6501 |
The discovery: or, The squire turn'd ferret. - An excellent new ballad. To the tune of high boys! up go we; chevy chase; or what you please
Alexander Pope
1727 |
Engelska |
6502 |
Things as they are
John Perceval Egmont, Earl of
Engelska |
6503 |
A Dialogue of the dead: betwixt Lord Eglinton and Mungo Campbell. - To which is added a genuine abstract of the trial of Mungo Campbell, late officer of excise at Saltcoats, for killing the Earl of Eglinton, before the court of justiciary in Scotland, on Monday the 26th of February, 1770
MDCCLXX. 1770 |
Engelska |
6504 |
The Right Honble Richard Earl of Anglesey, appellant. Charles Annesley Esq; respondent. The appellant's case
Richard Annesley Anglesey, Earl of
1742 |
Engelska |
6505 |
A discourse on the conduct of the government of Great-Britain, in respect to neutral nations, during the present war
Charles Jenkinson Liverpool, Earl of
M.DCC.LVIII. 1758 |
Engelska |
6506 |
The declaration of William Earl Cowper, - Shewing, that the matters contained in some hear-says, relating to him, in the examinations of Christopher Layer, are false and groundless
William Cowper Cowper, Earl
Printed in the year MDCCXXIII. 1723 |
Engelska |
6507 |
The art of pleasing; or, Instructions for youth in a series of letters by the Late Philip Earl of Chesterfield, to his nephew, the present Earl
Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield, Earl of
1783 |
Engelska |
6508 |
The Negotiators. or, Don Diego brought to reason - An excellent new ballad. Tune of packington's pound
Engelska |
6509 |
An argument to prove, that it is the indispensible duty of the creditors of the public to insist, that government do forthwith being forward the consideration of the state of the nation - In order to ascertain, as near as may be, the annual receipts and expenditure of the state; and, by providing efficient and adequate funds for the sum in which the latter shall be found to exceed the former, to strengthen the public credit, restore public confidence. By John Earl of Stair
John Dalrymple Stair, Earl of
Engelska |
6510 |
The genuine speech of the Hon. Mr. ------ at the late trial of Miss Blandy - Which contains a summary of all the proofs against her; with notes on it's faults, and beauties; and observations on the effects it had on the audience: particularly, the behaviour of Miss Blandy, during the tryal: and some farther discoveries that have been made since, and not printed in any other account
Henry Bathurst Bathurst, Earl
MDCCLII. 1752 |
Engelska |
6511 |
Poems - Consisting of the following pieces, viz. I. Ode written upon the death of Mr. Gray. II. For the monument of a favourite spaniel. III. Another inscription for the same. IV. Translation from Dante, Canto XXXIII. By the Earl of Carlisle
Frederick Howard Carlisle, Earl of
Engelska |
6512 |
The principles of the late changes impartially examined - In a letter from a son a candor to the public advertiser
Richard Grenville-Temple Temple, Earl
1765 |
Engelska |
6513 |
The state of the nation for the year 1747, - and respecting 1748. Inscribed to a member of the present Parliament
John Carteret, Earl Granville
1747 |
Engelska |
6514 |
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641. - With the precedent passages, and actions, that contributed thereunto, and the happy end, and conclusion thereof by the King's blessed restoration, and return, upon the 29th of May, in the year 1660. Written by the Right Honourable Edward Earl of Clarendon, late Lord High Chancellor of England, Privy Counsellor in the reigns of King Charles the First and the Second
Edward Hyde Clarendon, Earl of
An. Dom. MDCCVII. 1707 |
Engelska |
6515 |
The budget opened. Or, An answer to a pamphlet. - Intitled, a letter from a member of Parliament to his friends in the country, concerning the duties on wine and tobacco
William Pulteney, Earl of Bath
1733 |
Engelska |
6516 |
The Right Honble Richard Earl of Anglesey, appellant. Charles Annesley Esq; respondent. The respondent's case
Charles. Annesley
1742 |
Engelska |
6517 |
The speech of Earl Stanhope, in the House of Peers, on February the 19th. 1794. - With the resolutions of the London Corresponding Society thereon
Charles Stanhope Stanhope, Earl
MDCCXCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
6518 |
Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times. - In three volumes. By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, Earl of
M.DCC.XXIII. 1723 |
Engelska |
6519 |
Characteristicks. - Volume I. A letter concerning enthusiasm. Sensus Communis; an essay on the freedom of wit and humour. Soliloquy, or advice to an author
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, Earl of
1743-1745 |
Engelska |
6520 |
Characteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times. In three volumes. By the Right Honourable Anthony, Earl of Shaftesbury
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury, Earl of
M.DCC.LXXIII. 1773 |
Engelska |