681 |
Flores aliquot sententiarum ex variis collecti scriptoribus. = The flowers of sencies gathered out of sundry wryters by Erasmus in Latine and Englished by Richard Tauerner. Huic libello non male conuenient mimi illi publiani nuper ab eodem Richardio versi
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Anno. M.D.XLVII.1547 |
Engelska |
682 |
A dialoge or communication of two persons - deuysyd and set forthe in the laten tonge, by the noble and famose clarke. Desiderius Erasmus intituled the pylgremage of pure deuotyon. Newly translatyd into Englishe
Erasmus av Rotterdam
1540? |
Engelska |
683 |
Two dyaloges wrytten in laten by the famous clerke, D.Erasmus of Roterodame, one called Polyphemus or the gospeller, the other dysposyng of thynges and names, translated in to Englyshe by Edmonde Becke. And prynted at Cantorbury in saynt Paules paryshe by Iohan Mychell
Erasmus av Rotterdam
1550? |
Engelska |
684 |
Enchiridion militis christiani, whiche may be called in Englisshe, the hansom weapon of a christen knight, replenished with many goodly and godly preceptes: made by the famous clerke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprinted. Cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum
Erasmus av Rotterdam
in the yere of our lorde god. M.CCCCC xil.the xviij day of August 1541 |
Engelska |
685 |
Libellus de constructione octo partium orationis
William Lily
Anno incarnationis dominice. Millesimo quigetesimo decimottio 1513 |
Latin |
686 |
Christiani hominis institutum - in fide Iesu et in amore
Erasmus av Rotterdam
ca. 1520 |
Engelska |
687 |
Familiarium colloquiorum opus, postrema auctoris manu locupletatum & recongitum. Des. Erasmo Roterdamo auctore
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Anno 1571 |
Latin |
688 |
Epigrammata Thomæ Mori Angli, viri eruditionis pariter ac virtutis nomine clarissimi, Angliæq́ue olim Cancellarii
Thomas More, Sir, helgon
1638 |
Latin |
689 |
A very pleasaunt and fruitful diologe called the Epicure, made by that famous clerke Erasmus of Roterodame, newly translated. 1545
Erasmus av Rotterdam
the. XXIX. daie of Iuly, the yere of our Lorde. M.D.XLV. 1545 |
Engelska |
690 |
Adagia in Latine and English, contayning fyve hundreth proverbes - verie profitable, as vvell for the use of young schollers, as others who aspire unto farther perfection in the Latine tongue
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Anno 1622 |
Engelska |
691 |
Colloquiorum Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami familiarium Opus Aureum. Cum scholiis quibusdam antehac non editis, quæ difficiliora passim loca diligenter explicant. Editio omnium (quæ lucem viderunt hactenus) absolutissima. 1. Collatis optimis usquequaque exemplaribus. 2. Additis seorsim in fronte, argumentis unicuique colloquio. 3. Adiecto indice novo, rerum & verborum memorabiliorum locupletissimo
Erasmus av Rotterdam
M DC XXXI 1631 |
Latin |
692 |
Vtile-dulce: or, trueths libertie - Seuen wittie-wise dialogues, full of delight, and fitte for vse: verie appliable to these times, but seasonable for all ages, till Roomes idolatrie, and womens delicacie, be reformed
Erasmus av Rotterdam
1606 |
Engelska |
693 |
Epitome colloquiorum Erasmi, continens in se communiores quotidiani sermonis formulas, nunc denuò in puerorum vsum æditas. Hexasticon ad pueros ..
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Anno do. M. D. LVII.1557 |
Latin |
694-695 |
Epitome colloquiorum Erasmi - continens in se communiores quotidiani sermonis formulas, nunc denuò in puerorum vsum æditas
(flera utgåvor)
Erasmus av Rotterdam
1634 |
Latin |
696 |
Summa et synopsis Noui Testamenti - distichis ducentis sexaginta, quae totidem capitibus respondent, comprehensa: prior a Ioanne Schepreuo Oxoniensi olim conscripta: posterior ex Erasmi Roterodami editione decerpta: Tyrunculis & omnibus pictatis & Theologiæ candidatis non inutilis, à Laurentio Humfredo recognita, & iuuandæ memoriæ causil, edita: cui præmissa est eiusdem de scholis & studijs Christianorum prò & methodicè instituendis breuis admonitio. L.H. ad lectorem. Disticha sacra legas, voluas, & mente reponas, author, res, pretium, carmen & ordo vocant
John Shepreve
Anno D. 1586 |
Latin |
697 |
A mery dialogue, declaringe the propertyes of shrowde shrewes, and honest wyues - not onelie verie pleasaunte, but also not a lytle profitable: made by ye famous clerke D. Erasmus Roterodamus. Translated into Englyshe
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Anno. M.CCCCC. lvii. 1557 |
Engelska |
698 |
De ciuilitate morum puerilium per des. Erasmum Roterodamum, libellus nunc primum conditus & editus. Roberto VVhitintoi interprete. A lytle booke of good maners for chyldren, now lately compiled and put forth by Erasmus Roterodam in latin tongue, with interpretation of the same into the vulgare englyshe tongue, by Robert VVhittinton poet laureat
Erasmus av Rotterdam
Anno. M.D.Liiii.1554 |
Engelska |
699 |
Enchiridion militis Christiani, which may be called in English, the hansome weapon of a Christian knight - replenished with many goodly preceptes: made by the famous clerke Erasmus of Roterdame, and newly corrected and imprynted. 1576
Erasmus av Rotterdam
1576 |
Engelska |
700 |
The comparation of a vyrgin and a martyr
Erasmus av Rotterdam
An. M.D.XXXVII. 1537 |
Engelska |