61 |
The annual register of the Baptist denomination, in North-America - to the first of November, 1790. Containing an account of the churches and their constitutions, ministers, members, associations, their plan and sentiments, rule and order, proceedings and correspondence. Also remarks upon practical religion. Humbly offered to the public, by John Asplund
John Asplund
1792 |
Engelska |
62 |
A description of the malignant, infectious fever prevailing at present in Philadelphia - with an account of the means to prevent infection, and the remedies and method of treatment, which have been found most successful. By William Currie, Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia
William Currie
Engelska |
63 |
Discourses relating to the evidences of revealed religion, - delivered in the Church of the Universalists, at Philadelphia, 1796. And published at the request of many of the hearers. By Joseph Priestley, LL.D. F.R.S. Two lines from I. Peter
Joseph Priestley
1796. Copy right secured according to law |
Engelska |
64 |
An impartial review of that part of Dr. Rush's late publication, entitled "An account of the bilious remitting yellow fever, as it appeared in the city of Philadelphia, in the year 1793, which treats of the origin of the disease." - In which his opinion is shewn to be erroneous; the importation of the disease established; and the wholesomeness of the city vindicated. By William Currie, Fellow of the College of Physicians &c
William Currie
M.DCC.XCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
65 |
Medical inquiries and observations. - By Benjamin Rush, M.D. Professor of the institutes of medicine, and of clinical practice in the University of Pennsylvania. Vol. II
Benjamin Rush
M.DCC.XCVII. 1797 |
Engelska |
66 |
A system of seamanship, and naval tactics. - Extracted from the Encyclopaedia, published by Thomas Dobson. Illustrated with copperplates
John Clerk
1799 |
Engelska |
67 |
The speeches of Mr. Smith, of South-Carolina, - delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, in January, 1794, on the subject of certain commercial regulations, proposed by Mr. Madison, in the committee of the whole, on the report of the secretary of state
William Smith
MDCCXCIV. 1794 |
Engelska |
68 |
The complete soldier's pocket companion; or, A plain and easy method of military discipline. - Containing: the new system of manual and platoon exercise, now practised in the Army of Great-Britain; together with filing, grounding, advancing, handling, easing and reversing of arms, with field manoeuvres, camp and garrison duty. To which are added, forms of morning reports, monthly returns, recruiting returns, muster rolls, returns of arms, accoutrements, cloathing, &c. with a roll of country, age, size and servitude. Also, the field piece and great gun exercise, wit some extracts and observations from Baron Steuben's publication. By John Campbell, late adjutant in the British 73d Regiment of Foot
John Campbell, late adjutant in the British 73d Regiment of Foot
M,DCC,XCVIII. 1798 |
Engelska |
69 |
Substance of the reports - delivered by the court of directors of the Sierra Leone Company, to the general court of proprietors. To which is prefixed memoirs of Naimbanna, an African prince
Sierra Leone Company
1799 |
Engelska |
70 |
Sacred dramas, - chiefly intended for young persons: the subjects taken from the Bible. To which are added: Reflections of King Hezekiah, Sensibility, a poem. and Essays on various subjects, principally designed for young ladies. By Hannah More. Three lines from Cowley
Hannah More
Engelska |
71 |
A second address to the citizens of Philadelphia, - containing additional proofs of the domestic origin of the malignant bilious, or yellow fever. To which are added, observations, intended to shew that a belief in that opinion, is calculated to lessen the mortality of the disease, and to prevent its recurrence. By Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Rush
1799 |
Engelska |
72 |
An oration, to commemorate the independence of the United States of North-America - delivered at Zion Church, in Fourth-Street, Philadelphia, July 4th, 1791; and now published at the request of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. By Robert Porter, A.M
Robert Porter
M,DCC,XCI. 1791 |
Engelska |
73 |
A sermon, on temporal and spiritual salvation - delivered in Christ-Church, Philadelphia, before the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. By William Smith, D.D. provost of the College and Academy of Philadelphia. Prepared and published at the request of the society
William Smith
M,DCC,XC. 1790 |
Engelska |
74 |
An account of a new poor-house, - erected in the parish of Boldre, in New Forest, near Lymington
William Gilpin
--1797 |
Engelska |
75 |
M. Tullii Ciceronis De officiis ad Marcum filium libri tres. - Item, Cato major, Laelius, Paradoxa, & Somnium Scipionis
Marcus Tullius. Cicero
M,DCC,XCIII. 1793 |
Latin |
76 |
An easy and compendious system of shorthand - adapted to the arts and sciences, and to the learned professions. For the use of schools. Abstracted from the larger edition. By Thomas Sarjeant. Four lines of verse Illustrated with ten copperplates
Thomas Gurney
1792 |
Engelska |
77 |
A medical sketch of the Synochus maligna, or malignant contagious fever; as it lately appeared in the city of Philadelphia: to which is added, some account of the morbid appearances observed after death, on dissection. By Isaac Cathrall
Isaac Cathrall
1794 |
Engelska |