61 |
Sir, Mr. Dealtry having declared his intention to resign his appointment as druggist to the London Hospital, we beg leave to solicit the favor of your vote and interest to succeed him, which we shall ever studiously endeavour to merit, and are ..
England) John Smith and Son (Druggists : London
1784 |
Engelska |
62 |
Sir, The election of a druggist to the London Hospital being fix'd for Wednesday, the 2d of June, at the general court precisely at 12 o'clock, (to be determined by shew of hands) we take the liberty of earnestly soliciting your attendance and support on the occasion; as we are strongly opposed by another house, the favor of your vote will essentially serve and highly obligue, ..
England) John Smith and Son (Druggists : London
1784 |
Engelska |
63 |
Statuta eleemosynariæ sive Hospitalis, Sancti Johannis Baptistae in Kirkby-Ravenswath. Conditæ per Johannem Dakyn, L.L.D. Anno domini 1556
England) Hospital of Saint John Baptist (Kirkby Ravensworth
1786 |
Latin |
64 |
Bibliotheca elegans & utilis - A catalogue of the libraries of a noble peer, deceased, William Rutty, ... which will be sold very cheap ... on Thursday, January 26, 1758, ... By John Whiston and Benjamin White
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1758 |
Engelska |
65 |
Bibliotheca utilissima & elegans. A catalogue of many thousand volumes; including the libraries of Lomax Martyn, ... and Henry Thomas Carr, ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, August 14, 1759. ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1759 |
Engelska |
66 |
Select portions of psalms and hymns, for the use of Berkeley Chapel - John-Street, Berkeley-Square
England) London Berkeley Square Berkeley Chapel (John Street
1800 |
Engelska |
67 |
A catalogue of a very choice and curious collection of books in all arts, sciences, and languages: ... which will be sold ... on Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1762, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1762 |
Engelska |
68 |
Bibliotheca curiosa & elegans - A catalogue of near twelve thousand volumes, in all arts, sciences, and every branch of polite literature, many on royal paper, and in morocco, ... including the libraries of the Revd. Williams Gibbon, ... and John Hand, ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, August 1, 1758. ... by John Whiston and Benj. White
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1758 |
Engelska |
69 |
A catalogue of the libraries of the Rev. Dr. Burton, Rector of Staplehurst, ... and the Rev. Mr. Colson, ... Which will be sold very cheap ... on Tuesday, Feb. 17, 1761, ... By John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1761 |
Engelska |
70 |
A catalogue of the library of Edward Barker, Esq. Baron of the Court of Exchequer, lately deceased. ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, January 22, 1760, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1760 |
Engelska |
71 |
A catalogue of the valuable libraries of the following gentlemen, lately deceased, Charles Delafaye, ... William Pickard, ... and the learned and Reverend Mr. Daubuz. ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, Aug. 23, 1763, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1763 |
Engelska |
72 |
A catalogue of various libraries lately purchased; particularly that of Philips Glover, Esq. and of a choice parcel just imported from Holland, ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, January 23, 1759, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1759 |
Engelska |
73 |
A catalogue of a very choice and curious collection of books in most languages and in every class of literature, consisting of several libraries lately purchased, particularly those of Bartholomew Jeffery, ... and the Rev. Mr. Thomas Axton, ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, Aug. 21, 1764, ... By John Whiston and Benj. White
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1764 |
Engelska |
74 |
A catalogue of a very valuable collection of books in all languages and every branch of literature, as well as the polite arts, containing several libraries lately purchased. Particulary those of Thomas Williams, ... and of the Rev. William Harris, ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, Feb 15, 1763, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1763 |
Engelska |
75 |
A catalogue of books printed, published, or sold by John Whiston and Benj. White, booksellers, in Fleet-street, London
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1764 |
Engelska |
76 |
A catalogue of many thousand of the most valuable books in all arts, sciences, and languages, including several curious libraries lately purchased, and in particular those of Thomas Potter, ... and Vigerus Edwards, ... Which will be sold ... on Tuesday, August 19, 1760, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1760 |
Engelska |
77 |
A catalogue of several libraries of books lately purchased; which form together a large and valuable collection of many of the most curious articles ... In this collection are included the libraries of the late very learned and Rev. James Tunstall, ... and of the Rev. Mr. Clare, ... Which will be sold ... on Thursday, Feb. 16, 1764, ... By John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1764 |
Engelska |
78 |
A catalogue of the entire libraries of the following gentlemen, lately deceased, Edward Smith, Esq. of Edmonthorpe, ... Henry Bromfield, ... and the Revererd and learned Phocion Henley, ... The books will be sold ... on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 1765, ... by John Whiston and Benj. White,
England) John Whiston and Benjamin White (Booksellers : London
1765 |
Engelska |
79 |
Sir, The election of a druggist to the London-Hospital being fixed for Wednesday the 2d of June, at the general court precisely at 12 o'clock, (to be determined by shew of hands) we therefore take the liberty of requesting your early attendance and support on the occasion; as we are strongly opposed by another house, the favor of your vote will essentially and highly obligue, ..
England) John and Joseph Adcock (Druggists and chymists : London
1784 |
Engelska |
80 |
Uniuersis christifidelibus presentes literas inspecturis vel audituris, nos Ioannes et Radulphus custodes ..
England) Confraternity of Chapel of St. John the Baptist (North Newington
1521 |
Latin |