661 |
A compendyouse somme of the very Christen relygyon - gathered faythfully out of holy scripture: necessary for all them that rede the olde and new Testament. Translated by George Joye the yere of our lorde. M.D.xxxv. in Septembre
An. M.D. et xxxv. 1535 |
Engelska |
662 |
The souper of the Lorde - wher vnto, that thou mayst be the better prepared and suerlyer enstructed: haue here firste the declaracion of the later parte of the .6. ca. of S. Johan, beginninge at the letter C. the fowerth lyne before the crosse, at these wordis: merely were. etc wheryn incidently M. Moris letter agenst Johan Frythe is confuted
William Tyndale
1533 |
Engelska |
663 |
The supper of the Lorde - After the true meaning of the sixte of John and the .xi. of the fyrst epistle to the Corinthians, wherunto is added an epystle to the reader. And incidently in the exposition of the supper: is confuted the letter of master More agaynst John Fryth
William Tyndale
1547 |
Engelska |
664 |
The vvyll of the Deuyll - with his ten detestable commaundementes: directed to his obedient and accursed chyldren, and the reward promised to all such as obediently will endeuer themselues to fulfil them. Whervnto is adioyned, a dyet for diuers of the deuylles dearlinges, commonly called, dayly dronkardes. Very necessarie to be read, and wel considered of all Christians
1580? |
Engelska |
665 |
A very godly defense, full of lerning, defending the mariage of preistes, gathered by Philip Melanchton, and sent vnto the Kyng of Englond, Henry the aight, translated out of latyne into englisshe, by lewes beuchame: the yere of the Lorde .M.CCCCC.XLI. in Auguste
Philipp Melanchthon
1541 |
Engelska |
666 |
A prymer in Englyshe - with certeyn prayers et godly meditations, very necessary for all people that vnderstonde not the Latyne tongue. Cum priuilegio regali
Catholic Church
1534 |
Engelska |
667 |
A dialogue concerning witches and witchcraftes - In which is laide open how craftely the Diuell deceiueth not onely the witches but many other and so leadeth them awrie into many great errours. By George Giffard minister of Gods word in Maldon
George Gifford
1593 |
Engelska |
668 |
A hundreth sundrie flowres bounde vp in one small poesie - Gathered partely (by translation) in the fyne outlandish gardins of Euripides, Ouid, Petrarke, Ariosto, and others: and partly by inuention, out of our owne fruitefull orchardes in Englande: yelding sundrie svveete sauours of tragical, comical, and morall discourses
George Gascoigne
1573 |
Engelska |
669 |
A delicate diet, for daintiemouthde droonkardes - Wherein the fowle abuse of common carowsing, and quaffing with hartie draughtes, is honestlie admonished. By George Gascoyne Esquier
George Gascoigne
1576 |
Engelska |
670-671 |
The glasse of gouernement - A tragicall comedie so entituled, bycause therein are handled aswell the rewardes for vertues, as also the punishment for vices. Done by George Gascoigne Esquier. 1575. Seen and allowed, according to the order appointed in the Queenes maiesties iniunctions
(flera utgåvor)
George Gascoigne
1575 |
Engelska |
672 |
A discourse of a discouerie for a new passage to Cataia. VVritten by Sir Humfrey Gilbert, Knight
Humphrey Gilbert, Sir
1576 |
Engelska |
673 |
The rekening and declaracion of the faith and beleif of Huldrik Zwingly - bisshoppe of Ziiryk the cheif town of Heluetia, sent to Charles .v. that nowe is Emprowr of Rome: holdinge a perlemente or cownsaill at Ausbrough with the cheif lordis et lerned men of Germanye. The yere of owr Lorde M.D.xxx. in the monethe of Julye
Ulrich Zwingli
in Marche Anno Do. M.D.XLIII. 1543 |
Engelska |
674 |
The rekenynge and declaracion of the fayth and belefe of huldrike zwyngly - byshoppe of ziiryk the chefe town of Heluitia, sent to Charles .v. that nowe is Emproure of Rome: holdynge a parlement or counsayll at Ausbrough with the chefe lordes and lerned men of Germanye, the yere of our Lorde M.D.xxx. in the moneth of July
Ulrich Zwingli
in Marche. Anno Do. M.D.XLVIII. 1548 |
Engelska |
675 |
The great Plantagenet. Or, A continued succession of that royall name, from Henry the Second, to our sacred soverainge King Charles
George Buck
Anno Domini 1635 |
Engelska |
676 |
The exposicion of Daniel the prophete gathered oute of Philip Melanchton, Iohan Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane and out of Iohan Draconite. et c. By George Ioye. A prophecye diligently to be noted of al emprowrs and kinges in these laste dayes
George Joye
1545. In Auguste |
Engelska |
677 |
The exposicion of Daniell the prophete, gathered out of Philip Melanchton, Ihon Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and oute of Ihon Draconite et c. By George Ioye. A prophecie diligentlye to bee noted of al emperoures and kinges, in these last daies
George Joye
The yere of our Lorde God M.D.L. 1550 the nynth daye of Apryll |
Engelska |
678 |
The exposycion of Daniel the prophete, gathered out of Philip Melancthon, Iohan Ecolampadius, Chonrade Pellicane, and out of Iohan Draconite. et c. By George Ioye. A prophecye diligentely to be noted of al emperoures and kinges, in these laste dayes
George Joye
1550 |
Engelska |
679 |
The refutation of the byshop of Winchesters derke declaration of his false articles, once before confuted by George Ioye - Be not deceiued by this bysshops false bokes. Heare novve the tother parte, and iudge truely of the trueth. For the veritie vvyll haue the victorye
George Joye
M.D.XLVI. 1546 |
Engelska |
680 |
A frutefull treatis of baptyme sic and the Lordis Souper - of the vse and effect of them, of the worthey and vnworthy receyuers of the souper, necessary to be knowne of all Christen men, which yerely receyue the sacrament
George Joye
M.CCCCC.XLI. Apryle xxvii. 1541 |
Engelska |