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Sökning efter: Erasmus av Rotterdam 1273 träffar

Titel Författare År Språk
661 The table of Cebes the philosopher. How one may take profite of his enemies, translated out of Plutarche. A treatise perswadyng a man paciently to suffer the death of his freend 1545? Engelska
662 A deuoute treatise vpon the Pater noster, made fyrst in latyn by the moost famous doctour mayster Erasmus Roterodamus, and tourned in to englisshe by a yong vertuous and well lerned gentylwoman of. xix. yere of age Erasmus av Rotterdam 1526? Engelska
663-664 Enchiridion militis christiani, whiche maye be called in Englishe, the hansome weapon of a Christian knight - replenished with many goodli and godly preceptes, made by the famous clarke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprynted (flera utgåvor) Erasmus av Rotterdam 1552? Engelska
665 Enchiridion militis christiani, whiche may be called in Englisshe, the hansome weapon of a christen knight - replenished with many goodly and godly preceptes: made by the famous clerke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprinted Erasmus av Rotterdam in the yere of oure lorde god. M.v.C.xliiii. the xix of Nouembre. 1544 Engelska
666 Enchiridion militis christiani, whiche may be called in Englysshe, the hansome weapon of a chrysten knyght - replenysshed with many goodly and godly preceptes: made by the famous clerke Erasmus of Rotterdame, and newly corrected and imprinted Erasmus av Rotterdam In the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC.XLIIII. The. xix. daye of Nouembre 1544 Engelska
667 De immensa dei misericordia. - A sermon of the excedynge great mercy of god Erasmus av Rotterdam 1526 Engelska
668 De ciuilitate morum puerilium per Des. Erasmum Roterodamum, libellis nunc primum & conditus & æditus. Roberto VVhitintoni interprete. = A lytell boke of good maners for chyldren, now lately compyled and put forth by Erasmus Roterodam in latyne tong, with interpretacion of the same in to the vulgare englysh tonge, by Robert whytington laureate poete. Cum priuilegio regali Erasmus av Rotterdam Anno, domini. 1540 Engelska
669 A shorte recapitulacion or abrigement of Erasmus Enchiridion - brefely comprehendinge the summe and contents therof. Very profitable and necessary to be rede of all trew Christen men. Drawne out by M. Couerdale Anno. 1545 Erasmus av Rotterdam In the moneth of May. Anno. 1545. Engelska
670 An epistle of the famous clerke Erasmus of Roterodame, concernynge the veryte of the sacrament of Christes body and bloude - whyche epistle is set before the excellent boke, intytuled D. Algeri De veritate corporis et sanguinis dominici in Eucharistia.)sic which boke was made by the sayd Algerus aboute fyue hondred yeared passed. And nowe of late yeares, hath agayne ben ouer seen and reuysyted, by the sayde famous clerke Erasmus of Roterodame, and dedycated by hym, unto the Reuerende father Balthasar bysshop of Hyldesyn. This present epistle of Erasmus makynge is to be founde oute, in the great volume of all his epistles, pagina, 1577. Hauynge this lytell wrytynge ouer it. In Algerum Erasmus av Rotterdam 1547? Engelska
671 An exhortation to the diligent studye of scripture, made by Erasmus Roterodamus. And translated in to inglissh. An exposition in to the seventh chaptre of the first pistle to the Corinthians Erasmus av Rotterdam 1529 Engelska
672 An exposicyon of the .xv. psalme made by mayster Erasmus of Rotherdame in whiche is full purely declared the pure and clene behauoure that ought to be in the pure churche of Chryst which is the multytude of all trewe chrysten people Erasmus av Rotterdam 1537 Engelska
673 A lytle treatise of the maner and forme of confession, made by the most excellent and famous clerke, M. Eras. of Roterdame Erasmus av Rotterdam 1535? Engelska
674 The paraphrase of Erasmus Roterdame vpon the epistle of saint Paule vnto his discyple Titus - lately translated into englysshe and fyrste a goodly prologue Erasmus av Rotterdam 1534 Engelska
675 Flores aliquot sententiarum ex variis collecti scriptoribus. = The flovvers of sencies gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in Latine, and Englished by Richard Tauerner. Huic libello non male connuenient mimi illi publiani nuper ab eodem Richardi uersi Erasmus av Rotterdam Anno. M.D.XL.1540 Engelska
676 A ryght excellent sermon and full of frute and edificacyon of the chylde Jesus. Erasmus av Rotterdam 1536? Engelska
677 Catonis disticha moralia ex castigatione D. Erasmi Roterodami una cum annotationibus et scholijs Richarde Tauerneri anglico idiomata conscriptis in vsum Anglicæ iuuentis. Aliquot sentenciæ in signes ex varijs collectæ scriptoribus per eundem Erasmum. Mimi Publiani, cum Anglicis eiusdem Richarde scholijs, recogniti Anno salutis 1562 Latin
678 Catonis disticha de moribus - cum scholiis des. Erasmi Roterodami. Adiecta sunt, dicta græca sapientum, interprete Erasmo Roterodamo. Eadem per Ausonium, cum Erasmi doctissima enarratione. Mimi publiani ex ciusdem Erasmi restitutione, cúmque scholijs eiusdem. Christiani hominis institutum, ab eodem Erasmo docta carmine conscriptum. Isocratis ad Demonicum oratio paraenetica, longè ad iuventutis mores rirè formandos vtilissima. Omnia summa cura, diligentumque execusa 1592 Latin
679 A treatise of schemes and tropes - very profytable for the better vnderstanding of good authors, gathered out of the best grammarians and oratours by Rychard Sherry Londoner. Whervnto is added a declamacion, that chyldren euen strapt from their infancie should be well and gently broughte vp in learnynge. Written fyrst in Latin by the most excellent and famous clearke, Erasmus of Roterodame Richard Sherry 1550 Engelska
680 Flores aliquot sententiarum ex variis collecti scriptoribus. = The flowers of sencies gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in Latine and Englished by Richard Tauerner. Huic libello non male conuenient mimi illi publiani nuper ab eodem Richardio versi Erasmus av Rotterdam Anno. M.D.XLVII.1547 Engelska

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