
MDCCXCI. 1791 |
Engelska |
6253 |
Letters written by the late Right Honourable Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, to his son, Philip Stanhope, Esq; late Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of Dresden. - Together with several other pieces on various subjects. Published by Mrs. Eugenia Stanhope, from the originals now in her possession. In two volumes
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Earl of
M.DCC.LXXIV. 1774 |
Engelska |
6254 |
Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world - By the Late Lord Chesterfield. Methodised and digested under distinct heads, with additions, by the Reverend Dr. John Trusler: containing every instruction necessary to complete the gentleman and man of fashion, to teach him a knowledge of life, and make him well received in all companies. For the improvement of youth; yet not beneath the attention of any
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Earl of
MDCCLXXV. 1775 |
Engelska |
6255 |
Poems - Consisting of the following pieces. Ode on the death of Mr. Gray. For the monument of rose. Inscription for the same. Translation. Canto XXXIII. By the Earl of Carlisle
Frederick Howard Carlisle, Earl of
M.DCC.LXXX. 1780 |
Engelska |
6256 |
Remarks on a pamphlet, entitled, The thoughts of a member of the lower house, in relation to a project for restraining and limiting the power of the Crown, in the future creation of peers. By a noble peer
Charles Mordaunt Peterborough, Earl of
1719 |
Engelska |
6257 |
The state of the nation for 1747-8. - With a general balance of the publick accompts
John Carteret, Earl Granville
Engelska |
6258 |
The speech of the Right Honourable John, earl of Clare, lord high chancellor or Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on a motion made by him on Monday, February 10, 1800. - "That in order to promote and secure the essential interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the strength, power, and resources of the British Empire, it will be adviseable to concur in such measures as may best end to unite the two kingdoms, in such manner, and on such terms and conditions, as may be established by acts of the respective Parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland." By authority
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1800 |
Engelska |
6259 |
The works of the most celebrated minor poets. - Wentworth, Earl of Roscommon: Charles, Earl of Dorset; Charles, Earl of Halifax; Sir Samuel Garth; George Stepney, Esq; William Walsh, Esq; Thomas Tickell, Esq; Ambrose Phillips, Esq; Earl of Godolphin; Lord Somers; Dr. Sprat Bishop of Rochester. To which are added, pieces omitted in the works of Sir John Suckling; Mr. Otway, Matthew Prior, Esq; Dr. King, and Dean Swift. In three volumes
1751 |
Engelska |
6260 |
Thoughts on the manufacture and trade of salt, on the herring fisheries, and on the coal-trade of Great Britain, - Submitted to the consideration of the Right Honourable William Pitt, chancellor of the Exchequer, &c. and of every lover of his country. By the Earl of Dundonald
Archibald Cochrane Dundonald, Earl of
M,DCC,LXXXIV. 1784 |
Engelska |