6401 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the claim of John Earl of Rothes, heritable sheriff of the Shire of Fife; made and entered pursuant to an act of the 20th year of His Present Majesty, intitled, An act for taking away and abolishing the heritable jurisdictions in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for making satisfaction to the proprietors thereof, &c. ..
John Leslie Rothes, Earl of Rothes
1747 |
Engelska |
6402 |
Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of William Earl of Dumfries, ..
William Dalrymple-Crichton Dumfries, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
6403 |
The whole proceeding to judgemnt upon the articles of impeachment of high-treason - Exhibited by the knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament asbled, in the name of themselves and of all the Commons of Great Britain, against James Earl of Derwentwater, William Lord Widdringhton, William Earl of Nithisdale, Robert Earl of Carnwath, William Viscount Kenrnure, and William Lord Nairn, in Westminster-Hall, on Thursday the ninth day of February, 1715. Publish'd by order of the House of Peers
Great Britain
1716 |
Engelska |
6404 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the claim of William Earl of Dundonald, ..
William Cochrane Dundonald, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
6405 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the claim of George Lord Rosse, standing heretably infest in the office of constabulary of the Burgh of Renfrew, made and entered, pursuant to an act of the 20th year of His Present Majesty, entituled, An act for taking away and abolishing the heretable jurisdictions in that part of Great Britain called Scotland, and for making satisfaction to the proprietors thereof, &c. ..
George Ross Ross, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
6406 |
Petition for John Earl of Crawfurd, against the Earl of Sutherland
John Lindsay, Earl of Crawford (19th
1706 |
Engelska |
6407 |
Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session. The petition of John Earl of Loudon, ..
John Campbell Loudoun, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
6408 |
Crim. Con. A narrative of a late trial in a cause of crim. con. - Wherein the Rt. Hon. George, Earl of Westmeath was plaintiff, and the Hon. Augustus Cavendish Bradshaw, defendant. To which is subjoined: a poetical descant on modern incontinency; or, the mysteries of coaching developed. With a word or two directing to the choice of charioteers, addressed to the higher circles. And in conclusion: a coach-scene described; or, a dissertation on strokes. After the manner of sterne
George Frederick Nugent Westmeath, Earl of
1796 |
Engelska |
6409 |
Defences and objections to the claim of John Earl of Broadalbane
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
6410 |
The case of Sodomy, in the tryal of Mervin Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, - For committing a rape. And sodomy with two of his servants, viz. (Lawrence Fitz-Patrick and Thomas brodway) who was try'd and condemn'd by his peers April the 25th, and beheaded on tower-hill, May the 14th, 1631. With his articles of belief, sent in a letter to his son; the letter he writ to his four sisters, and his speech at the place of execution. Likewise the tryal, conviction, condemnation, confession an execution of Lawrence Fitz-Patrick and Thomas Broadway; together with the countess's examination at the King's-Bench Bar. Printed from an original manuscript
Mervyn Touchet Castlehaven, Earl of
1710 |
Engelska |
6411 |
A letter from a member of Parliament to a friend in the country, concerning the sum of 115,000 l. - Granted for the service of the civil list. With an impartial account how the civil list revenues were settled upon His Majesty's Royal predecessors; and in what manner they are now settled upon His present Majesty. Also, a list of the names of such members of the Honourable House of Commons, as voted for, and against granting 115,000 l. for making good the arrears of the civil list
William Pulteney, Earl of Bath
1729 |
Engelska |
6412 |
The whole proceedings upon the tryal of Robert Marrall, - alias Bluestring, alias Bold, of N---lk, knt. premier exciseman of Great Britain, on his arraignment at the bar of a certain court near Westminter-Hall, for divers male practices, high crimes, and misdemeanours, on Wednesday the 11th, and Friday the 13th of April, 1733; before the R---t H----e the E--l of Ch----d, knt. of the G---r, and R--t H----e the L--d C---n, knt. of the B--h, who were appointed to try the said notorious criminal
Robert Walpole, Earl of Orford
1733 |
Engelska |
6413 |
First letter. A letter from a venerated nobleman, recently retired from this country, to the Earl of Carlisle: explaining the causes of that event
William Wentworth Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam, Earl
1795 |
Engelska |
6414 |
Subtance of the speech of the the Right Honorable the Earl of Westmoreland, in the House of Lords, - On the motion for the recommitment of the slave trade limitation bill, on the fifth day of July, 1799. (Published at the request of the West India merchants and planters.)
John Fane Westmorland, Earl of
1799 |
Engelska |
6415 |
The recorder's speech to the King, at his coming to London
Henry Montagu Manchester, Earl of
1714 |
Engelska |
6416 |
His Excellency Simon, Earl Harcourt, lord lieutenant general, and general governor of Ireland. His speech to both Houses of Parliament at Dublin: On Tuesday the 12th day of October, 1773. Published by authority
M,DCC,LXXIII. 1773 |
Engelska |
6417 |
A fifth letter from the Rt. Hon. W--m P--y, Esq; to the Rt. Hon. Sir R-t W--e. Being a continuation of remarks on the history of England, from the minutes of Mr. Oldcastle
William Pulteney, Earl of Bath
1743 |
Engelska |
6418 |
Dutch ingratitude exemplified: being the Lord Chancellor ******'s speech in a late reign
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, Earl of
Re-printed in the year, 1712 |
Engelska |
6419 |
The Lord Chancellor's speech in council in behalf of His Grace the Duke of Ormond
William Cowper Cowper, Earl
1715 |
Engelska |
6420 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, petition and claim of John Earl of Breadalbane, and John Lord Glenorchy, his only son and heir
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |