821 |
The old French fabliaux - essays on comedy and context
2007 |
Engelska |
822 |
A letter sent by Sir Iohn Suckling from France, deploring his sad estate and flight. - vvith a discoverie of the plot and conspiracie, intended by him and his adherents against England
I. S. K.
1641 |
Engelska |
823 |
An elegie vpon the death of the renowned Sir Iohn Sutlin
Printed in the yeare, 1642 |
Engelska |
824 |
The guide of faith, or, A third part of the antidote against the pestiferous writings of all English sectaries - and in particuler, agaynst D. Bilson, D. Fulke, D. Reynoldes, D. Whitaker, D. Field, D. Sparkes, D. White, and M. Mason, the chiefe vpholders, some of Protestancy, and some of Puritanisme : wherein the truth, and perpetuall visible succession of the Catholique Roman Church, is cleerly demonstrated
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M.DC.XXI. 1621 |
Engelska |
825 |
A true report of the priuate colloquy betweene M. Smith, aliâs Norrice, and M. VValker - held in the presence of two vvorthy knights, and of a few other gentlemen, some Catholikes, some Protestants : with a briefe confutation of the false, and adulterated summe, which M. Walker, pastour of S. Iohn Euangelist in Watling-streete, hath diuulged of the same
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M. DC. XXIIII 1624 |
Engelska |
826 |
An appendix to the antidote - conteyning a catalogue of the visible and perpetuall succession of the Catholique professours of the Roman Church, by whom the doctrine now taught vnder Pope Gregory the XV hath beene in all ages, and countreyes, since Christ, constantly & vniformely maintayned : togeather with a counter-catalogue discouering the interruption of hereticall sectes, amongst whome the chiefe Protestant articles, and their authours, haue beene in diuers ages, vpon sundry occasions, contradicted, and condemned, by the watchmen of the true church
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M. DC. XXI 1621 |
Engelska |
827 |
The svmme of a dispvtation betweene Mr. VValker, pastor of St. Iohn Euanglists sic in Watling-street London, and a popish priest calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice - assisted by other priests and papists : held in the presence of some worthy knights, with other gentlemen of both religions
George Walker
1624 |
Engelska |
828 |
An antidote or soueraigne remedie against the pestiferous writings of all English sectaries - And in particuler against D. Whitaker, D. Fulke, D. Bilson, D. Reynolds, D. Sparkes, and D. Field, the chiefe vpholders, some of Protestancy, some of Puritanisme. Deuided into three partes. In which the true Catholike doctrine, in the chiefest points of faith, called in question by the Protestants of our time, is explained, defended, and their principall obiections answered. By S.N. Doctour of Diuinity. The first part
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M.DC.XV. 1615 |
Engelska |
829 |
A treatise, maintaining that temporall blessings are to bee sought and asked with submission to the will of God - Wherein is confuted the presumptious way of absolute praying for temporals, in the particulars, broached, and defended by Mr. Rice Boye, in a late pamphlet, intituled The importunate beggar. As also a discovery of the late dangerous errours of Mr. Iohn Traske, and most of his strange assertions. Both necessary to be knowne of all for the avoiding of the like errours, and continuing in the truth. By Edw: Norice
Edward Norris
1636 |
Engelska |
830 |
The nevv Gospel, not the true Gospel. Or, A discovery of the life and death, doctrin, and doings of Mr. Iohn Traske, and the effects of all, in his followers - Wherein a mysterie of iniquity is briefly disclosed, a seducer unmasked, and all warned to beware of imposters. As also a confutation of the uncomfortable error, of Mr. Boye, concerning the plague, out of Psal. 91. By Edvv. Norice
Edward Norris
1638 |
Engelska |
831 |
An antidote or soueraigne remedie against the pestiferous writinges of all English sectaries - And in particuler against D. Whitaker, D. Fulke, D. Bilson, D. Reynolds, D. Sparkes, and D. Feild, the chiefe vpholders, some of Protestancy, some of Puritanisme. In which the true Catholike doctrine, in the chiefest points of faith, called in question by the Protestants of our time, is explained, defended, and their principall obiections answered. By S.N. Doctour of Diuinity. The second part
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M.DC.XIX. 1619 |
Engelska |
832 |
An antidote or treatise of thirty controuersies - vvith a large discourse of the Church. In which the soueraigne truth of Catholike doctrine, is faythfully deliuered: against the pestiferous writinges of all English sectaryes. And in particuler, against D. Whitaker, D. Fulke, D. Reynolds, D. Bilson, D. Robert Abbot, D. Sparkes, and D. Field, the chiefe vpholders, some of Protestancy, some of puritanisme, some of both. Deuided into three partes. By S.N. Doctour of Diuinity. The first part
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M.DC.XXII. 1622 |
Engelska |
833 |
The summe of a disputation, betweene Mr. VValker pastor of St. Iohn Euangelists in Watling-street London; and a popish priest, calling himselfe Mr. Smith, but indeed Norrice, assisted by other priests and papists - Held in the presence of some worthy knights; with other gentlemen of both religions
George Walker
1624 |
Engelska |
834 |
The pseudo-scripturist. Or A treatise wherein is proued, that the wrytten Word of God (though most sacred, reuerend, and diuine) is not the sole iudge of controuersies, in fayth and religion - Agaynst the prime sectaries of these tymes, who contend to maintayne the contrary. Written by N.S. Priest, and Doctour of Diuinity. Deuided into two parts. And dedicated to the right honorable, and reuerned iudges of England, and the other graue sages of the law
S. N. (Sylvester Norris)
M.DC.XXIII. 1623 |
Engelska |
835 |
A warning to London by the fall of Antwerp - to the tune of Rovv vvel ye mariners
Ralph Norris
1577? |
Engelska |
836 |
Newes from Brest. - A diurnal of al that Sir Iohn Norreis hath doone since his last ariuall in Britaine : also of the taking in of the forte by Croyzon, and the names of such captaines gentlemen and others that were slaine and hurte in this seruice. 1594
John Norris, Sir
1594 |
Engelska |
837 |
Hierocles upon the Golden verses of the Pythagoreans
Hierocles, of Alexandria
1682 |
Engelska |
838 |
A letter sent by Sir Iohn Svckling from France deploring his sad estate and flight - vvith a discoverie of the plot and conspiracie, intended by him and his adherents against England
I. S. K.
1641 |
Engelska |
839-840 |
Reflections upon the conduct of human life - with reference to the study of learning and knowledge : in a letter to the excellent lady, the Lady Masham
(flera utgåvor)
John Norris
1691 |
Engelska |