841 |
Anno primo et secundo Philippi & Mariæ - actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xij day of Nouember, in the fyrst and second year of the reigne of Our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, princes of Spayne & Sicile, archdukes of Austria, dukes of Millaine, Burgondie and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the dissolution of the same, beinge the xvj daye of January then next ensuing, were enacted as foloweth
England and Wales
M.D.L.V 1555 |
Engelska |
842 |
Anno secundo et tertio Philippi & Mariæ - actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster the xxi day of October, in the second and thyrd year of the reigne of Our Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Fraunce, Naples, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, princes of Spayne & Sicile, archdukes of Austria, dukes of Millaine, Burgondie and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte untyll the dissolution of the same, beinge the ix daye of December then next ensuing, were enacted as foloweth
England and Wales
M.D.L.V. 1555 |
Engelska |
843 |
Anno quarto et quinto, Philippi & Mariæ - actes made at a Parliament begon and holden at Westminster, the xx daye of January, in the fourth and fift yeare of the reigne of Oure Soueraigne Lorde and Lady, Philippe and Marye by the grace of God, Kinge and Quene of England, Spayne, Fraunce, both the Sicilles, Jerusalem, and Irelande, defendours of the faith, archidukes of Austria, dukes of Burgondie, Millaine and Brabant, counties of Haspurge, Flaunders, and Tyrol, and there continued and kepte vntyll the vij day of Marche, then next folowinge, and enacted as foloweth
England and Wales
M.D.L.VIII. 1558 |
Engelska |
844 |
A collection in English, of the statutes nowe in force, continued from the beginning of Magna Charta, made in the 9. yeere of the reigne of King H.3 vntill the ende of the session of Parliament holden in the 23. yeere of the reigne of our gratious Queene Elizabeth, vnder titles placed by order of alphabet - wherein is performed (touching the statutes wherewith iustices of the peace haue to deale) so much, as was promised in the booke of their office lately published ... hereunto is added two tables, the one at the beginning of the booke, declaring vnder titles by order of alphabet the substance of such referments as stoode at the end of eche title in the first collection of statutes, set forth by Master Iustice Rastall ... in the other table (being at the ende of this booke) are set downe by order of the Kings reignes, the seuerall times of their Parliaments, together with the sundry chapters and intitulings of the particular statutes in euery of the same : whereby the reader may easily finde vnder what title, and in what leafe of this booke, any of these statutes be placed
England and Wales
1583? |
Engelska |
845 |
An acte to enable the Kings Maiestie to make leases of lands, parcell of his highnesse dutchie of Cornewall, or annexed to the same
England and Wales
M.DC.XXVI 1626 |
Engelska |
846 |
A collection of all the statutes, from the beginning of Magna Carta, vnto the year of our Lord (1557) - which were before that year imprinted : wherunto be added the collection of the statutes, made in the fourth and fifth yeares of the reignes of King Philip and Queene Marye : and also the statutes made in the first, and fifth yeare of the raigne of oure soueraigne lady Queene Elizabeth : and first an epistle, necessarie to bee read by them that shal use this booke
England and Wales
Anno. 1566. Octobris vltimo |
Engelska |
847 |
A collection in English of the statutes now in force, continued from the beginning of Magna Charta, made in the 9 yeare of the reigne of King H. 3, vntill the end of the Parliament holden in the 7 yeare of the reign of our soueraigne lord King Iames, vnder titles placed by order of alphabet - wherein is performed (touching statutes wherewith justices of the peace have to deale) so much as was promised in the booke of their office lately published ... : hereunto are added two tables
England and Wales
An. Dom. 1611 |
Engelska |
848 |
An abstract of all the penall statutes which be general, in force and vse - wherein is conteined the effect of all those statuts sic, which do threaten to the offenders therof, the losse of life, member, lands, goods, or other punishment or forfaiture whatsoeuer ... moreouer, the authoritie and duetie of all justices, sheriffes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, baylifes, customers, comptrollers of custome, stewards of leetes and liberties, aulnegers and purueyors
Ferdinando Pulton
1596 |
Engelska |
849 |
The boke of iustices of peas - the charge with all the proces of the cessions warrantes supsedias and all that longeth to any iustice to make enditements of haute treason pettit treason felonyes appelles trespas contra Regis pacem nocumentis with divers thyngis more as it appereth in the kalender of the same boke
1527? |
Engelska |
850 |
Anno. IIII. Henrici octaui. These be the statutes established in diuerse Parliamentes for the mistery of ye pewterers of London - and concerninge the searche of pewter, brasse, and vntrue beames and weightes, and for deceiuable hawkers, with diverse other orders and redresses to be had in the saide mystery, with the renewinge and? confirminge of the same statutes
England and Wales
not after 1589 |
Engelska |
851 |
Articles of peace, entercourse, and commerce - concluded in the names of the most high and mighty kings, and princes Iames by the grace of God, King of great Britaine, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. and Philip the third, King of Spaine, &c. and Albertus and Isabella Clara Eugenia, Archdukes of Austrice, Dukes of Burgundie, &c. In a treatie at London the 18. day of August after the old stile in the yeere of our Lord God 1604. Translated out of Latine into English
Anno 1605 |
Engelska |
852 |
Declaratie van de causen mouerende hare Coninglicke Maiesteit van Englandt, een vlote van schepen ter zee te afuerdigen tot defensie van hare landschappen, tegen gewelt des Conings van Spaignen - om gepubliceert te worden by de ouerste vande voorseyde vlote, ten einde dat al de werelt mach weten dat hare Maiesteit, dese vlote afueererdight alleenlick om hare seluen te veschermen ende hare vianden te beschadigen, sonder pemandt anders te offenseren die haren viandt niet en verstercken, maer deselue in alder vriendelicheit te tracteren
England and Wales
Anno 1596 |
Nederländska |
853 |
A declaration of the causes, which mooued the chiefe commanders of the nauie of her most excellent Maiestie the Queene of England, in their voyage and expedition for Portingal, to take and arrest in the mouth of the riuer of Lisbone, certaine shippes of corne and other prouisions of warre bound for the said citie - prepared for the seruices of the King of Spaine, in the ports and prouinces within and about the Sownde, the 30. day of Iune, in the yeere of our Lord 1589. and of her Maiesties raigne the one and thirtie
England and Wales
1589 |
Engelska |
854 |
Declaratio causarum, quibus serenissimæ Maiestatis Angliæ classiarij adducti, in expeditione suâ Lusitanensi, quasdam naues frumento, alióque apparatu bellico ad vsus Hispaniarum Regis, in vicinis Baltici maris regionibus comparato, dum ab ijs in Vlissiponam tenditur, atque in ipsis faucibus Vlissiponæ, ceperunt - 30. Iunij. An. Domini 1589. ac regni Maiestatis suæ 31
England and Wales
1589 |
Latin |
855 |
The great charter called in latyn Magna Carta - with diuers olde statutes whose titles appere in the next leafe newly corrected. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum
England and Wales
M.D.XLij 1542 |
Engelska |
856 |
Magna Carta - et cetera antiqua statuta nunc nouiter per diuersa exemplaria examinata et summa diligentia castigata et correcta cui adiecta est noua tabula valde necessaria
England and Wales
1556 |
Latin |
857 |
A colleccion of all the statutes (from the begynning of Magna Carta vnto the yere of our Lorde, 1557) which were before that yere imprinted - And furst a pistle, necessary to be redde by them that shall vse this booke
England and Wales
1557 |
Engelska |
858 |
A collection of all the statutes, from the begynning of Magna Carta, vnto the yeare of our Lorde (1557.) which were before that yeare imprinted - Whereunto be added the collection of the statutes, made in the fourth and fifth yeares of the reignes of King Philip & Queene Marye: and also the statutes made in the first, and fifth yeare of the raigne of our soueraigne ladye Queene Elizabeth. And first an epistle, necessary to be read by them that shall vse thys booke
England and Wales
1565 |
Engelska |
859 |
A collection of all the statutes, from the beginning of Magna charta, vnto this present yere of our Lorde God 2572 sic
England and Wales
Anno 1572. vicesimo quarto. Ianuarij |
Engelska |
860 |
A collection of all the statutes, from the beginning of Magna charta, vnto this present yere of our Lorde God. 1574
England and Wales
Anno 1574. vicesimo sexto Iulij |
Engelska |