681 |
Vita, gesti, costvmi, discorsi, et lettere di Marco Aurelio imperatore... In Venetia, MDCXXXXVI. Appresso Gio: Battista Cester
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1646 |
Italienska |
682 |
In Petri Lombardi sententiarum lib. II commentum (Ed: Jacobus Grasolarius)
Egidio de Colonna
4 May 1482 |
Latin |
683 |
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1906 |
Tyska |
684 |
Divi Ivstini philosophi, et martyris quæ extant opera. Omnia per Sigismundum Gelenium è Græco in Latinum conuersa ... Adiecta est etiam D. Hippolyti Episcopi & Martyris oratio
Justinus Martyren, helgon
1575 |
Latin |
685 |
De ecclesiastica potestate
Egidio de Colonna
1961 |
Latin |
686 |
Mark Aurel's Selbstgespräche
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1856 |
Tyska |
687-688 |
(flera utgåvor)
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
2006 |
Engelska |
689 |
Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros tōn eis heauton biblia 12. - = Marci Antonini imperatoris de rebus suis, sive de eis qæ ad se pertinere censebat, libri XII, locis havd pavcis repurgati, suppleti, restituti: versione insuper Latinâ novâ; lectionibus item variis, locísque parallelis, ad marginem adjectis; ac commentario perpetuo, explicati atqe illustrati
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1652 |
Latin |
690 |
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Roman emperor, his meditations concerning himselfe - treating of a naturall mans happinesse; wherein it consisteth, and of the meanes to attaine unto it. Translated out of the originall Greeke; with notes: by Meric Casaubon
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
M DC XXXIV 1634 |
Engelska |
691 |
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus the Roman Emperour, his meditations concerning himselfe - treating of a naturall mans happinesse; wherein it consisteth, and of the meanes to attaine unto it. Translated out of the originall Greeke; with notes: by Meric Casaubon, B. of D. and prebendarie of Christ Church, Canterbury
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
M DC XXXV 1635 |
Engelska |
692 |
The dial of princes compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix ... Englished out of the French by Thomas North, sonne of Sir Edward North ..
Antonio de Guevara
An. Domini. 1582 |
Engelska |
693 |
The dial of princes, compiled by the reuerend father in God, Don Antony of Gueuara, Byshop of Guadix, preacher, and chronicler to Charles the fifte, late of that name Emperour. Englished out of the Frenche by T. North, sonne of Sir Edvvard North knight, L. North of Kyrtheling
Antonio de Guevara
Anno Domini. 1568 |
Engelska |
694 |
Marcus Aurelius Antonius, the Roman Emperour, his meditations concerning himself - treating of a natural man's happiness wherein it consisteth, and the means to attain unto it
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1663 |
Engelska |
695 |
Markou Antoninou autokratoras tōn eis eauton, biblia 12 - Marci Antonini imperatoris, de seipso & ad seipsum, libri XII : recogniti et notis illustrati
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1680 |
Nygrekiska (1453-) |
696 |
Markou Antōninou tou autokratoros tōn eis heauton - biblia 12 = Marci Antonini imperatoris de rebus suis, sive de eis quae ad se pertinere censebat : libri XII : locis haud paucis repurgati, suppleti, restituti : versione insuper Latina nova ... ac commentario perpetuo explicati atque illustrati
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1697 |
Grekiska, klassisk (-1453) |
697 |
Marcus Avrelius Antoninus the Roman Emperour, his meditations concerning himself - treating of a natural man's happiness, wherein it consisteth, and of the means to attain unto it
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1673 |
Engelska |
698 |
Markou Antōninou autokratoros tōn eis eauton bib. 12. - Marci Antonini imperatoris De seipso et ad seipsum libri XII
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1643 |
Latin |
699 |
The Emperor Marcus Antoninus his conversation with himself - together with the preliminary discourse of the learned Gataker. As also, the Emperor's life; written by Monsieur Dacier, ... To which is added the mythological picture of Cebes the Theban, &c. Translated into English from the respective originals, by Jeremy Collier, M.A
Marcus Aurelius, romersk kejsare
1726 |
Engelska |
700 |
The proceedings of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - in what related to the rebellion of Cassius, taken from his own speeches and letters
1716 |
Engelska |