61 |
A declaration by James Earl of Carlile, Lord of the Caribee Islands, or province of Carliola. - Manifesting his care of, and affection to, the good and welfare of the inhabitants of the island of Barbadoes, and of all other people under his government
James Hay Carlisle, Earl of
1648 |
Engelska |
62 |
Two letters the one being sent to the Lord Bishop of Peterborough. The other sent from the Bishop of Bangor, to the ministers of his diocesse. - Wherein is discovered the readines of the ill-affected clergy, toward the furnishing of his Majesty with moneys for the mayntaining of warre against his Parliament. Ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that these bee forthwith printed and published. Hen. Elsinge, Cler. Parl. D. Com
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |
63 |
Collonel James Hays speech to the Parlament upon the debate concerning toleration. - As it was taken by Anonimus a Member of the House, and sent to the press with this epigram on the author. dagger Fælix fifa suis cælebrata Catonibus eheu! clodius in miseros furit, & Catalina Britannos. dagger Henderson
James Hay Carlisle, Earl of
Printed in the year 1655 |
Engelska |
64 |
The battaile on Hopton-Heath in Staffordshire, - betweene His Majesties forces under the Right Honourable the Earle of Northampton, and those of the rebels, March 19. Together with a letter from the Lord Compton now Earle of Northampton
M.DC XLIII. 1643 |
Engelska |
65 |
The Lord Strange his demands. - propounded to the inhabitants of the town of Manchester, concerning a pacificction sic, and laying down of armes: with the valiant answer and resolution of the commanders and souldiers, in denying and withstanding the said demands. Also the names of the Scots elders and ministers chosen by the commissioners of Scotland to be sent to the Assembly of Divines appointed by the Parliament to be holden at London for the setling of religion
1642 |
Engelska |
66 |
The Earle of Darby's speech on the scaffold, - immediately before his execution at Bolton in Lancashire, on Wednesday, October 15. 1651. Exactly taken in short-hand, as it was spoken; and now published for the satisfaction of those that desire to be truly informed
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1651 |
Engelska |
67 |
The true speech delivered on the scaffold by Iames Earl of Derby, - in the market-place at Boulton in Lancashire, on vvednesday last, being the 15. of this instant October, 1651. With the manner of his deportment and carrage on the scaffold: his speech concerning the King of Scots. And his prayer immediately before his head was severed from his body. As also his declaration and desires to the people. Likewise, the manner how the King of Scots took shipping at Graves-end, on the fourth of this instant October, with Captain Hind, disguised in sea-mens apparel, and safely arrived at the Hague in Holland. Published by Authority
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1651 |
Engelska |
68 |
A declaration of the Right Honourable, James, Earle of Darby, Lord Stanly, Strange of Knocking, and of the Isle of Man. Concerning his resolution to keep the Isle of Man for His Majesties service, against all force whatsoever. - Together with His Lordships letter, in answer to Commissary Generall Ireton
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
Printed in the yeare, 1649 |
Engelska |
69 |
A message sent from the Earl of Derby Governour of the Isle of Man, - to his dread soveraign, Charles the II, King of Scotland; and his Lordships declaration to his Majesty, concerning the Treaty, and Major Generall Ireton, with the discovery of a strange and dangerous design against the Parliament, the Lord Lieut. Cromwell, Major Gen. Ireton; and his resolution to sacrifice his life, rather then to sell his loyalty. Also, the proposals of the said Major Gen. Ireton, to the Earl of Derby, his Lordships answer thereunto, and a true account of the strange and incredible relation of his seizing upon his person, and sending him for a present to the Prince. Together with the last intelligence from Dublin
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1649 |
Engelska |
70 |
A true copy of the Lord Strange his warrant - for puting in execution the illegall commission of array in Lancashire
Printed, anno Dommini sic, 1642 |
Engelska |
71 |
An impeachment of high treason exhibited in Parliament, against James, Lord Strange, son and heire apparant of William, Earle of Derby, by the Commons assembled in Parliament, in the name of themselves, and all the Commons of England. - VVith an order of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, for the apprehending of the said Lord, to be published in all churches, and chappels, markets and townes, in the county of Lancaster and Chester. 16 September, 1642. Ordered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, that this impeachment, with the order, shall be forthwith printed and published. John Browne Cler. Parliament
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
1642 |
Engelska |
72 |
The Lord Humes his speech, - delivered in the presence of the Kings most excellent Majesty, to the Honourable Court of Parliament of both Houses then assembled in Scotland, the 16. of this present moneth of August, 1641. Wherein is expressed his loyalty to his Majesty, his love to both nations, and his hearty desire unto that honourable assembly, to prevent the inconveniences that might arise between Scotland and England, though himselfe had bin formerly one of the chiefe covenanters against us
James Home Home, Earl of
Printed in the yeare. MDCXLI. 1641 |
Engelska |
73 |
The Lord Hvmes his speech - delivered in the presence of the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, to the Honourable Court of Parliament of both Houses then assembled in Scotland, the 16, of this present moneth of August, 1641 : wherein is expressed his loyalty to His Majesty, his love to both nations, and his hearty desire unto that Honourable Assembly, to prevent the inconveniences that might arise between Scotland and England, though himselfe had bin sic formerly one of the chiefe covenanters against us
James Home Home, Earl of
1641 |
Engelska |
74-75 |
A paradox against liberty written by the Lords, during their imprisonment in the Tower - a poem
(flera utgåvor)
1679 |
Engelska |
76 |
The memoirs of James, Lord Audley, Earl of Castlehaven, his engagement and carriage in the wars of Ireland from the year 1642 to the year 1651
James Touchet Castlehaven, Earl of
1680 |
Engelska |
77 |
Lawes and orders of vvarre, M. DC. XLIII - established for the conduct of the armie designed for the expedition of Vlster
England and Wales
1643 |
Engelska |
78 |
The speech of Patrick Earl of March-mount, &c., His Majesties High Commissioner to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the nineteenth of July, 1698. The speech of James Viscount of Seafield, Principal Secretary of State, and president to the Parliament of Scotland, on Tuesday the nineteenth of July 1698
Patrick Hume Marchmont, Earl of
1698 |
Engelska |
79 |
The tryall and plea of James Earle of Derby, prisoner of war, before a court martiall at Chester, Octob. 1. 1651 - The articles were severall particulars of treason, by his invading England, raising forces, &c. The answer is a confession of the fact. The plea is a plea of quarter, which he conceives to be a good bar to a tryall for life, by court martiall or councell of war, though not against a meer civill judicature. His plea was over-ruled by the court upon this account, that the court martiall was directed by Parliament. So that the court proceeded to sentence, only gave him a fortnights time from the first of October. From this sentence he appealeth to his Excellency the Lord Generall
James Stanley Derby, Earl of
printed in the yeare, 1651 |
Engelska |
80 |
The coppy of a letter written by a friend, to the Laird of Blaikwood - and his answer, with the coppy of my Lord Angus's letter, from Utrecht, 21/11 January 1692. To My Lord Marquess of Dowglas his father, Edinburgh, 16th: August 1692
1692 |
Engelska |