821 |
The speech of the Right Honourable John, earl of Clare, lord high chancellor of Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, Monday, February 19th, 1798; on a motion made by the Earl of Moira, - "That an humble address be presented to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant to state, that as Parliament had confided to His Excellency extraordinary powers in order to support the laws and defeat traiterous combinations, in this country, we feel it our duty,-as those powers have not produced the desired effect,-to recommend the adoption of such conciliatory measures as may allay apprehensions and discontent."
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
M.DCC.XCVIII. 1798 |
Engelska |
822 |
Speeches delivered in the House of Lords of Ireland, by John, Earl of Clare, lord high chancellor of Ireland. - VIZ. I. Speech on the second reading of the bill for the relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects.-March 13, 1793. II. Speech on a motion made by the Earl of Moira, for the adoption of such conciliatory measures as may allay misapprehensions and discontents in Ireland.-February 19, 1798. III. Speech on taking His Majesty's message into consideration, relative to a Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland.-February 10, 1800. To which is added, the speech of the Right Hon. John Foster, speaker of the House of Commons, in the Committee on the Roman Catholic bill.-February 27, 1793. Published by authority
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1800 |
Engelska |
823 |
Ideologies of language
2013 |
Engelska |
824 |
Observations on the commerce of the American States with Europe and the West Indies - Including the several articles of import and export; and on the tendency of a bill now depending in Parliament
John Holroyd Sheffield, Earl of
Engelska |
825 |
The state of the nation for 1747-8. - With a general balance of the publick accompts
John Carteret, Earl Granville
Engelska |
826 |
The speech of the Right Honourable John, earl of Clare, lord high chancellor or Ireland, in the House of Lords of Ireland, on a motion made by him on Monday, February 10, 1800. - "That in order to promote and secure the essential interests of Great Britain and Ireland, and to consolidate the strength, power, and resources of the British Empire, it will be adviseable to concur in such measures as may best end to unite the two kingdoms, in such manner, and on such terms and conditions, as may be established by acts of the respective Parliaments of Great Britain and Ireland." By authority
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1800 |
Engelska |
827 |
Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin in a series of letters from John Earl of Orrery, to his son, the Honourable Hamilton Boyle
John Boyle Orrery, Earl of
MDCCLVII. 1757 |
Engelska |
828 |
No union! but unite and fall. By Paddy Whack, of Dyott-street, London; in a loving letter to his dear mother, Sheelah, of Dame-street, Dublin
John Fitzgibbon Clare, Earl of
1799 |
Engelska |
829 |
Observations on the commerce of the American States. - By John Lord Sheffield. A new edition, much enlarged. With an appendix, containing tables of the imports and exports of Great Britain to and from all parts, from 1700 to 1782. Also, the exports of America, &c. With remarks on those tables, on British navigation, and on the late proclamations, &c
John Holroyd Sheffield, Earl of
M,DCC,LXXXIV. 1784 |
Engelska |
830 |
Condescendence of the instructions produced in support of the claim of John Earl of Hopetoun, for vouching his title to the heritable sheriffship of Linlithgow; the heritable sheriffship of Bathgate; the heritable Bailiery, coronership, and justiciary of the regality of St. Andrews, throughout all that part of Scotland lying on the south-side of the river of forth; and the heritable Bailiery of Crawfordmuir, in the county of Lanark; and the heritable Bailiery of the provostry of Kirkheugh, in the county of Fise, respective. ..
John Hope Hopetoun, Earl of
1748 |
Engelska |
831 |
The nature of the present excise, and the consequences of its farther extension, examined. - In a letter to a Member of Parliament
John Perceval Egmont, Earl of
M.DCC.XXXIII. 1733 |
Engelska |
832 |
Observations on the manufactures, trade, and present state of Ireland. By John Lord Sheffield
John Holroyd Sheffield, Earl of
M.DCC.LXXXV. 1785 |
Engelska |
833 |
Authorities taken from the original manuscripts, preserved in the publick library belonging to the advocates in Scotland, and produced in this cause in the court below
John Hamilton Ruglen, Earl of
1740 |
Engelska |
834 |
Things as they are
John Perceval Egmont, Earl of
Engelska |
835 |
Sir James Cunnyngham, of Milcraig, bart. - appellant. Captain John Chalmer, - - - - - - - respondent. And also John Earl of Loudoun, John Earl of Stair, and Colonel William Dalrymple of Glenmure, called as respondents. The case of the said Earl of Loudoun, the Earl of Stair, and Colonel Dalrymple
John Campbell Loudoun, Earl of
1740 |
Engelska |
836 |
The Right Honourable John Earl of Selkirk and Ruglen, - - - - - - - appellant. His Grace James Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, - - - - - - - - respondent. And the said James Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, - - - - - - - - appellant. The said John Earl of Selkirk and Ruglen, respondent. The appellant the Earl of Selkirk's case
John Hamilton Ruglen, Earl of
1740 |
Engelska |
837 |
Facts and their consequences, submitted to the consideration of the public at large - But more particularly to that of the finance minister, and of those who are or mean to become creditiors to the state. By John Earl of Stair
John Dalrymple Stair, Earl of
1782 |
Engelska |
838 |
Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session, the petition of John Earl of Hopetoun, heritable sheriff of the sheriffdom of Linlithgow; as also heritable sheriff of the sheriffdom of Bathgate; and heritable Bailie, coroner and justiciar of the regality of St. Andrew's, throughout all that part of Scotland lying upon the south-side of the river of Forth; and heritable Bailie of the Bailiery of Crawfurdmuir in the county of Lanark; and heritable bailie of the bailiery over the provost of Kirkheugh in the county of Fife, respective, ..
John Hope Hopetoun, Earl of
1747 |
Engelska |
839 |
The thoughts of an impartial man upon the present temper of the nation; offer'd to the consideration of the freeholders of Great-Britain
John Perceval, Earl
M.DCC.XXXIII. 1733 |
Engelska |
840 |
Appeal from the decree of the Right Honourable the Lord Chancellor of Ireland. - John Maxwell, Esq; - - - - - appellant. The Right Honourable Smyth Earl of Clanrickard, son and heir, and also administrator de bonis, of Michael Earl of Clanrickard, formerly Lord Dunkellin, his late father, deceased, unadministred by Sir Gustavus Hume, and Robert Taylor, Dean of Clonfert, the successive administrators thereof, and also heir of John Earl of Clanrickard, and William Earl of Clanrickard, and William Earl of Clanrickard, his grandfather and great-grandfather, deceased, respondent. The respondent's case
John Smith De Burgh Clanricarde, Earl of
1749 |
Engelska |