7161 |
An address, delivered at Plymouth, on the 24th day of January, 1793, - to the inhabitants of that town; assembled to celebrate the victories of the French Republic, over their invaders. Delivered at the request of the subscribers for the civic festival of that day. And published at the request of the hearers. By Chandler Robbins, D.D. Seven lines of verse
Chandler Robbins
Engelska |
7162 |
Addresses to young men. - By James Fordyce, D.D. In two volumes. Vol. I-II
James Fordyce
1795 |
Engelska |
7163 |
The general introduction to the two tracts on civil liberty, the war with America, and the finances of the kingdom. - By Richard Price, D.D. F.R.S
Richard Price
Engelska |
7164 |
The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. - Abridged from the works of Henry Fielding, Esq. Adorned with cuts
Henry Fielding
1797 |
Engelska |
7165 |
The history of Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded. - Abridged from the works of S. Richardson, Esquire, adorned with cuts
Samuel Richardson
1797 |
Engelska |
7166 |
The history of Sir Charles Grandison. - Abridged from the works of Samuel Richardson, Esq. Author of Pamela and Clarissa
Samuel Richardson
1794 |
Engelska |
7167 |
Horae lyricae - Poems chiefly of the lyric kind. In three books. Sacred I. To devotion and piety. II. To virtue, honour, and friendship. III. To the memory of the dead. By I. Watts, D.D. Six lines of quotations
Isaac Watts
MDCCXC. 1790 |
Engelska |
7168 |
Israel's triumph - It concerns the people of God to celebrate the divine praises, according to all his wonderful works. A sermon preached at Sutton on a publick thanksgiving, October 9th. 1760. For the entire reduction of Canada. Also, delivered afterwards, with some alteration, at Hollis, in New-Hampshire, on a private thanksgiving, observed there November the 20th following, upon the same occasion. And now published at the repeated desire of many of the hearers. By David Hall, A.M. Pastor of the First Church in Sutton. Six lines from Psalms
David Hall
1761 |
Engelska |
7169 |
A letter from a gentleman at Halifax, to his friend in Rhode-Island, - containing remarks upon a pamphlet, entitled, The rights of colonies examined
Martin Howard
M.DCC.LXV. 1765 |
Engelska |
7170 |
The life of the Rev. John Wesley, - A.M. Including an account of the great revival of religion in Europe and America, of which he was the first and chief instrument. By Dr. Coke and Mr. Moore. Three lines of quotations
Thomas Coke
M.DCC.XCIII. 1793 |
Engelska |
7171 |
Geographical, historical, political, philosophical and mechanical essays. - The first, containing an analysis of a general map of the middle British colonies in America; and of the country of the confederate Indians: a description of the face of the country; the boundaries o the confederates; and the maritime and inland navigations of the several rivers and lakes contained therein. By Lewis Evans
Lewis Evans
MDCCLV. 1755 |
Engelska |
7172 |
A Bundle of myrrh, or Rules for a Christian's daily meditation and practice - Three lines of quotation
1763 |
Engelska |
7173 |
Minutes of conferences, held with the Indians, at Harris's Ferry, and at Lancaster, in March, April, and May, 1757
MDCCLVII. 1757 |
Engelska |
7174 |
Minutes of conferences, held at Easton, in August, 1761 - With the chief sachems and warriors of the Onondagoes, Oneidas, Mohickons, Tuteloes, Cayugas, Nanticokes, Delawares, Conoys .
MDCCLXI. 1761 |
Engelska |
7175 |
Minutes of conferences, held at Lancaster, in August, 1762. - With the sachems and warriors of several tribes of northern and western Indians
Engelska |
7176 |
A narrative of the late massacres, in Lancaster County, - of a number of Indians, friends of this province, by persons unknown. With some observations on the same
Benjamin Franklin
in the year M,DCC,LXIV. 1764 |
Engelska |
7177 |
The American almanac, for the year of our Lord, 1782. - ... Fitted to the latitude of 40 degrees north, and near five hours west from London; but may, without sensible error, serve all the northern states. By Father Jacobus Bumbo
1781 |
Engelska |
7178 |
A grammatical system of the English language - comprehending a plain and familiar scheme, of teaching young gentlemen and ladies the art of speaking and writing correctly their native tongue. By Caleb Alexander, A.M. One line of Latin quotation
Caleb Alexander
MDCCXCII. 1792 |
Engelska |
7179 |
A discourse, delivered February 19, 1795. - The day set apart by the president for a general thanksgiving through the United States. By David Osgood, A.M. Pastor of the church in Medford. Published at the request of the hearers
David Osgood
1795 |
Engelska |
7180 |
The whole duty of woman, - comprised in the following sections ... By a lady. Written at the desire of a noble lord
W. (William) Kenrick
M.DCC.XCIII. 1790 |
Engelska |