6421 |
An Inscription intended to be set up for the E--l of R---r, when by the happy effects of his ministry, the chappel of St. Stephen's is become a chappel to the Jesuites. - Approv'd by the general, by Father L' Chaise, and the Colledge at the Fleche. To the eternal memory of L--e E-l of R-r
Printed in the year, &c. 1701 |
Engelska |
6422 |
Description of the estate, particularly of the mineral and coal property belonging to the Earl of Dundonald, at Culross. - Wherein is given an account of the coal workings at Culross, since the year 1572. Together with a description of the coal mining field, on the Frith of Forth; shewing that the Frith coal-owners cannot receive the smallest injury by a repeal of the duty on coals, whether on English or Scots coals imported into or vended in Scotland, &c. &c. &c
Archibald Cochrane Dundonald, Earl of
Anno 1793 |
Engelska |
6423 |
Case on the claim of John Butler of the castle of Kilkenny, Esq. to the dignities of Earl of Ormond, Earl of Ossory, and Viscount Thurles
John Butler Ormonde, Earl of
1791 |
Engelska |
6424 |
First letter. A letter from a venerated nobleman, recently retired from this country, to the Earl of Carlisle: explaining the causes of that event
William Wentworth Fitzwilliam Fitzwilliam, Earl
1795 |
Engelska |
6425 |
Answers for the Earl of Fife, and Mrs. Duff, his tenant in the mills of Elgin, pursuers, to the petition of the magistrates and Town-council of Elgin, and others, defenders
James Duff Fife, Earl of
1763 |
Engelska |
6426 |
Answers for the Earl of Fife, and Mrs. Duff, his tenant in the mills of Elgin; to the condescendence for the magistrates of Elgin in behalf of the community
James Duff Fife, Earl of
1766 |
Engelska |
6427 |
Discourse, delivered by the Right Honourable the Earl of Buchan, at a meeting for the purpose of promoting the institution of a society for the investigation of the history of Scotland, and its antiquities, November 14. 1778
David Stewart Erskine Buchan, Earl of
1778 |
Engelska |
6428 |
A letter from a member of Parliament to a friend in the country, concerning the sum of 115,000 l. Granted for the service of the civil list
William Pulteney, Earl of Bath
1729 |
Engelska |
6429 |
Lord Chesterfield's advice to his son, on men and manners: or, A new system of education. - In which the principles of politeness, the art of acquiring a knowledge of the world, with every instruction necessary to form a man of honour, virtue, taste, and fashion, are laid down in a plain, easy, familiar manner, adapted to every station and capacity. The whole arranged on a plan entirely new
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Earl of
1795 |
Engelska |
6430 |
The justly admired speech of the attorney-general of Ireland, delivered in the House of Commons, on Monday, August 15, 1785
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1785 |
Engelska |
6431 |
Pet. Earl of Breadalbane, against Lord Monboddo's interlocutor. John Campbell, W.S. agent. Unto the Right Honourable, the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of the Right Honourable John Earl of Breadalbane, ..
John Campbell Breadalbane, Earl of
1789 |
Engelska |
6432 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of George Earl of Crawfurd and Lindsay, ..
George Lindsay-Crawford Crawford, Earl of
1765 |
Engelska |
6433 |
A third letter from the Rt. Hon. W-m P-y, Esq; to the Rt. Honourable Sir R-t W--e; with regard to the observations on the writings of the craftsman; being a continuation of remarks on the history of England, from the minutes of Mr. Oldcastle
William Pulteney, Earl of Bath
1733? |
Engelska |
6434 |
Principles of politeness, and of knowing the world - By the Late Lord Chesterfield; methodised and digested under distinct heads. With additions, by the Rev. Dr. John Trusler: containing every instruction necessary to complete the gentleman and man of fashion, to teach him a knowledge of life, and make him well received in all companies. For the improvement of youth; yet not beneath the attention of any
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Earl of
M.DCC.XC. 1790 |
Engelska |
6435 |
Henry King, Esq; youngest brother of Robert, late Lord Kingsborough, in the Kingdom of Ireland, deceased, - - - - - - appellant. Sir Edward King, baronet, eldest surviving brother and heir at law of the said Lord Kingsborough, - - - - - - respondent. The respondent's case. ..
Edward King Kingston, Earl of
1759 |
Engelska |
6436 |
(Teind cause.) Answers for William Earl of Dumfries and Stair, to the petition of Thomas Gordon of Earlston, proprietor of the lands and barony of Afton, lying in the parish of New Cumnock, and of Gilbert M'-Adam of Merkland, William Logan of Castlemains, and others, as feuars and purchasers of parts of the said barony. ..
William Dalrymple-Crichton Dumfries, Earl of
1767 |
Engelska |
6437 |
Katherine Lyon, widow, appellant. The Right Honourable John Earl of Aboyne, an infant, and others, respondents. The respondents case
John Gordon Aboyne, Earl of
1715 |
Engelska |
6438 |
The Right Honourable John Earl of Clanrickard. Appellant. Gerald Burke, Esq; respondent. The respondent's case
Gerald Burke, Esq
1716 |
Engelska |
6439 |
The answer of the Earl of Nottingham to Mr. Whiston's letter to him, - Concerning the eternity of the son of God, and of the Holy Ghost
Daniel Finch Nottingham, Earl of
1721 |
Engelska |
6440 |
The Honorable George Booth, Esq; appellant. The Rt Honble George Earl of Warrington, respondent. The respondents case
George Booth, Earl of Warrington
1714 |
Engelska |