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Sökning efter: England and Wales. 10970 träffar

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861 The newe greate abredgement - brefly conteynynge, all thactes and statutes of this realme of England, vntyll the .xxxv. yere of the reigne of oure late noble Kynge of moste worthye and famous memorye Henry the .viii. (whose soule God pardone) newly reuysed trulye corrected & amended to the greate pleasure and commodite of all the readers therof England and Wales Anno Domini 1551 Engelska
862 An abstract of all the penal statutes which be general, in force and vse - wherein is conteyned the effect of all those statutes which do threaten to the offenders thereof the losse of life, member, landes, goods, or other punishment or forfaiture whatsoeuer. Whereunto is also added in their apt titles, the effect of such other statutes, wherein there is any thing materiall and most necessarie for eche subiect to knowe. Moreouer, the authoritie and duetie of all iustices of peace, sherifes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, bailiffes, customers, comptrollers of custome, stewards of leets and liberties, aulnegers and purueyors, and what things by the letter of seuerall statutes in force they may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, sythence the Parliament holden anno .23. Elizabeth, and by him corrected and amended England and Wales 1581 Engelska
863 An abstract of all the penal statutes which be generall, in force and vse - wherein is conteined the effect of all those statutes which doe threaten to the offenders thereof the losse of life, member, lands, goods, or other punishment or forfeiture whatsoeuer. VVhereunto is also added in their apt titles, the effect of all other generall statutes, wherein there is any thing materiall and most necessarie for eche subiect to knowe. Moreouer, the aucthoritie and duetie of all iustices, sherifes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, baylifes, customers, comptrollers of custome, stewards of leetes and liberties, aulnegers and purueyors, and what things by the letter of seuerall statutes in force they may, ought, or are compellable to doe. Collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne, and by him corrected and augmented sithence the Parliament holden anno 31. Reginæ Elizabethæ England and Wales Anno. 1592 Engelska
864 The nevv boke of iustices of peace made by Anthonie Fitz Herbard iudge lately translated out of French into Englishe and newlye corrected. The yere of our Lorde. 1554. Cum priuilegio ad impremendum solum Anthony Fitzherbert, Sir the xvii. day of October the yeare of our Lord. 1554 Engelska
865 The orders lavves and ancient customes of swanns. Caused to be printed by Iohn Witherings Esquire, master and governour of the royall game of swans and signets, throughout England England and Wales 1632 Engelska
866 The nevve boke of iustices of peace made by Anthonie Fitz Herbert iudge, lately translated out of French into Englishe and newlye corrected. The yere of our Lorde. 1554. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum Anthony Fitzherbert, Sir the xiij. day of Iuly, the yeare of our Lord. 1566 Engelska
867-869 The boke of iustices of peas (flera utgåvor) Anno of our lorde God M.CCCCC.xxi 1521 Engelska
870 An abstract of al the penall statutes which be generall, in force and vse - wherein is contayned the effect of all those statutes which doe threaten to the offendours therof the losse of life, member, landes, goods, or other punishment or forfaiture whatsoeuer. 2 Whereunto is also added in their apt titles, the effect of such other statutes, wherein there is any thing materiall and most necessary for eche subiect to knowe. 3 Moreouer the aucthoritie et duetie of al iustices of peace, shirifes, coroners, eschetors, maiors, baylifes, customers, comptroulers of custome, stewardes of leetes and liberties, aulnegers and purueiours, and what things by the letter of seuerall statutes in force they may, ought, or are compellable to doe, collected by Fardinando Pulton of Lincolnes Inne Gentelman England and Wales 1578 Engelska
871 A declaration of the causes mouing the Queenes Maiestie of England, to prepare and send a nauy to the seas, for the defence of her realmes against the King of Spaines forces - to bee published by the generals of the saide nauy, to the intent that it shall appeare to the world, that her maiestie armeth her nauy onely to defend her selfe, and to offend her enemies, and not to offend any other, that shall forbeare to strengthen her enemie, but to vse them with all lawfull fauours England and Wales Anno Dom. 1596 Engelska
872 Declaratio causarum serenissimam Maiestatem Reginæ Angliæ mouentium, ad instruendam atque emittendam classem ad regnorum suorum defensionem, contra vires Regis Hispaniæ - per dictæ classis generales euulganda: vt inde enotescat Maiestatem suam arma eo solùm animo sumere, vt se suaque tueatur: hostes verò lædat. Neque instituti sui esse, vt alij quiuis offendantur, qui á præsidijs hosti subministrandis abstinebunt: quin verò vt alij omnes, quos obuios fieri contigerit, iusto fauore amicè habeantur England and Wales Anno 1596 Latin
873 Declaration des causes, qui ont meu sa Serenissime Maiesté d'Angleterre d'equipper, & mettre vne armeé sur mer, pour la deffence de ses royaumes contre les forces du Roy d'Espagne - a publier par les lieutanans generaulx de la dicte armeé afin de faire entendre, a vn chascun, que sa Maiesté dresse ceste armeé naualle, seulement pour sa deffense, & pour courir sus a ses ennemis, & non pas pour endommager ceux qui ne voudront prendre le parti de ses ennemis, mais pour vser plustost de toute faueur & assistance en leur endroit England and Wales 1596 Franska
874 Dichiaratione delle cause che hanno indotta la Serenissima Maestá, della Reina d'Ingilterra, di preparare & mandare sopra il mare vna armata per la difesa de i suoi regni contra le forze d'el Re di Spagna - da esser publicata per i generali della detta armata, accioche sia conosciuto che sua Maestá, ha armato solamente per difenderse e offender li nemici, senza peró voler offender altri chi astenerannosi di adiuutari i suoi nemici, ma trattarli con tutte licite fauore amoreuolmente England and Wales Anno Domini 1596 Italienska
875 Declaracion de las causas que han mouido la Magestad de la Reyna d'Yngalaterra, a embiar vn'armada real, para defensa de sus reynos y señorios contra las fuerças del Rey d'Espana - lo qual se ha de publicar por los generales de ladicha armada, para que todo el mundo sepa, que su Magestad ha juntado est' armada solamente para se defender de sus enemigos y offenderlos, y no en daño de qualesquiera otros que no ayudaren a sus dichos enemigos, a los quales su intencion y voluntad es que se haga todo buen tratamiento England and Wales 1596 Spanska
876 Fyrste the booke for a iustice of peace - The booke that teacheth to keepe a court baron, or a lete. The booke teaching to kepe a court hundred The booke called returna breuium. The booke called charta feodi, conteininge the fourme of deedes, releases, indentures, obligacions, acquitaunces, letters of atturney, letters permutacion, testaments, and other thinges. And the booke of the ordinance to be obserued by the officers of the kinges Escheker for fees taking 1569 Engelska
877 Anno quarto Henrici octaui. These be the statutes established in diuers Parlyaments, for the mistery of the pewterers of London - and concerning the search of pewter, brasse, and vntrue beames and weights, and for deceiuable hawkers, with diuers other orders and redresses to be had in the sayd mystery, with the renewing and confirming of the same statutes England and Wales Anno Domini. 1593 Engelska
878 The contentes of this boke - Fyrste the boke for a iustice of peace. The boke that teacheth to kepe a court baron, or a lete. The boke teaching to kepe a court hundred. The boke called returna breuium. The boke called carta feodi, conteining the forme of dedes, releasses, indentures, obligations, acquytaunces, letters of atturney, letters of permutation, testamentes, and other thynges. And the boke of the ordinance to be obserued by the officers of the kynges Escheker, for fees takyng Anno. M.D.XLIIII. 1544 Engelska
879 The newe boke of iustices of peas, made by Anthony Fitzherbard iudge, lately translated out of Frenche into Englyshe. The yere of our Lorde God M.D.XL. The .xxix. daye of December. Cum priuilegio Anthony Fitzherbert, Sir 1540 Engelska
880 A treatise of the lavves of the forest - vvherein is declared not onely those lawes, as they are now in force, but also the originall and beginning of forests: and what a forest is in his owne proper nature, and wherein the same doth differ from a chase, a parke, or a warren ... Also a treatise of the pourallee, declaring what pourallee is, how the same first began, what a pourallee man may do, how he may hunt and vse his owne pourallee ... Collected, as well out of the common lawes and statutes of this land, as also out of sundrie learned auncient authors, and out of the assises of Pickering and Lancaster, by Iohn Manvvood. Whereunto are added the statutes of the forest, a treatise of the seuerall offices of verderors, regardors, and foresters ... neuer heretofore printed for the publique John Manwood Anno Dom. 1615 Engelska

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